Slovanský a Orientální ústav prošly od svého vzniku do roku 1953 mnohými obměnami a to jak ve smyslu organizačním, tak změnami hlavního směřování badatelských záměrů, násilnou obměnou členské základny i změnami ve financování. Studie se zabývá otázkou příčin a důsledků organizačních změn vedení obou ústavů v průběhu jejich vývoje od skončení druhé světové války po začlenění do Československé akademie věd. Studie se zabývá problematikou vybraných jevů - jak se tyto změny promítly například v nahlížení na samotné začlenění obou ústavů do Akademie věd, jak a kdy probíhala změna těchto zpočátku spíše ''prestižních'' ústavů v ústavy vědecké a co ústavům toto začlenění v širší vědecké organizaci dalo či naopak vzalo. and From their establishment until 1953 the Slavonic and Oriental Institutes underwent numerous changes in the organizational sense, as well as involving the primary direction of research objectives, the compulsory replacement of the membership base and funding. This study deals with the issues surrounding selected phenomena - how these changes were reflected e.g. taking into account the actual incorporation of both institutes in the Academy of Sciences, how and when these initially rather ''prestigious'' institutes turned into ''scientific institutes'' and what they won and lost from this incorporation within larger scientific organizations
This study focuses on one of the elements in Czechoslovak cultural agreements that were entered into with ''Third World Countries'' from the 1950s. These agreements included training for foreign students, both in the form of grants for studying in Czechoslovakia, and the dispatch of Czechoslovak scholars abroad. These scholars were sent not only from higher education institutes, but also from the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (CSAS). This study focuses on CSAS scholars who worked in Iraq in the 1960s.
The study focuses in particular to the institutional development of Czechoslovak ethnography in the period between the end of the World War II and the year 1953. The establishing of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences in the years 1951/1952-1953 made an impact upon many scientific disciplines. Ethnography belonged to the 6th section, but for a long time it had been unclear how the State Institute for Folk Song, whose tradition reached to the year 1905, and the newly established Cabinet for Ethnography were to by connected. The present study tries to capture this effort for preserving the independent study of folklore, even though in close connection with ethnographic research, as well as the problem of the institutional embedding, that is, the gradual hiring of scientific workers, the composition of scientific committee and the editorial boards of important periodicals.