Six-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings were grown in open top chambers (OTCs) at ambient (AC) or elevated (ambient + 400 µmol mol-1; EC) CO2 concentration for three years (1996-1998). Chlorophyll (Chl) a fluorescence of current and one-year-old needles was measured in the field at two-weekly intervals in the period July-October 1998. In addition, Chl, carbon (C), and nitrogen (N) concentrations in both needle age classes were determined monthly during the same period. Chl fluorescence parameters were not significantly affected by EC, suggesting there was no response of the light reactions and the photochemical efficiency of photosystem 2. Chl concentrations were not significantly different but a reduced N concentration was observed in needles of EC treatment. Significant differences between needle age classes were observed for all parameters, but were most apparent under EC and toward the end of the growing season, possibly due to an acclimation process. As a result, significant interactions between CO2 treatment, needle age class, and season were found. This study emphasizes the importance of repeated measures including different leaf/needle age classes to assess the photosynthetic response of trees under EC. and B. Gielen, M. E. Jach, R. Ceulemans.
Dark respiration rate in the night (R D) was measured in five-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees grown for two years under ambient (AC) and elevated (AC + 400 µmol mol-1 = EC) CO2 concentrations in open top chambers. Two needle age classes (i.e., current-year and one-year-old) were measured at AC and EC in both AC- and EC-grown pines. Additionally different chemical characteristics were determined on the needles, such as nitrogen (N), carbon (C), starch, and soluble sugar concentrations as well as specific leaf area. The direct, short-term and indirect, long-term effects of EC on R D for the two needle age classes were examined. R D was expressed on a per needle area, needle mass, N, C, and C/N bases. Direct effects were only pronounced in the AC treatment where inhibition of R D was found at EC in both current- and one-year-old needles. Indirect effects were only significant in one-year-old needles where a decrease was found in the EC grown trees as compared with AC ones when R D was expressed per unit needle mass, C, or C/N. R D per unit needle area and needle N were not sensitive to long-term EC, in any needle age class. Long-term EC treatment also influenced the response of the two needle age classes. One-year-old needles from the EC treatment had significantly lower R D than current-year needles, but no such response was observed in the AC treatment. Our experiment re-emphasised the importance of expressing R D on different bases for a correct interpretation of the responses to EC. Moreover, we showed that different needle age classes can respond differently to a CO2 enrichment. and M. E. Jach, R. Ceulemans.