At the crossroad of European forestry ad forest management. Analysis of a specific chronic crisis of forestry and forest management during last decenniums, its factors, development and differences in perception of forest policy in European and Czech forestry is presented. Typical ideologies of economism and environmentalism, significantly influencing together with globalization the Czech forestry, are characterized and critically evaluated. European third road to forestry future from present forest-political crossroad is specified. It consists in adapting of basic principles of forest management in a cultural landscape in agreement with developing not only economical, but also both, environmental and social needs of Euro-Atlantic civilization to. It concerns especially by broadening economic goals of forestry by forming and incorporating forestry services to economic structure of forest sector like another economic component. This is its defence against appearing and all the time impending forestry marginalisation, as far as forestry economics will be henceforth based exclusively only on wood production.