CORDIS, a new service Unique Registration Facility (URF), was launched on April 27. It will facilitate the preparation of grant agreements between participants and the European Commission. Thanks to the new service, participants in the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) and other programmes managed by the Research Directorate General will no longer have to submit their legal and financial information each time a new grant agreement is in the pipeline. Once participants have been validated by the European Commission´s central validation team for their existence as legal entities and their legal status they will only have to submit their Participant Identification Code (PIC). and Lenka Lepičová.
The Association of European Institutions of Highest Education (EUA) met 7-8 February 2008 to discuss ways to expand its current funidng project. The project aims to collect examples on good practice in cost accounting with specific emphasis on full cost development. To access key data EUA has selected a group of European universitites and is comparing their income and expenditure flows, accounting systems, legal frameworks and progress towards full cost accounting. The data reflects a huge diversity of public funding mechanisms across Europe. and Lenka Lepičová.
This action seeks to open and foster dynamic pathways between public research organizations and private commercial enterprises. It will be implemented through targeted and flexible support for human resource interaction within co-operative programs between at least two organizations, one from each sector (private and public) and from at least two different Member States or Associated Countries. and Lenka Lepičová.