The CzEngClass synonym verb lexicon is a result of a project investigating semantic ‘equivalence’ of verb senses and their valency behavior in parallel Czech-English language resources, i.e., relating verb meanings with respect to contextually-based verb synonymy. The lexicon entries are linked to PDT-Vallex (, EngVallex (, CzEngVallex (, FrameNet (, VerbNet (, PropBank (, Ontonotes (, and Czech ( and English Wordnets ( Part of the dataset is a file reflecting annotators choices for assignment of verbs to classes.
The CzEngClass synonym verb lexicon is a result of a project investigating semantic ‘equivalence’ of verb senses and their valency behavior in parallel Czech-English language resources, i.e., relating verb meanings with respect to contextually-based verb synonymy. The lexicon entries are linked to PDT-Vallex (, EngVallex (, CzEngVallex (, FrameNet (, VerbNet (, PropBank (, Ontonotes (, and Czech ( and English Wordnets ( Part of the dataset are files reflecting annotators choices and agreement for assignment of verbs to classes.
The CzEngClass synonym verb lexicon is a result of a project investigating semantic ‘equivalence’ of verb senses and their valency behavior in parallel Czech-English language resources, i.e., relating verb meanings with respect to contextually-based verb synonymy. The lexicon entries are linked to PDT-Vallex (, EngVallex (, CzEngVallex (, FrameNet (, VerbNet (, PropBank (, Ontonotes (, and Czech ( and English Wordnets (
CzEngVallex is a bilingual valency lexicon of corresponding Czech and English verbs. It connects 20835 aligned valency frame pairs (verb senses) which are translations of each other, aligning their arguments as well. The CzEngVallex serves as a powerful, real-text-based database of frame-to-frame and subsequently argument-to-argument pairs and can be used for example for machine translation applications. It uses the data from the Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank project (PCEDT 2.0, and it also takes advantage of two existing valency lexicons: PDT-Vallex for Czech and EngVallex for English, using the same view of valency (based on the Functional Generative Description theory). The CzEngVallex is available in an XML format in the LINDAT/CLARIN repository, and also in a searchable form (see the “More Apps” tab) interlinked with PDT-Vallex (,EngVallex ( and with examples from the PCEDT.
This package contains data sets for development and testing of machine translation of medical search short queries between Czech, English, French, and German. The queries come from general public and medical experts. and This work was supported by the EU FP7 project Khresmoi (European Comission contract No. 257528). The language resources are distributed by the LINDAT/Clarin project of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (project no. LM2010013).
We thank Health on the Net Foundation for granting the license for the English general public queries, TRIP database for granting the license for the English medical expert queries, and three anonymous translators and three medical experts for translating amd revising the data.
This package contains data sets for development and testing of machine translation of medical queries between Czech, English, French, German, Hungarian, Polish, Spanish ans Swedish. The queries come from general public and medical experts. This is version 2.0 extending the previous version by adding Hungarian, Polish, Spanish, and Swedish translations.
This package contains data sets for development and testing of machine translation of sentences from summaries of medical articles between Czech, English, French, and German. and This work was supported by the EU FP7 project Khresmoi (European Comission contract No. 257528). The language resources are distributed by the LINDAT/Clarin project of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (project no. LM2010013). We thank all the data providers and copyright holders for providing the source data and anonymous experts for translating the sentences.
This package contains data sets for development (Section dev) and testing (Section test) of machine translation of sentences from summaries of medical articles between Czech, English, French, German, Hungarian, Polish, Spanish
and Swedish. Version 2.0 extends the previous version by adding Hungarian, Polish, Spanish, and Swedish translations.
Mapping table for the article Hajič et al., 2024: Mapping Czech Verbal Valency to PropBank Argument Labels, in LREC-COLING 2024, as preprocess by the algorithm described in the paper. This dataset i smeant for verification (replicatoin) purposes only. It will b manually processed further to arrive at a workable CzezchpropBank, to be used in Czech UMR annotation, to be further updated during the annotation. The resulting PropBank frame files fir Czech are expected to be available with some future releases of UMR, containing Czech UMR annotation, or separately.
This multilingual resource contains corpora in which verbal MWEs have been manually annotated. VMWEs include idioms (let the cat out of the bag), light-verb constructions (make a decision), verb-particle constructions (give up), inherently reflexive verbs (help oneself), and multi-verb constructions (make do). This is the first release of the corpora without an associated shared task. Previous version (1.2) was associated with the PARSEME Shared Task on semi-supervised Identification of Verbal MWEs (2020). The data covers 26 languages corresponding to the combination of the corpora for all previous three editions (1.0, 1.1 and 1.2) of the corpora. VMWEs were annotated according to the universal guidelines. The corpora are provided in the cupt format, inspired by the CONLL-U format. Morphological and syntactic information, including parts of speech, lemmas, morphological features and/or syntactic dependencies, are also provided. Depending on the language, the information comes from treebanks (e.g., Universal Dependencies) or from automatic parsers trained on treebanks (e.g., UDPipe). All corpora are split into training, development and test data, following the splitting strategy adopted for the PARSEME Shared Task 1.2. The annotation guidelines are available online: The .cupt format is detailed here: