Sheikh Taqīyuddīn Ahmad ibn cAlī ibn cAbdalqādir ibn Muhammad al-Maqrīzī (1364–1442) was an influential Egyptian historian, remarkable above all for his famous “topographical encyclopaedia of medieval Egypt“ entitled Kitāb al-khitat wa´l-āthār fī Misr wa´l-Qāhira wa´n-Nīl wa mā yatacallaqu bihā min al-akhbār which is mostly known under its abbreviated title al-Khitat (Localities). In the context of chapters devouted to the origination and history of the city of Alexandria (al-Iskandarīya) al-Maqrīzī analyses among others his attitude to Iskandar Dhu´l-Qarnain, a mysterious Qur´ānic character mentioned in several sūras. Contrary to prevailing Islamic view(!) al-Maqrīzī emphasizes that this personage definitely can not be identified with historical Alexander the Great.