In this paper, we discuss an efficient Bayesian computational method when observed data are incomplete in discrete graphical models. The data augmentation (DA) algorithm of Tanner and Wong [8] is applied to finding the posterior distribution. Utilizing the idea of local computation, it is possible to improve the DA algorithm. We propose a local computation DA (LC-DA) algorithm and evaluate its computational efficiency.
Data mining is a set of methods for data processing with the aim to obtain non-trivial information not apparent at first glance usually due to the huge data volume or their complexity. This new scientific discipline helps to solve problems of this kind. and Data mining, neboli dolování dat, je soubor metod sloužících ke zpracování dat a získání netriviálních informací v nich obsažených, které nejsou na první pohled zřejmé a ani zkušení odborníci je nejsou schopni odhalit, zejména z důvodu velikosti datových souborů nebo komplexnosti vazeb. Proto vznikl data mining jako vědní obor, který za pomoci moderní výpočetní techniky řeší podobné problémy.
Morphology of the nematode Viguiera dicrurusi Gupta, 1960 harboured by Dicrurus macrocercus albirictus (Hodgson) (Passseriformes: Dicruridae) from Baruipara in 24-Pargonas (South) district, West Bengal, India was studied by light and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). This represents the first study of V. dicrurusi using SEM. Scanning electron micrographs provided detailed information about the nature of pseudolabial plates, number and shape of teeth, dentate nature of striae, and the relative position of vulva, anus and phasmid opening in female. A detailed morphometrical comparison of this species with Viguiera viduae Chabaud, 1960 described from Dicrurus forficatus from Madagascar indicates that V. viduae is a junior synonym of V. dicrurusi. Two other species, Viguiera bhujangai Jehan, 1972 and Viguiera adsimilisai Sood et Kalia, 1978 are considered species inquirendae.
The Institute of the Rock Structure and Mechanics AS CR operates the GEONAS network that now consists of 17 perm anent GPS observatories. The outliers and in consistencies occur within the time series observed in the winter season 200 5/2006 for the position of the GNSS antennas of the observatories SNEC and BISK located high in the m ountains, at th e Sněžka Mt. (1602 m, the Giant Mts.) and the Biskupská kupa Mt. (890 m, the Jeseníky Mts.) respectively. Therefore web cameras and meteorological sensors were in stalled at GEONAS observatories located in the mountain regions. The snow coverage and other meteorological influences affecti ng the antennas monitoring GPS signals at these observatories were estimated. The individual photos were analyzed and compared to variations in the time series to obtain the time series for winter seasons reducing the snow coverage effects., Milada Grácová, František Mantlík, Vladimír Schenk and Zdeňka Schenková., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
The paper aims at a unification of the two directions in contemporary philosophy of science: the direction which deals with the relation of data to phenomena with the direction which deals with the knowledge about mechanism and its employment in scientific thinking. It aims also at a reconstruction of the development of scientific knowledge which is characterized in contemporary philosophy of science as a movement from data, via phenomena, to mechanisms. An attempt will be made to show that this in fact amounts to an assignment of philosophical categories like data, phenomena, mechanism, etc. This unification and reconstruction draws also on the reconstruction of the main stages of the development of knowledge leading from A.-J. Ångström’s measurement of the wave-lengths of spectral lines of hydrogen in 1868 to N. Bohr’s theory of the hydrogen atom proposed in 1913., Práce se zaměřuje na sjednocení obou směrů současné filosofie vědy: směr, který se zabývá vztahem dat k jevům se směrem, který se zabývá znalostmi o mechanismu a jeho využití ve vědeckém myšlení. Zaměřuje se také na rekonstrukci rozvoje vědeckých poznatků, které jsou v současné filosofii vědy charakterizovány jako pohyb od dat, přes jevy, k mechanismům. Pokusíme se ukázat, že to ve skutečnosti představuje přiřazení filosofických kategorií, jako jsou data, jevy, mechanismy atd. Toto sjednocení a rekonstrukce čerpá také z rekonstrukce hlavních etap rozvoje znalostí vedoucích z A.- J. Ångströmovo měření vlnových délek spektrálních čar vodíku v roce 1868 až N., and Igor Hanzel
Arithmetic networks consist of neural, Boolean and fuzzy ones. Supposing the acyclic structure, decomposition of arithmetic network is possible. There are three results of our analysis: node unification, edge unification and network decomposition. We obtain only 14 node types and 4 edge types for realization of a wide class of traditional arithmetic networks from literature. The main result of our work is the splitting of the competitive neurons (nodes) to distance and soft extreme nodes. The side result of analysis is using the group of nodes instead of layer. It enables grouping the nodes of the same type but with the possibility of long interconnections. The main aiin of our work was to realize the system of arithmetic networks in the SQL language on any SQL server. The database realization enables not only saving, watching and editing the network structures and parameters but also studying the response of archived networks. The learning process was not included because of being iterative in general and unrealizable without loops on database server at that time.