One of the main ideas of the education reform in the Slovak Republic, which started in 2008, was transition from memorizing to active and creative studying. This transformation has begun also in physics education. Now we are more than four years after the reform and we can analyse what has been done in active access in physics education. This article presents the consequences of the reform on physics education with focus zhe one experimental methods of the objects and subjects of the education process. The actual data was taken from the electronic questionnaire focusing on the current situation in this area which was given physics teachers., Prechod od memorovania k aktívnemu a tvorivému získavaniu fyzikálnych poznatkov, vlastností a súvislostí bol jednou z hlavných myšlienok transformácie fyzikálneho vzdelávania na našich školách, ktorú spustila školská reforma v roku 2008. Po takmer štvorročnom období možno pristúpiť k sledovaniu a hodnoteniu vzniknutého stavu. Článok pojednáva o dôsledkoch reformy na podmienky fyzikálneho vzdelávania so zameraním na experimentálnu činnosť účastnikov edukačneho procesu. Analyzuje súčasný stav experimentovania na školách zameraných na experimentálnu činnosť učitel'ov a ich študentov. Údaje o aktuálnej situácii v tejto oblasti boli Í zisťované prieskumom prostredníctvom elektronického dotazníka medzi učiteľmi fyziky., Marek Balážovič., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Text prináša prehľad aktuálnych a nových poznatkov súvisiacich s problematikou zvládania stresu. Približuje najnovšie prístupy k definovaniu konceptu zvládania stresu, ktoré zdôrazňujú úlohu regulácie a emócií v procese zvládania. Zaoberá sa tiež aktuálnymi usmerneniami kategorizácie a sumarizácie najviac rozšírených a používaných dimenzií zvládacích stratégií. V závere popisuje a predstavuje tri najaktuálnejšie trendy v prístupe a výskume zvládania stresu, ktoré sa postupne objavujú aj v slovenských výskumoch., The article provides an overview of actual and new knowledge related to the issue of coping. The text brings the latest definition of coping, which highlights the role of regulation and emotions in the coping process. The author deals with current guidelines to categorize and summarize the most widely used coping strategies. In conclusion the author describes three trends in coping research., Monika Vavricová., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Cardiovascular (CV) mortality was reduced more than 50 % in the Czech population at the turn of the century, due to an improvement of major CV risk factors in the general population, interventional procedures implemented into the treatment of acute coronar y events, and new drugs (ACE inhibitors, statins etc.) for CV prevention (Czech MONICA and post-MONICA studies, 1985-2008). An insufficient level of preventive efforts is described in the Czech patients after acute coronary syndrome (Czech part of the EURO ASPIRE studies, 1995-2013). Drug underdosing and wrong patients’ compliance to life style and drug therapy recommendations represent two main reasons of this unsatisfactory situation. The residual vascular risk of patients with stable coronary heart diseas e (CHD) is still high due to a poor control of conventional risk factors on the one hand, and due to increasing weight and glucose metabolism abnormalities on the other hand. Patients with insulin resistance and glucose dis orders have more frequently non-LDL-C dyslipidemia (atherogenic dyslipidemia), hypertriglyceridemic waist and high atherogenic index of plasma (AIP>0.24), i.e. markers of residual CV risk. Among others increased dose of statins and combined lipid modifying therapy should be implemented in patients with CHD, diabetes or metabolic syndrome., H. Rosolová, B. Nussbaumerová, O. Mayer Jr., R. Cífková, J. Bruthans., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Clear-cutting, the main method of harvesting in many forests in the world, causes a series of dramatic environmental changes to the forest habitat and removes habitat resources for arboreal and epigeal species. It results in considerable changes in the composition of both plant and animal communities. Ants have many critical roles in the maintenance and functioning of forest ecosystems. Therefore, the response of ants to clear-cutting and the time it takes for an ant community to recover after clear-cutting are important indicators of the effect of this harvesting technique on the forest ecosystem. We investigated ground-dwelling ant communities during secondary succession of deciduous forests in Transylvania, Romania. Using space-for-time substitution, we explored a chronosequence from clear-cuts to mature forests (> 120 years). The object was to determine if cutting has measurable effects on ant community structure, and if ant species richness differs between successional stages. We recorded a total of 24 species of ants, 11 characteristic of forests and seven of open landscape. Ant species richness was higher in clear-cuts compared to closed-canopy and old stands. Number of ant individuals was highest in young age classes and lowest in closed-canopy age classes. There was no drastic change in species richness during the succession, however differences in community composition at different stages were recorded. Open landscape species are able to rapidly colonize following disturbance but disappear when the forest sites mature and many forest ant species are capable of surviving clear cutting., Ioan Tăuşan, Jens Dauber, Maria R. Trică, Bálint Markó., and Obsahuje bibliografii
This study attempts to analyse the basic tendency of the Austrian state to regulate and control the move of inhabitants. After fading of population theories that saw state wealth in the population growth, therefore supporting immigration, the period of the Napoleonic wars came that became catalyser of a rapid legal development in the field of immigration. Entirely unprepared Austria specialised its basic strategies in respect of foreigners and of the population move control. The attitude of the state to foreigners determines their "utility for the state", which finally results in the establishment of categories of foreigners: privileged, facultative, and undesirable. Applying practical examples, the study specifies such classification of foreigners and of their destinies within the Austrian state. The privileged: The Netherlands textile specialists in the fine cloth factory in Náměšť near Brno; Turkish merchants and subjects of the High Porte of the Jewish religion; the facultative: the Netherlands state officers who, due to their loyalty to Austria, had to leave their homeland after the occupation of the Austrian Netherlands (later Belgium) by the French Republic; the undesirable: The French who were potentially suspected of propagation of revolution ideas or of espionage; here examples of the high French nobility have been specified, i.e. of the de Bombelles family and of dismissed highranking officers of the elite Prince de Condé Regiment (then in active service of Russia)., Zdeňka Stoklásková., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
V naší fauně jsou známy dva původní druhy suchozemských neparazitických ploštěnců (Microplana terrestris a M. humicola) a další dva nepůvodní druhy se pravidelně vyskytují ve sklenících (Bipalium kewense a Rhynchodemus sylvaticus). Výskyt druhého z nepůvodních druhů je pravděpodobný i ve volné přírodě., Two native species of free-living terrestrial flatworms (Microplana terrestris and M. humicola) are known in the wild of the Czech Republic and two other non-native species (Bipalium kewense and Rhynchodemus sylvaticus) have been repeatedly recorded in the greenhouses. The occurrence of the later non-native species is also likely in the outdoors., and Michal Horsák.
The most common cause of sudden cardiac death is ventricular fibrillation (VF). In addition to the status, size and location of the ventricular focus, a major pathogenic mechanism triggering VF is autonomic dysbalance (d isturbance). This term refers to a wide range of reflex changes in the ratio of sympathetic to vagal ventricular activation over time, occurring immediately after coronary artery occlusion at the onset of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Another trigger of VF is autonomic disturbance due to emotional stress. Experimental and clinical research into autonomic disturbances associated with coronary artery occlusion and emotional stress was given considerable attention as early as some 30 years ago when researchers were already searching for ways of inhibiting autonomic disturbances using predominant sympathetic and vagal activation by beta-blockers (BB) and atropine, respectively. The aim of our paper is to compare results obtained 30 years ago with current status of experimental and clinical research into SCD preven tion. Another aim is to identify questions that have remained unanswered to date; answers to these outstanding questions could help further reduce the risk of SCD., J. Pokorný, V. Staněk, M. Vrána., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy