V inventáři světové vědy má Chorvatsko jen málo záznamů - dokonce ještě méně, než jich mají třeba naše země. O to vnímavější bychom měli být k jeho historickým úspěchům. Patří k nim na prvním místě Rudjer Josip Boškovič (1711-1787), jezuita, ale zároveň i osvícenec, jehož dílo ovlivnilo vývoj věd snad ve všech evropských zemích., Josef Smolka., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Rastrovacie sondové mikroskopie významne ovplyvnili fyziku povrchov, elektrochémiu či biológiu, ale aj viacero technologických oblastí od výroby pevných diskov po kozmetiku. Priniesli rad nových poznatkov a použitie obrazov, získaných pomocou niektorej z nich, sa v publikáciach stalo skoro módou. Nedávno oslávili tri techniky, ktoré patria do tejto rozvetvenej rodiny, malé výročia. Stručne si ich týmto príspevkom pripomenieme., Štefan Lányi., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Interactions involving host plants (cowpea, groundnut, cotton, sunflower, greengram, blackgram) an insect herbivore, black legume aphid Aphis craccivora Koch (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and a predator, the zigzag beetle Cheilomenes sexmaculata (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) were investigated during 2014-2015. The preference of the aphid A. craccivora for host plants measured in terms of growth and multiplication was cowpea > groundnut > greengram > blackgram > sunflower > cotton (most preferred to least preferred). Cowpea was the most preferred host plant for growth and multiplication of A. craccivora. Aphid's oviposition period was longest, fecundity greatest; adult longevity longest (188.40 ± 28.87 h; 52.00 ± 10.92; 231.60 ± 40.41 h), and nymphal mortality was lowest (0%) when reared on cowpea followed by groundnut, greengram and blackgram. Aphids had highest nymphal mortality (100%), with very few or no live adults produced, when reared on sunflower and cotton, the least preferred host of A. craccivora in this study. At the third trophic level, both the larvae and the adults of the coccinellid, Cheilomenes sexmaculata, consumed more of the aphids reared on groundnut than of those reared on blackgram, greengram, cowpea, sunflower and cotton. The biochemical constituents (phenols) present in cotton and sunflower, which contributed to the aphid's nymphal mortality, also affected the feeding behaviour of the coccinellid., Snehasish Routray, Karnam V. Hari Prasad., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Investigations on the epizoic fauna of Gadus morhua (L.), Piatichthys flesus (L.) and Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) from the Kiel Fjord and Kiel Bight were carried out from September 1996 to March 1997. Smears from 120 G. morhua and 92 P. flesus caught using fish traps and trammel nets, and of 35 O. mykiss obtained from a local fish farm in the Kiel Fjord revealed the presence of three species of trichodinid ciliatcs, Trichodina claviformis sp. n., Trichodina jadranica Haider, 1964 and Trichodina raahei Loin, 1962. The new species can be distinguished from other trichodinids by its large size in combination with the characteristically shaped adhesive disc containing denticles with club-like formed thorns. The thorns are directed anteriorly and not towards the centre of the adhesive disc. As the Kiel Bight and Kiel Fjord are new locality records for T. jadranica and T. raabei, morphological data are provided for both species. Trichodina claviformis is the first record of a pcrilrichous mobiline ciliate from Atlantic cod of the Baltic Sea. An identification Icey for 16 Trichodina species occurring on Baltic Sea fishes is provided based on the morphology of the adhesive disc and other well-established features The occurrence of trichodinid ciliates on G. morhua and P. flesus in the Baltic Sea is discussed, especially considering the biology of the host and a possible host specificity of the species.
The protein pattern of Trichuris chilensis obtained by sodium dodecyl sulfatc-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was analyzed. Complex protein band patterns covering a wide range of molecular weights were obtained. The molecular weights of the major proteins present in different tissue homogenatcs were estimated. Antisera raised in rabbits against homogenates of T. chilensis and sera from naturally infected Ctenomys australis were used in Western blotting, Immunoelectrophoresis and passive hemagglutination to compare the antigenicity of the adult male, adult female, eggs, oocytes, stichosome and cuticle of this parasite. Specific antibodies to parasite antigens were also detected in faecal preparations and caecum mucosal extracts of C. australis naturally infected with T, chilensis.
Historický ústav Akademie věd ČR Praha CZ ST F1510 přív. 5, Książnica Cieszyńska Cieszyn PL I DD I 4, Knihovna Národního muzea Praha CZ 48 A 14 adl. 1, Královská kanonie premonstrátů na Strahově - Strahovská knihovna Praha CZ CO V 14 adl. 5, Královská kanonie premonstrátů na Strahově - Strahovská knihovna Praha CZ CY V 14 adl. 9, Národní knihovna ČR Praha CZ 25 D 313, Národní knihovna ČR Praha CZ 47 A 6, Klášter dominikánů - knihovna Praha CZ C II 43, Klášter dominikánů - knihovna Praha CZ C II 43a, Knihovna Akademie věd ČR Praha CZ TD 206 adl., Vědecká knihovna v Olomouci Olomouc CZ III 2.945, Vědecká knihovna v Olomouci Olomouc CZ II 35.321, and BCBT41965