Euro-Biolmaging, an EU project, aims to create a pan-European infrastructure for biological and biomedical imaging. It will consist of closely interlinked leading European imaging facilities offering to European researchers an open access to a wide range of innovative imaging technologies. These technologies are used, for example, in researching new diagnostics and curing serious diseases. The Euro-Biolmaging published a first call for future Euro-Biolmaging nodes in January 2014. In total, 71 imaging facilities from 19 countries submitted their Expression of Interest to become a Euro-Biolmaging node. The Czech Republic submitted two applications. and Pavel Hozák.
Vědecký poradní výbor evropských akademií (European Academies Science Advisory Council - EASAC) sdružuje akademie věd členských zemí EU, Norska a Švýcarska. Záměrem EASAC je připravovat evropským politikům nezávislá vědecká stanoviska a doporučení - každoročně vydává několik souhrnných zpráv nejen pro politiky, ale i laickou veřejnost., Oceans and seas play a crucial role in regulating our climate, nurturing biodiversity, and providing income and food to people around the world. At COP21, governments across the globe agreed that a more aggressive limit for global warming should be set as an essential step toward a more stable relationship between the ocean and climate. In spite of this positive direction, however, marine sustainability faces many challenges, according to a new report issued by the European Academies of Science Advisory Council (EASAC) and the European Commission's Joint Research Centre., and Ondřej Prášil.