Migration research is an emerging field in the Czech Republic and data collection poses many methodological challenges. Some of the problems are universal for the research of other hard-to-reach populations. Other problems are, on the contrary, unique, applying only for the research of immigrants and could be country specific. This article focusses mainly on the quantitative research of immigrants where the issue of sampling problem is of major concern. The aim of the article is to address the issue of sampling immigrants in the context of the Czech Republic. In the first part of the article, there is a review of existing methodological approaches to researching immigrant populations. The focus here is on potential problems when applying particular methods in the Czech context. The second part of the article is dedicated to a review of four major Czech sample surveys of immigrants that are compared in terms of their methodology and basic results
Cizopasné druhy rodů Scybalium a Lophophytum z čeledi hlivencovitých (Balanophoraceae) jsou vázány na původní neporušené pralesy Jižní Ameriky. Vyznačují se zajímavou a neobvyklou morfologií, dozvíme se o způsobech opylení i jejich možných opylovačích. Je možné, že podobné cizopasné rostliny existovaly již v triasu, to by změnilo naše představy o vzniku krytosemenných rostlin. and Parasitic species of the genus Scybalium and Lophophytum from the family Balanophoraceae are components of non-disturbed virgin forests of South America. They are distinguished by their specific morphology. The article also provides information on their pollination and putative pollinators. It seems that similar parasitic plants already existed in the Triassic. This fact may change our views on the development of angiosperms.
Pollution of the water environment by foreign substances is an important factor affecting the health of fish, their reproduction and hygienic quality. Almost 100,000 chemical compounds are currently used, and get into the environment. This article describes the causes and sources of water pollution and deals with the known effects of particular contaminants, including mercury, on freshwater fish, i. a. in terms of their position in the food chain. and Tomáš Randák.
Let D be a Cd q-convex intersection, d > 2, 0 6 q 6 n − 1, in a complex manifold X of complex dimension n, n > 2, and let E be a holomorphic vector bundle of rank N over X. In this paper, Ck-estimates, k = 2, 3, . . . ,1, for solutions to the -equation with small loss of smoothness are obtained for E-valued (0, s)-forms on D when n − q 6 s 6 n. In addition, we solve the -equation with a support condition in Ck-spaces. More precisely, we prove that for a -closed form f in Ck 0,q(X \ D,E), 1 6 q 6 n − 2, n > 3, with compact support and for " with 0 < " < 1 there exists a form u in Ck−ε 0,q−1(X \ D,E) with compact support such that u = f in X \ D. Applications are given for a separation theorem of Andreotti-Vesentini type in Ck-setting and for the solvability of the -equation for currents., Shaban Khidr, Osama Abdelkader., and Seznam literatury
Článek metodologicky vychází z modelu soudní interpretace práva vytvořeného polským právním teoretikem Jerzym Wróblewskim a z jeho rozlišování mezi tzv. pravidly výkladu (interpretačními směrnicemi) prvního a druhého stupně. Zdůrazňuje však, že v případě interpretace mezinárodních (mezistátních) smluv není použití určitého pravidla výkladu závislé na volbě samotného interpreta, ale je diktováno pozitivním právem, především čl. 31 a 32 Vídeňské úmluvy o smluvním právu (1969). To platí zejména, jde-li o pravidla výkladu prvního stupně. Na základě uvedených východisek článek definuje, jaká pravidla výkladu prvního stupně – jazyková, systémová či funkcionální – Vídeňská úmluva stanoví, resp. jaká pravidla výkladu na jejím základě aplikuje Mezinárodní soudní dvůr. and The methodology of the article is based on the model of judicial interpretation of law developed by the Polish legal theorist Jerzy Wróblewski and on his distinction between the first level and the second level rules (directives) of interpretation. It argues, however, that in the case of interpretation of international (interstate) treaties the use of a concrete rule does not depend on the interpreter’s choice but is prescribed by positive law, namely by articles 31 and 32 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (1969). This is particularly true when applying the first level rules of interpretation.
Building on these principles the article defines what are the first level rules of interpretation that the Vienna Convention prescribes or,more precisely, what are the first level rules of interpretation that the International Court of Justice applies on its basis.
The effect of β3-adrenoceptor (β3-AR) agonists on adipocytes treated or not tr eated with signaling modulators has not been sufficiently elucidated. Using rat epididymal adipocytes (adipocytes) labeled with [ 32 P]orthophosphate, we found that treatment with the selective β3-AR agonist CL316243 (CL; 1 μ M) induces phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3,4,5-triphosphate (PI[3,4,5]P3) production and that this response is inhibited by adenosine deaminase (ADA, an adenosine -degrading enzyme; 2 U/ml), pertussis toxin (PTX, an inactivator of inhibitory guanine-nucleotide-binding protein; 1 μ g/ml), or wortmannin (WT, a PI -kinase inhibitor; 3 μ M). The results showed that CL induced PI(3,4,5)P 3 production in intact adipocytes and that this production was affected by signaling modulators. Taken together, our findings indicate that CL produces PI(3,4,5)P3 in an ADA-sensitive, PTX-sensitive, or WT-sensitive manner and will advance understanding of the effect of β3-AR agonists on adipocytes., Y. Ohsaka, Y. Nomura., and Obsahuje bibliografii
A cladistic analysis of the species of Sericania Motschulsky, 1860, was executed using fifty-six morphological characters of adults. The monophyly of the genus is supported by the phylogenetic trees generated. Among the three major lineages indicated by the strict consensus tree the East Asian Sericania fuscolineata lineage represents the genus Sericania as defined "originally" and adopted by subsequent authors. The second, the clade Sericania nepalensis group + Sericania sp. 2, is a sister group to the S. fuscolineata clade. Both constitute a sister group to the third major lineage, the Sericania kashmirensis clade, which is endemic in the drier North-West Himalaya where it is the most diverse monophyletic group of Sericini. Provided that the stem species of the S. kashmirensis clade was xerophilous, the origin of this clade can not predate the early Miocene. Based on paleoclimatical and geological data, two competing hypotheses are proposed to explain the evolution of the xerophilous Sericania lineage: (a) a basal splitting within Sericania occurred because of the altitudinal and climatic barrier posed by the Himalaya, which separated the xerophilous lineage in the north (Tibet) from the hygrophilous lineage in the south-east (S slope of Himalaya/ Tibet), or (b) it was a consequence of the increase in the climatic east-west contrast along the southern slope of the Himalaya, which strengthened with the onset of monsoons 8 Ma ago.