The early postdenervation depolarization of rat diaphragm muscle fibres (8-10 mV) is substantially smaller (3 mV) when muscle strips are bathed with 1 mM L-glutamate (GLÜ) or N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA). The effects of GLÜ and NMDA are not seen in the presence of aminophosphonovaleric acid (APV), a blocker of NMDA-subtype of glutamate receptors, 5 mM Mg2+ (which blocks NMDA-controlled ion channels) and L-nitroarginine methylester (NAME), an inhibitor of NO-synthase. This indicates that NMDA-subtype of GL(J receptors might be involved in the regulation of the membrane potential in muscle fibres, most probably through the NO-synthase system.
The taxonomy of Diplectanum Diesing, 1858, a genus of monopisthocotylean monogeneans, remains unsettled and needs to be revised based on new morphological criteria. Recent studies in monopisthocotyleans have shown that the muscle arrangement in the posterior attachment organ (haptor) differs between congeneric species and can be used as an additional criterion in genus-level taxonomy. To explore the possibility of using the haptoral musculature and nervous system in the taxonomy of Diplectanum, we conducted a detailed confocal-microscopy study of three species of Diplectanum (D. aculeatum Parona et Perugia, 1889, D. sciaenae van Beneden et Hesse, 1863 and D. similis Bychowsky, 1957) with phalloidin staining for muscle and indirect immunostaining for 5HT and FMRFamide. A further goal was to clarify the functional mechanics of the haptor and the role of its essential components (squamodiscs and anchors) in attachment to the host. The system of connecting bars and gaffing anchors was found to have a complex musculature consisting of 23 muscles in D. aculeatum and D. sciaenae, and 21 muscles in D. similis. The squamodiscs were shown to be operated by several groups of muscles attached primarily to the area termed the squamodisc fulcrum. Most of the haptoral musculature is identical in D. aculeatum and D. sciaenae and these species differ only in the presence of a muscle sheath around the tissue strand between the squamodiscs in D. sciaenae and in the different patterns of superficial squamodisc muscles. Diplectanum similis shows more significant differences from the other two species: besides lacking two of the haptoral muscles, it also differs in the shapes and arrangement of several other muscles. The nervous system of all three species conforms to the general pattern typical for the Dactylogyroidea and shows little variation between species., Anatoly A. Petrov, Evgenija V. Dmitrieva, Maryana P. Popyuk, Pavel I. Gerasev, Sergey A. Petrov., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Dávná otázka týkající se existence podélných vln, která sužovala již elastickou teorii světla, se v dnešní době opět vynořuje v podobě otázky z nadpisu tohoto článku. Maxwellovy rovnice jsou speciálním limitním případem, který připouští existenci pouze příčných vln. Pokud by toto omezení platilo jen jako blízká aproximace, objevil by se v některých fundamentálních zákonech záření z důvodu "třetího stupně volnosti" dodatečný faktor 3/2. V tomto případě bychom mohli oprávněně považovat Maxwellovu teorii za podezřelou, neboť neradi připouštíme, že by vhodným popisem přírody mohla být mezní teorie, jejíž předpovědi se podstatně a nespojitě liší od předpovědí teorie platné při jakkoliv blízkém přiblížení k limitnímu případu. V tomto článku na jednoduchém (i když fiktivním) případě ideálního vodiče ukážeme, že vhodným rozžšířením Procových rovnic do látek se těmto nespojitostem vyhneme a dostaneme tak správný faktor ve všech vztazích (tj. bez dodatečných 3/2) i pro klidovou hmotnost fotonu rovnou současné horní mezi vyplývající ze známých úvah., Ludvík Bass, Erwin Schrödinger ; přeložil Marti Zdráhal., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The town of Český Krumlov served in the past as a traditional seat for important noble families. Several institutions, each having its own tasks but also capable of collaborating with the others on special occasions, shared in providing music in the castle, the church, and other locations. Comparison with the situation in other towns indicates that around 1500, in conditions of a consolidated post-Hussite society in which lay persons took over a portion of responsibilities in churches from the institutionalized church, whose property they had secularized, there arose in Bohemia a model of musical life whereby professional, semi-professional, and amateur performers, whose indispensible base was in the schools, joined forces in churches and noble residences. This model made possible the blossoming of Bohemian musicality in the eighteenth century, and continued to function into the second half of the nineteenth century or, in some respects, even longer. It finally waned as a consequence of social changes that were projected into the school system, whereby training in church singing and in the playing of instruments was replaced by practical instruction.