This paper introduces some major conceptual enhancements to the morphological annotation of the SYN series corpora of the Czech National Corpus. Apart from minor changes in tokenization and in the positional tagset, three major conceptual changes have been applied which affect the representation of various lexical and grammatical patterns. In the paper, we present the actual impact of the changes in linguistic data and search for possibilities in three linguistic areas. First, the treatment of phonic, graphemic, and morphological variants via a two-tier lemma structure is discussed; second, a new approach to periphrastic verb forms, auxiliaries, participles and the interpretation of verbal grammatical categories through a new attribute, called verbtag, is explained; and third, a complex multi-value treatment of multiword tokens is introduced.
Evoluce sociálního chování může být usnadněna specifickými změnami v organizaci genomu, které snižují genetickou variabilitu jedinců v kolonii a podporují tak vzájemnou spolupráci. Jedná se zejména o haplodiploidii blanokřídlých a komplexní heterozygotnost některých všekazů. Zvláštní pozornost je věnována evoluci karyotypu sociálních pavouků. Diskutována je komplexní heterozygotnost objevená u některých ras australské maloočky Delena cancerides (Sparassidae). Srovnání stepníků rodu Stegodyphus (Eresidae) s různými úrovněmi sociálního chování ukazuje na snižování diploidního počtu u kvazisociálních zástupců a na vznik kryptických sociálních druhů. and Sociality is often accompanied by specific changes of genome organization, which could lead to the downsizing of genetic variability among sibs. In this review, we discuss the significance of haplodiploidy in Hymenoptera and complex sex-linked heterozygosity in some Isoptera for the evolution of social behaviour. Special attention is given to social spiders, where sex-linked heterozygosity arose in the huntsman spider Delena cancerides. Cytogenetic approaches have revealed cryptic speciation events in social spiders of the genus Stegodyphus, where rapid reductions of 2n seem to be linked with the evolution of sociality.
The changed socio-political conditions and transformation processes after 1989 had a significant impact on many spheres of life of our society. The text discusses these circumstances in connection with the issue of breastfeeding and its reflection from the perspective of mothers of two generations. The rise in popularity of breastfeeding and its preferences as the most appropriate method of nutrition in young children has been apparent for longer than adecade not only in Slovakia. This has been confirmed by works in the medical field as well as research on a specific sample of informants, on which the study is based. It attempts to reach an ethnological interpretation of the perception of breastfeeding by current mothers and women of an older generation. It confronts the attitudes of older women and current mothers towards breastfeeding and phenomena related thereto. It concludes that in recent years breastfeeding has been on the rise in comparison with the previous generation of mothers. The author considers the increased promotion of breastfeeding and the irreplaceability of breast milk in child nutrition to be the main factors contributing to this situation.
Struktura osídlení je u jednotlivých paleolitických kultur rozdílná. Cílem tohoto příspěvku je poukázat na odlišnosti v sídelní geografii s pomocí 3–D digitální kartografie. Zájmové území představuje mikroregion brněnské kotliny. Studovány jsou sídelní strategie bohunicienu, gravettienu/epigravettienu a magdaleniénu. and The settlement patterns of individual Palaeolithic cultures differ. This paper aims to demonstrate the variations in settlement geography with the aid of three–dimensional digital cartography. The study area is the Brno basin microregion, and settlement strategies of the Bohunician, Gravettian/Epigravettian, and Magdalenian are considered.
This paper presents findings about changes in voting behaviour that occurred between elections into Regional Councils 2008 and 2012 in the Czech Republic. The analysis deals with comparison of real outcomes of elections 2012 and the outcomes of elections 2012 estimated by astatistical model called LOCCONTINGENCY. The estimation is based on regional structure of votes for political parties in the previous elections into Regional Councils 2008. The main objective of these analyses is to find out and to explain differences between reality and model estimation. The results help us explain the rise and decline of votes for political parties, especially for regional ones, between elections 2008 and 2012., Daniel Čermák., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Semantic changes observed in aphasic patients are examined in two aspects: as transfers of names and transfers of meaning. The most frequent in the material under scrutiny are semantic changes resulting form the contiguity of meanings (metonymies) and shifts motivated by the similarity of names (paronymies). Changes based on the similarity of meanings (metaphors) and the contiguity of names (ellipses) are less frequent. The relative frequencies of the mechanisms underlying semantic change in aphasia lead one to reflect on the nature of cognitive functions in aphasic patients. That the configurations of form and content, obtained by analyzing aphasic texts, are stored in people´s cognitive structures and as such constitute templates or patterns necessary for the comprehension and description of reality, as well as for the segmentation of interpreted sequences of information. The patterns recognized in the present study pertain primarily to the visible, physical world, judgments of non-material mental images are less frequent.