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41222. Výstavba ELI pokračuje
- Creator:
- Svoboda, Luděk
- Format:
- Type:
- article, zprávy, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- Věda. Všeobecnosti. Základy vědy a kultury. Vědecká práce, budovy vědeckých a odborných institucí, výstavba, buildings of scientific and technical institutions, real estate development, 12, and 00
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Isd. and Pod textem je uvedena šifra autora Isd
- Rights:
- and policy:public
41223. Vystěhovalectví z českých zemí na Krym
- Creator:
- Havránek, Pavel
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- Czechs and Ukrainians, emigration, and compatriot community
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- The study focuses on the compatriot community in Ukraine, particularly on the Crimea peninsula. In the introduction, attention is paid to the history of settlement of southern Ukraine by the Czech ethnic group in the 1860s. The reasons which made several hundreds of people leave their home region, their mother country, the initial problems they had to deal with in the new land, adaptation to the new living conditions, etc. are further discussed. Apart from the past, this essay also covers the present situation. This is the period when the former Czech villages have become multinational, while the Czechs do not form the majority population in any of them as they used to in the past. In spite of the gradual irrepressible process of assimilation, the Czech Republic tries to help its compatriots. This concerns above all the funding of reconstruction of associational buildings, purchase of their equipment, assistance with organizing compatriot meetings and so on. the main emphasis is, however, on the field of education, especially on Czech language retention.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
41224. Vysvětlení…: Ad Kristina Andělová: "Jak mluvit o marxismu v humanitních vědách?" (K textu Romana Kandy "Strukturalisté dělají marxismus" a k reakci Pavla Janouška "Diskurzivní bublina jako nástroj marketingové propagace marxismu")
- Creator:
- Janoušek, Pavel
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Rights:
- and policy:public
41225. Vytrvale ve stopách Jiřího Langra
- Creator:
- Bryol, Radek
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Článek obsahuje výběrovou bibliografii jubilanta za léta 2006-2016
- Rights:
- and policy:public
41226. Vytváření členské základny ČSAV v roce 1952
- Creator:
- Beran, Jiří
- Type:
- article and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Výběr členů pro novou instituci byl jedním z úkolů, jimiž byla usnesením vlády ČSR z 15. ledna 1952 pověřena Vládní komise pro vybudování Československé akademie věd pod vedením Ladislava Štolla. Autor sleduje postup jejích prací v této oblasti, přičemž pozornost zaměřuje zejména k politickým kritériím výběru. Všímá si též toho, jak byl řešen vztah ČSAV k předpokládaným oborovým akademiím, z nichž nakonec vznikla na jedno desetiletí jedině Československá akademie zemědělských věd, a sleduje i zastoupení slovenských vědců v ČSAV, vedle níž byla roku 1953 nově zřízena Slovenská akademie věd. Na zřeteli má přitom hlavně otázku, do jaké míry navazovala nová instituce personálně a systémově na starší vědecké společnosti tohoto typu v Československu. V přílohách jsou pak otištěny seznamy řádných členů a členů korespondentů z roku 1952, jakož i seznam devětadvaceti vědců vyloučených na poslední chvíli z voleb členů korespondentů v důsledku zákroku dogmatiků z aparátu Ústředního výboru KSČ. ČSAV sice vyrůstala pod kuratelou komunistické strany, v práci vládní komise se však přitom prosazovaly určité prvky demokratičnosti. Výběr řádných členů v některých přírodovědných disciplínách odpovídal jejich vědecké kapacitě. Těžce postiženy naproti tomu byly společenskovědní obory, zejména filozofie, sociologie a politická ekonomie, kde za násilného prosazování marxismu v jeho stalinské podobě byla zcela zpřetrhána jejich souvislost s předchozím vývojem, a aplikací doktrín platných v sovětské vědě utrpěly i biologické vědy. V souvislosti s výběrem členů si autor všímá zvláště historiků a poukazuje na tehdejší zápas o ideový profil české historiografie. Velké překvapení podle něj nastalo, když politický sekretariát ÚV KSČ nepřipustil, aby se řádným členem a významným funkcionářem ČSAV stal Ladislav Štoll, s odůvodněním, že se s ním počítá jako s nástupcem Zdeňka Nejedlého ve funkci ministra školství. Autor nevylučuje, že Klement Gottwald, který byl podle ne zcela bezpečného svědectví tlačen k rozšiřování procesů i do sféry kultury, nechtěl posilovat pozice člověka, jehož hodnotící přístupy k literatuře otevíraly v tehdejším společenském kontextu cestu k postihům takového druhu., The selection of members for the new institution was one of the tasks the Government Commission for Development of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences under the leadership of Ladislav Štoll was entrusted with by a government decision of 15 January 1952. The article examines the work of the Commission in this area, focusing in particular on the political criteria of selection. It also considers how the relationship was defined between the Academy and its assumed sub-academies, of which ultimately only the Czechoslovak Academy of Agricultural Sciences came into being and survived for one decade. It also examines the extent to which Slovak scholars were represented in the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, and then looks at the establishment of the separate Slovak Academy of Sciences in 1953. The article mainly considers the extent to which the new institution was based on earlier academic societies of the kind in Czechoslovakia in terms of staff and organization. The article includes lists of ordinary members and corresponding members from 1952, as well as a list of 29 scholars excluded in the last minute from elections of corresponding members, after intervention by dogmatic members of the apparat Central Committee of the Czechoslovak Communist Party. Although the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences developed under the wing of the Communist Party, in the work of the Government Commission certain elements of democratic thinking nevertheless made themselves felt. The selection of ordinary members in some of the natural sciences was made with an eye to academic qualifications. By contrast, branches of the social sciences were hard hit, particularly philosophy, sociology, and political economy, where, with the forced promotion of Stalinist Marxism, their connection with previous developments was completely severed. With the application of doctrines applied in Soviet science and scholarship, biology and its related disciplines suffered as well, however. In connection with the selection of members, the author pays particular attention to historians and discusses the struggle over ideology in Czech historiography. It came as a great surprise, he notes, when the political secretariat of the Central Committee of the CPCz refused to make Ladislav Štoll an ordinary member and important functionary of the Academy, justifying its decision by saying that it expected Štoll to take over from Zdeněk Nejedlý as Minister of Education. The author does not rule out the possibility that in the social context of the times Klement Gottwald, who, according to not entirely reliable, sources, was pushed into expanding the show trials into the cultural sphere, did not want to strengthen the position of a man whose judgements on literature had opened the way to persecution of this kind., and Materiály
- Rights:
- and policy:public
41227. Vytváření ústavních principů v hebrejské Bibli
- Creator:
- Kašný, Jiří
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Subject:
- basic constitutional principles, the Hebrew Bible, Deuteronomy Code, he separation of powers, the courts, the office of king, the priestly office, the office of prophets, základní ústavní principy, hebrejská Bible, deuteronomistický zákoník, rozdělení mocí, soudy, královský úřad, kněžský úřad, and úřad proroků
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- Tento článek studuje vytváření základních ústavních principů v deuteronomistickém zákoníku hebrejské Bible, konkrétně Dt 16,18-18,22, a zkoumá, nakolik jsou prvky ústavního práva v deuteronomistickém zákoníku jedinečné a nakolik souvisí s jinými tradicemi v hebrejské Bibli. Článek analyzuje a srovnává rozdělení veřejné moci a výkon těchto mocí podle práva z hlediska státovědy a ústavního práva. Vychází z výsledků studií především Lohfinka (1971) a Levinsona (2006), publikovaných na toto téma. Analýza ukazuje, že právní ustanovení v Dt 16,18-18,22 tvoří listinu, která konstituuje instituční uspořádání veřejné moci v Izraeli tak, že ji rozděluje mezi soudní úřady, královský úřad, úřad kněží a úřad proroků a zároveň zdůrazňuje, že úřady jsou konstituované a vykonávané vždy podle ustanovení Tóry. Komparace ukazuje, že listina ve srovnání s jinými biblickými tradicemi neobsahuje radikální změny, spíše jen jednotlivé úpravy. Článek dospívá k závěru, že rozdělení mocí a právní stát patří mezi základní principy ústavního uspořádání, jak jsou formulované v listině právních předpisů v Dt 16,18-18,22. and This paper studies the creation of basic constitutional principles in the Deuteronomic Code (Dt 16,18-18,22) in the Hebrew Bible. It explores the uniqueness of the elements of constitutional law in the Deuteronomic Code and examines to what extent are they linked with the laws of various biblical traditions. It analyzes and compares the separation of powers and the rule of law from the point of view of state and constitutional law. It proceeds from the studies by Lohfink (1971) and Levinson (2006). The analysis demonstrates that the norms in Dt 16,18-18,22 form a list of rules which constitute the institutional arrangements of public powers in Israel, which are distributed among judicial offices, the office of king, the priestly office, and the office of prophets, and points out that every office is constituted by the law of Torah and that the office holders are liable to the Torah. The comparison shows that the list of rules includes no radical innovations but only particular modifications in comparison with various biblical traditions. It concludes that the separation of powers and the rule of law belong to the basic principles of the constitutional arrangements formulated in the list of rules in Dt 16,18-18,22.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
41228. Výtvarné zobrazování židů ve středověku
- Creator:
- Janáčová, Eva
- Type:
- article, model:article, and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- In Fine Art of medieval Western Europe certain stereotypes are to be found, partly concerning the way in which Jews were depicted. Beside their rather neutral representation, in Christian manuscripts at leats since the beginning of the 13th century a depiction of Jews with considerably negative connotations occurs – both in biblical and contemporary contexts. Pejorative stereotypes are reflected in physiognomy in various forms of distinct noses, bulbosic eyes and distorted mouths. Other constituents of the stereotypical image of Jews in medieval Fine Art are garment, headgear and chromatic symbolism associated with the Jewish nation.
- Rights:
- and policy:public
41229. Výuka inženýrských věd na stavovských akademiích v Praze, Vídni a Olomouc v 18. století
- Creator:
- Konečný, Michal
- Format:
- print, bez média, and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- 18. století, stát, vzdělávání, State, The, education, Česko, Rakousko, Czechia, Austria, stavovská akademie, civilní architektura, stavební úřad, inženýrské vědy, elite academy, civil architecture, public works office, engineering, 8, and 94(437)
- Language:
- Czech and English
- Description:
- A major reform in the reign of Joseph II was the establishment in 1786 of the provincial building directorates, through which the court aimed to regulate all public building works in the monarchy. Although the original aim of unifying building regulations throughout the realm was never achieved, the reform was a success and remained in force, with a few minor amendments, until the revolutionary year of 1848. One reason for its success was the elite corps of civil engineers who staffed these institutions. This study looks at advances in technical education, especially engineering, in the Habsburg monarchy from the beginning of the 18th century and the emergence of the Collegia Nobilia, or elite colleges, where graduates were prepared for a career in the Imperial Army. Besides military architecture, the colleges also taught the fundamentals of civil engineering, turning out some of the best‐trained creators of early modern architecture. The development and nature of this elite engineering training is examined with reference to the engineering academies of Prague, Vienna and Olomouc. In all three cases we stress the colleges’ status within the state framework, and their evolution in the light of changing official doctrine and methods of instruction. In all three cases it is clear that during the latter half of the 18th century the original ‘aristocratic’ colleges began to decline and were slowly replaced by similar state‐controlled establishments. As a first step, the court of Joseph II introduced a specialized course in practical architecture at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts. From around 1800 this model was gradually superseded by the progressive French‐style polytechnic, a modified version of which remains the standard model for technical education to this day., Michal Konečný., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
- Rights:
- and policy:public
41230. Výuka oboru na vysokých školách
- Creator:
- Vrhel, František, Válka, Miroslav, Gabrielová, Kateřina, Nosková, Jana, Štěpán, Pavel, and Válka, Lukáš
- Format:
- bez média and svazek
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- ethnology, teaching, and universities
- Language:
- Czech
- Description:
- The Institute of Ethnology of the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Prague The institute responded to the political and social changes in 1990s. It follows the modern European and world directions in research activities. Several foreign lecturers (Yale, the Northern Arizona University, the University o Basel) as well as the prominent specialists from the Academy of Sciences and the Náprstek Museum started to participate in the teaching programme. - The aim of the new curriculum is the theoretical and practical preparation for the master´s (in future also bachelor´s). The students gain knowledge of the cultural areas and the ability to work and act in various ethnic and cultural environments. The study consists of two cycles, the second of which is specialized. - The institute is devided into three seminars (general ethnology, European and Czech ethnology, and folklore studies). - Talented students can take part in research felowships abroad. The graduates gain ground as scienific and specialized researchers, in cultural facilities, museums, state bureaucracy, media and in humanity organizations. In present, the institute has for about 150 students, 20 new students are accepted every year. Besides the internal study, combined study is organized in some years.The post-graduate study includes several special courses, the final examination and the viva voce. Post-graduates are methodically tead by supervisors. - The research activities are aimed mainly at the ethnic and athno-cultural problems in Czech lands and in Europe. The institute cooperates with several European institutions. It is also specialized in the Hispanic and American studies, as well theoretical and trans-cultural studies. - The institute publishes the collections of papers Studia Ethnographica. - The director of the institute is doc. František Vrhel, CSc., The Institute of European Ethnography and Ethnology, the Philosophical Faculty of Masaryk University, Brno Seminář pro etnologii a etnografii/Seminar of Ethnography and Ethnology at the Philosophical Faculty of Masaryk University was founded by Professor A. Václavík (1891-1951) in 1946. The formerly independent department changed as well as its name. Since 1964 it was Katedra etnografie a folkloristiky/The Department of Ethnography and Folklore Studies. After 1968 it was a part of historical departments and on 1.1.1991 it regained independence. Now it is called Ústav evropské etnologie/The Institute of European Ethnology. The institute provides five-year MA stude programme with combination of a second subject. There is also a three-year internal and five-year external Ph.D. study programme. The lectures and seminars are complemented by other educative activities. Every year since 1992 has been arranging visits to the regions of the Czech Republic or countries mostly of southern or western Europe. Some of these travels were thematic, e.g. Rhetoromans´ foosteps, Semana santa in Spain, Almatrieb in Alps. All these travels are documented on the videotape and slides, so that this material can be used for teaching purposes later. The departmental library serves for studens as well for teachers. It contains more than 13,000 volumes of the basic ethnographical literature. The outcomes of the student and teacher research can be found in the departmental archives. The scholars of he department took part in the Národopisná encyklopedie Čech, Moravy a Slezska/ Ethnographic Encyclopaedia of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. The second important work is Vlastivěda moravská/The History and Geography of Moravia, volume 10 Lidová kultura na Moravě/The Folk Culture in Moravia.(2000). The head of the department is Professor PhDr. Richard Jeřábek, DrSc., The Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology of the Faculty of Humanities, Plzeň The department belongs to the newest university departments in the Czech Republic. It originally worked as a part of the Centre of Humanities of the Faculty of Law of the West-Bohemian University. Since 1997 it is a part of the Faculty of Humanities. - This pedagogical and research institution organizes a three-years bachelor course and a continuing two-year master course. The curriculum is based on the credit system and it is complementary with the offer of other university programmes. A part of the department is formed by the seminar of physical anthropology and of the anthropology of the Near East. Social anthropology is understood as a bio-social discipline, inspired especially by the Anglo-American approach. The department cooperates with several scientific institutions both in the Czech Republic and abroad. The research activities are aimed at the problems of rural and urban communities, multiculturalism, applied social anthropology, museum studies, and some topics of religious studies and symbolical anthropology. - The department director is RNDr. Ivo Budil, Ph.D., and Anglické abstrakty s šiframi (št) - abstrakt 1 a 3 a (lv) - abstrakt 2 jsou uvedeny na str. 193-195.
- Rights:
- and policy:public