Recenzent podrobně hodnotí kompletní edici 598 dokumentů občanské iniciativy Charta 77 z let 1977–1989 a snaží se charakterizovat jejich tematickou a obsahovou variabilitu. Mimořádný význam spatřuje již v identifikaci co nejautentičtější textové verze všech dokumentů Charty 77, v jejich důkladném uspořádání a edičním zpracování, jež zahrnuje mimo jiné příslušné rejstříky a rozsáhlý poznámkový a bibliografický aparát. Recenzent však postrádá úvodní historickou studii, která by vřadila alespoň nejdůležitější dokumenty Charty 77 do obecnějších souvislostí, a výběru dobových textů ve třetím svazku příloh vytýká chronologickou nevyváženost. V každém případě však podle něj recenzovaná edice tvoří dobrý odrazový můstek k souhrnnému zpracování dějin Charty 77 a vůbec disentu v Československu a v ní publikované dokumenty jsou jedním z klíčových pramenů pro pochopení československé společnosti v době takzvané normalizace. and The book under review is the complete edition of all 598 documents issued by the Charter 77 human rights movement between 1977 and 1989. The reviewer seeks to characterize the variety of themes and kinds of documents. He believes that the mere fact of identifying the most authentic versions of all the Charter 77 documents, organizing them, and editing them thoroughly, including relevant indexes, extensive notes, and bibliographical information, is extraordinarily important. He wishes, however, that there had been an historical essay that would have put at least the most important Charter documents into the general context. He also finds the selection of the documents in the three volumes to be chronologically imbalanced. In any case, he considers the publication under review a good starting point to a comprehensive history of Charter 77 and to the Czechoslovak dissident movement in general, and he praises the edition as a key source for understanding Czechoslovak society in the period of “Normalization” policy.
Na začátku roku sme si pripomenuli sté výročie narodenia Dionýza Ilkoviča, zakladateľa fyziky a vysokoškolskej výučby fyziky na Slovensku. V tomto príspevku by sme chceli zoznámiť čitateľov Československého časopisu pre fyziku s významnými udalosťami z jeho života a priblížiť im dielo, ktoré zanechal., Juraj Šebesta., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
This article discusses the elements that need to be followed to confirm metrological traceability. It analyzes the term humidity and provides an overview of the quantities that characterize humidity. The main focus is on the properties and metrological parameters of standards and instruments. The elements of metrological traceability are selection of a suitable generator for realizing the primary standard, realization of the primary standard for molar fraction, dew point temperature and relative humidity, selection of a suitable secondary standard, differentiation of the dew point and frost point for condensation humidity standard. and Článok sa zaoberá prehľadom prvkov, ktoré musia byť dodržané, aby bola potvrdená metrologická nadväznosť. Analyzuje pojem ''vlhkosť vzduchu'' a uvádza prehľad veličín, ktoré charakterizujú vlhkosť. Hlavnú pozornosť venuje vlastnostiam a metrologickým parametrom etalónových systémov a meradiel. Prvkami metrologickej nadväznosti sú: výber vhodného generátora pre realizáciu primárneho etalónu, realizácia primárneho etalónu pre molárny zlomok, teplota rosného bodu a relatívna vlhkosť, výber vhodného sekundárneho etalónu, vyriešenie problematiky odlíšenia rosného a srieňového bodu pre kondenzačný etalónový vlhkomer.
The article describes character of activities and thematic areas of Czech non-profit organizations that focus on promoting gender equality and women's rights in 1990s. Beside the women's organizations the attention is paid to identify the other projects aimed at supporting women or gender equality, but addressed by non-profit organizations whose main object of activity is broader. In addition, the article explores the pro-women oriented non-profit organisations in terms of their memberships, organizational background and geographical extent of their activities. The shifts in topics and activities of Czech women's organizations are identified in process of EU accession and particularly due to change of available resources of funding. This process led to marginalization of ''not mainstream'' topics, but in other areas it led to an increase of range of actors addressing projects to promote gender issues (mainly in area of improvement of equal opportunities on the labour market).
Úzkost ze smrti je chápána jako multidimenzionální poznávací koncept, který vychází z postojů ke smrti. Zahrnuje myšlenky, strachy a emoce související s umíráním a smrtí, které jedinec prožívá za normálních podmínek života. Úzkost ze smrti a její prožívání ovlivňuje řada faktorů, a to jak negativně, tak pozitivně. Jednotlivé faktory se mohou překrývat nebo být ve vzájemné interakci. Patří mezi ně život ohrožující nemoc, spiritualita, životní zkušenost, kulturní normy, sociální opora, prostředí, věk a gender. Uvědomění si těchto faktorů pomáhá zdravotnickým pracovníkům lépe pochopit reakci pacienta na realitu smrti v současné technologicky vyspělé, sekularizované a multikulturní společnosti., Death anxiety is understood as a multidimensional cognitive concept arising from attitudes to the death. It includes thoughts, fears, and emotions connected with dying and death experienced by an individual under the normal life conditions. Death anxiety and its experiencing are influenced by many factors, both negatively and positively. The particular factors can overlap or can be in mutual interaction. They cover life threatening disease, spirituality, life experience, cultural norms, social support, environment, age, and gender. Realization of these factors helps medical workers to understand better the patient´s response to the reality of death in contemporary technologically developed. secularizationed and multicultural society., and Helena Kisvetrová, Jaroslava Králová.
V souvislosti s vysokou četností výskytu extrémů hydrometeorologické a hydrologické povahy, které se dostavují v posledních zhruba 20 letech, se stále častěji hovoří o nezbytnosti trvale uplatňovat preventivní protipovodňová opatření, a stejně tak se uvažuje o možných příčinách nápadně zvýšeného výskytu těchto nepříznivých hydrologických situací (viz také článek na str. 116–119 tohoto čísla Živy). Současná zemědělská krajina naléhavě vyžaduje výrazná biotechnická doplnění o krajinné prvky a útvary, které budou podporovat vsakování (infiltraci) a vtoky (influkci) vody do půdního prostředí a současně omezovat vznik vodní eroze půdy, zlepšovat biodiverzitu a celkový kulturně přírodní ráz krajiny. and Zdeněk Vašků.
Český lid/The Czech Folk - Journal of Ethnological studies is the oldest ethnographic magazine in the Czech Republic. It was founded in 1891, and today it serves for various streams of ethnographic studies - i.e. cultural or social anthropology, classic ethnography and borderline disciplines. The magazine is published as a quarterly in 500 copies by Etnologický ústav AV ČR/The Institute of Ethnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague. Its supplement is published irregularly since 1990 (4 volumes). The editor is Z. Hanzl. The quarterly Národopisné aktuality/Ethnographic News was published by Ústav lidového umění/The Institute of Folk Arts in Strážnice since 1964. The magazine acquired many stable associates and was well established in Czech as well as Slovak professional quarters. Sometimes it published even articles from abroad. Since 1990 the magazine changed thoroughly. I was renamed as Národopisná revue/Journal of Ethnography, and the magazine had difficulties to find a new face., When the independent Czech Republic came into being it tried to keep in touch with the Slovak ethnographers. It publishes professional articles (currently mostly thematic), reviews, personal datas, photographs by professional and amateur photographers.The editor-in-chief is J. Krist, the editors M. Pavlicová and L. Uhlíková. A bibliography of dead and living ethnographers and folklorists is published as the supplement (up to now 11 volumes). Národopisná společnost českoslovanská/The Czechoslavonic Ethnographical Society started to publish its own magazine in 1897. The original name Národopisný sborník českoslovanský/The Czechoslavonic Ethnographical Miscellany was changed to Národopisný věstník českoslovanský/ The Czechoslavonic Ethnographical Bulletin in 1906. Thanks to the editors (J. Polívka et al.) the magazine reached the European standard, especially because of the articles on comparative folklore studies. The bulletin did not exist after the WWII till 1966, when a new editorial board with V. Frolec in the head was created. They tried to reach again the high standard, but the regime after 1968 led to the end of it. As late as in 1984 the Ethnographical Society enforced its publishment but only in a modest form. The publishing continues after 1989., The ethnographic bibliography of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia
Autonomous ethnographic bibliographies came into being together with the gradual forming of ethnography as an independent discipline - in 1880s and 1890s. Before this time, ethnography had been included in linguistic, literary, historic and other surveys. Ethnographic materials were included also in the oldest scientific magazine - The Magazine of the Czech Museum - since 1830, as well as in The History of Czech Literature by J. Jungmann (1825), works of P. J. Šafařík, J. V. Michl, A. V. Šembera, F. Doucha, J. Jireček and others. Since 1880s ethnographic surveys were published in the magazine Wisla (J. Polívka). In the Czechoslavonic Ethnographic Bulletin. Ethnographic materials were published by J. Polívka, V. Tille, J. Zubatý. E. Kovář, L. Niederle and others. The bibliiography of Czech and Slovak ethnography was published also in some German and Austrian magazines. The bibliography was regularly published in the Czech Folk led by Č. Zíbrt. Zíbrt himself is the author of the Bibliography of Czech History. In 1930s the bibliographies were processed by D. Stránská and J. Horák. In 1954, a bibliography documenting the years 1945-1952 was published by L. Kunz. This bibliography is continued by bibliographies by H. Mülerová (1953-1970), V. Trkovská and Z. Mišurec. In 1960 an important bibliography (1891-1932) was published by L. Kunz. Bibliography of years 1971-1982 by V. Trkovská was published in 1983, years 1983-1989 were documented in 1991 (H. Müllerová). At present, the bibliography is being continued by J. Hrdá; partial bibliographies are by M. Válka, M. Nádvorníková, J. and T. Kubíček, and others., and Anglické abstrakty s šifrou (lv) - abstrakt 1 a (št) - abstrakt 2 jsou uvedeny na str. 198-199.