Periodikum vzniklo v roce 1904 pod názvem Časopis České Společnosti Entomologické (Acta Societatis Entomologicae Bohemiae) současně s Českou společností entomologickou (ČSE) jako její fórum. O jeho vznik, počáteční kvalitu a široký záběr se významně zasloužil první předseda ČSE František Klapálek. Od té doby tento titul existuje bez přerušení v různých podobách, kvalitě a pod různými názvy dodnes. V roce 2014 vychází jeho 111. ročník. and Petr Švácha.
The Centre for Science and Technology Studies of Leiden University organized the 11th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators 8 - 11 September in Leiden. Science and technology indicators have become an increasingly important instrument for science policy and research management. The assessment of strengths and weaknesses of a country’s science system, ranking, benchmarking and classification of universities, finding excellence in research, identification of emerging and often interdisciplinary research themes, measuring knowledge transfer between academia and industry - all these examples show the value of S&T indicators for users. and Petr Ráb.
The article presents a manuscript collection of texts of evangelical provenance that has recently been purchased in a German second-hand bookshop. According to a chronogram, this manuscript is likely to come from 1840. The manuscript consists of fifteen relatively independent text sections thematically related to the denominational controversies before and after the battle of White Mountain. The paper examines possible printed or manuscript models of individual parts and as well as their reflection in both earlier and more recent bibliographic literature. and David Mach.