In contrast to the typical Central Bohemian landscape, the Sedlčany region is characterized by quite a high concentration of wet meadows; most of them discovered during the last few years. Though it is only a fragment of their original extent. Suitable management is absent at most localities, but a restoration of farming on selected meadows has recently been started. and J.Malíček.
Recent research in isolated Bulgarian mires has discovered many unknown disjunct populations of boreal vascular plant and bryophyte species. These findings draw attention to these recently endangered mires which represent a source of very important scientific information. and Michal Hájek, Petra Hájková.
Sklenobýl bezlistý (Epipogium aphyllum) patří mezi nejvzácnější druhy naší flóry. Roste v bučinách a jehličnatých lesích s humózní půdou, často na lesních prameništích. Ještě donedávna byl v Čechách hodnocen jako nezvěstný. V r. 2006 se ale podařilo objevit několik malých lokalit na Šumavském Boubíně, poté v r. 2008 i jedna lokalita v Krkonoších. V červnu r. 2013 v náplavech Jizery a hned u cesty nedaleko Kořenova se podařilo objevit další dvě mikrolokality tohoto ohroženého druhu. Bylo by velmi povzbuzující domnívat se, že nárůst počtu lokalit nejen sklenobýlu, ale i jiných ohrožených druhů indikuje zlepšující se stav prostředí., Epipogium aphyllum is one of the rarest plant species of the Czech flora. It grows in humus-rich soil in beech and spruce forests, often in the vicinity of forest springs. The species has been considered missing in Bohemia until recent discoveries of a few sites in Boubín in the Šumava Mts. (Bohemian Forest, 2006) and in the Krkonoše Mts. (Giant Mts., 2008). Two new populations were found in the Giant Mts. in June 2013 - in alluvial deposits of the Jizera river and along the forest road close to the Kořenov village., and Pavla Čížková, Kamila Lencová, Pavel Hubený.
The Wheat (Triticum aestivum) – Intermediate Wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium) – Couch Grass (Elymus repens) species complex is a potential case of gene flow between crop and wild relatives in the Central European area. Understanding the genomic constitutions and evolutionary histories of both polyploid Wheatgrasses and the assessment of frequency of their hybrid formation are basic prerequisities for understanding the gene flow within the whole species complex. and Václav Mahelka.
Natural rubber is currently produced largely from the tropical Rubber Tree (Hevea brasiliensis), which is grown on large plantations in south-eastern Asia. However, some rubber-forming plants can also be found in the temperate zone. The most important species is the tiny dandelion named Koksaghyz or the Russian Dandelion (Taraxacum koksaghyz), belonging to the Asteraceae family and native to south-eastern Kazakhstan. This plant has an exciting history and recently has been intensively researched as an alternative to Hevea rubber. This article describes value of this member of Asteraceae family for the human community. and Tomáš Černý.
The diversity of lichen flora is presented and compared with the neighbouring count - ries. The main phytogeographic elements are outlined and illustrated with representative examples. Changes in the flora along with the main causal factors are discussed. and Jiří Liška.
Botanical knowledge can be directly applied especially in nature conservation and ecological restoration. Extensive field experience, good knowledge of plants and thorough theoretical background are important prerequisites. Some applications are also possible in the agricultural, forestry, pharmacy, food and textile industries. and Karel Prach.