Helminti, známí též jako červi, jsou v tradičním pojetí považováni za více či méně závažné parazity zvířat a člověka. Současný výzkum však postupně odhaluje i jejich druhou tvář a hledá jejich možné využití v moderní medicíně., Helminths, also known as worms, are traditionally considered to be more or less serious parasites for both animals and man. Nevertheless, current research has revealed some beneficial attributes and aims to uncover their potential application in modern medicine., and Tomáš Macháček, Jana Bulantová, Lucie Jedličková, Roman Leontovyč, Jan Pankrác, Vladimír Skála, Libuše Turjanicová, Petr Horák.
J. Úlehla (1852-1933) - a teacher, headmaster of secondary schools and organizer of pedagogical life in Moravia, and his son V. Úlehla (1888-1947) - a biologist, musical folklorist and university professor, significantly influenced their fields of study, especially education, biology and ethnography. J. Úlehla promoted the use of folk verses, sayings, riddles and proverbs as well as frequent outdoor activities in the instruction of six- to eight-year-old children. Valuable ethnographical information on misery of Wallachian people, emigration to America and child labour is contained in
Listy národopisné. Autobiographical information in the books by V. Úlehla Živá píseň and Duše lidu testify of author’s relation to Moravian Slovakia and its rich cultural tradition which inspired him to collect folk songs. He treated the collected information from the point of view of a biologist - e.g. when expressing his opinion of the age of folk songs. The aim of this essay is to answer the question: ‘how did teachers influence the lives of people and transformations of folk culture at the turn of the 19th and the 20th century?’. They helped to improve the quality of primary education, participated in clubs and societies; they took part in Národopisná výstava českoslovanská (Czechoslavic Ethnographical Exhibition), collected folk songs and engaged in local history research. At the same time, educational institutions (representing modern society) and the church came into conflict: the religious practices clashed with man’s freedom and his needs.
Th e aim of this article is to update some of Engels’s ideas on the topic of the dialectics of nature and to bring those ideas into the context of contemporary developments in the natural sciences (especially biology). Firstly, we examine the question of the very possibility of dialectics (dialectical processes) in nature because, at least since Lukács, there has been a signifi cant tradition denying the existence of dialectical processes in nature because nature has no acting, conscious subjects. We argue that dialectics is universally present not only in the actions of the subject, which is an old-fashioned relic of anthropomorphism, but in nature itself. Secondly, we identify some basic problems in Engels’s theory of nature as it is described in his Dialectics of Nature. We are especially interested in Engels’s employment of dialectics as a general method of investigating the nature of physical and biological reality. We fi nd that some principles of dialectics (as Engels understands them) are not consistent with the fundamental principles of physics, such as the second law of thermodynamics. In addition, in the domain of biology it would seem quite diffi cult to make Engels’s Lamarckian concept of evolution consistent with his own concept of dialectics, not to mention with the paradigmatic Darwinian approach. Finally, we point out that there is a renaissance of dialectical thinking in modern biology that can be understood as a partial confi rmation of Engels’s intuitions regarding dialectics. Especially in the works of Richard Levins, Richard Lewontin, and Stephen J. Gould we can see how dialectics was applied in their disputes with genetic and environmental determinists and adaptationists.
Epifytické lišejníky jakožto citlivé bioindikátory rychle reagují na změny v životním prostředí, zvláště na znečištění ovzduší. V období kyselých dešťů došlo v ČR k zásadní proměně epifytických společenstev. Existují však místa, která byla ovlivněna jen v menší míře a doposud zde přežívají vzácné druhy. Takové lokality můžeme považovat za novodobá refugia., Epiphytic lichens as sensitive bioindicators reflect changes in the environment (e.g. air pollution) very quickly. Acid rains occurring in the second half of the 20th century have considerably affected the epiphytic biota of the Czech Republic. However, there are several places, which have been less influenced and where rare lichens still survive. We consider such places to serve as recent refugia., and Jiří Malíček, Lada Syrovátková.