In the last decade the health of young people in Ukraine as well as in many other countries of the world significantly deteriorated according to the results of screening tests. Because of this the main task of prophylactic medicine is development and introduction of new methods of early diagnostics of diseases. The aim of the work to assess the peculiarities of adaptation of students with different types of vegetative regulation. Material and methods: 415 second year students of Lugansk State Medical University were tested. The mechanisms of physiological functions of the body regulation were assessed by registration of cardiac rhythm variability (CRV). Analysis of CRV was performed by three methods: statistical, geometrical, and spectral analysis. The express method proposed by Shlyk, N.I. (2009) was later used to determine the prevailing type of vegetative regulation. To assess adaptability the method of R.M. Baevskij (1979) was used. Results: In the result of investigation 4 types of functional states of regulatory systems were determined: I type 295 (71 %) of tested, II in 14 (3 %), III in 96 (23 %) and IV only in 10 (2%). I type of functional state of regulatory systems in the wakeful state at rest was characterized by moderate prevalence of central regulation of heart rhythm (MPCR), decreased activity of autonomic regulation. It was noticed that some of the parameters of CRV (like RR, SDNN, RMSSD and pNN50) which characterize autonomic regulation, were statistically lowere (р≤0.01) compared to type III, and some (like AMo and SI) higher, in both female and male students. Summarized spectrum capacity and components of its wave structure (HF, LF, VLF) which characterize central regulation were statistically significantly lower (р≤0.01) for the I type of regulation compared to the III one which is characterized by moderate prevalence of autonomic regulation of the heart rhythm. In female students with type I autonomic regulation compared to male students such CRV parameters as RR and AМo were statistically significantly lower (р≤0.05), while the parameters of total potency (TP) and high frequency waves (HF) were higher (р≤0.05), which could point to more centralized heart rhythm regulation in male compared to female. The evaluation of regulatory systems overstress allowed to determine the state of adaptation and risk of overstress or breakdown in students with different types of autonomic regulation. Conclusions: Thus, evaluation of adaptation state in students with different types of autonomic regulation allows to characterize the current functional state and uncover the risk of disease development., Tatiana Tananakina, Natalya Lila, Anzhelika Ivasenko, Dmitrij Bolgov, Svetlana Mavrich, Yuliya Modna, and Literatura
Východiska: Kojení a výživa mateřským mlékem je přirozenou a nenahraditelnou stravou pro novorozence. Dle WHO je mateřské mléko nejvhodnější potravou pro všechny děti včetně nedonošených a nemocných dětí. Aby kojení mohlo být správné, dostatečné a výlučné, je zapotřebí o něm matky efektivně poučit. Cíl: Cílem studie bylo analyzovat dosavadní používané edukační intervence a metody, které přinášejí efekt pro výlučné kojení dětí do období šesti měsíců. Metodika: Pro získání dat za období 2004–2014 byly použity elektronické licencované a volně přístupné databáze. Kritéria pro zahrnutí studií byla: metoda edukace, podpora kojení, efektivita edukace, výlučné kojení do šesti měsíců. Uvedená kritéria pro zařazení analýzy splňovalo 19 studií z původně 38 dohledaných. Výsledky: Nejefektivněji pro laktační poradenství se jeví metody názorné a praktické. Rovněž je třeba věnovat edukaci dostatek času a prostoru na dotazy žen. Edukaci v oblasti kojení je nutné zahájit v prenatálním období a ženy musí mít možnost systematického vzdělávání v uvedené oblasti. Závěry: Pokud mají ženy dostatečné znalosti o kojení, snižuje se riziko vzniku komplikací, obtíží a výlučné kojení bude trvat co nejdéle, nejlépe do 6. měsíce života dítěte., Background: Breastfeeding and breast milk nutrition is natural and non-substitutable food for a newborn. According to WHO, breast milk is the best food for all babies, including premature born and sick babies. To ensure correct and sufficient breastfeeding it is necessary to provide effective training for mothers. Aim: e aim of this study is to analyze the existing range of educational programs and methods bringing the most impact on exclusive breastfeeding for babies less than six months. Methods: Licensed electronic databases and freely accessible databases were used to obtain the data for the period 2004–2014. Study inclusion criteria covered education methods, breastfeeding support, education efficiency, exclusive breastfeeding for six months. From 38 previously identified studies only 19 studies met the study inclusion criteria. Results: Illustrative and practical methods used in breastfeeding education programs appeared to be the most effective. At the same time it is necessary to pay more attention to the questions and enquiries made by women. Education in the field of breastfeeding should be initiated during the prenatal period to ensure complex education in this area. Conclusion: Sufficient knowledge in the field of breastfeeding helps reduce the risk of various complications and breastfeeding disorders, it also promotes longer period (preferably 6 months) of breastfeeding., and Jana Chrásková, Mária Boledovičová