INTRODUCTION: Cellulitis remains a very serious disease even today. Mortality, which varied between 10-40%, has been reduced owing to the standard securing of airway patency and use of an appropriate surgical treatment approach. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 195 patients were hospitalised for cellulitis at the University Hospital in Hradec Králové during 2007-2011. The following parameters were evaluated: age, gender, dependence of incidence of the disease on the season of the year, frequency of attacks of the particular areas and their clinical characteristics, aetiology of the inflammation, types of patient complaints, prevalence of current systemic diseases, results of microbiological and selected laboratory analyses, socio-economic status of the patients, and duration of patient stay at the hospital. Statistical analysis was performed by using Pearson's correlation coefficient, the statistical significance level was p < 0.05. RESULTS: The mean age of the patients was 39.8 years. The group of 195 patients included 108 (55%) males and 87 (45%) females. The mean time between the first symptoms of the disease and admission to the Department was 5 days. From among the 195 patients, 116 (59.5%) were working persons, 79 (40.5%) were non-working (children, students, unemployed persons, women on maternity leave, retired people). The odontogenic origin of the disease was verified in 173 (88.7%) patients. In total, 65 (33.3%) patients had no coinciding complicating systemic disease, 22 (11.3%) patients had diabetes mellitus. The most frequent symptom of cellulitis was painful swelling, found in 194 (99.5%) patients, followed by jaw contracture, found in 153 (78.5%) patients. CONCLUSION: The results are largely very similar to those of previous studies performed in other countries, except that we found no correlation between the prevalence of cellulitis and the socio-economic status, nor have we confirmed Klebsiella pneumoniae sp. as the cause of cellulitis in patients with diabetes mellitus. and H. Doležalová, J. Zemek, L. Tuček
The aim of this review is to summarize main aspects of the book Defensive Medicine and Medical Malpractice processed by Office of Technology Assessment and U.S. Congress , published in 1994 in Washington, DC . As the title suggests the book itself i s focused on defensive medicine problematic, its main features and possibilities of solution . Paper itself describes particular parts in the same order as it is written in the book and Jan Kotula
Cieľ: Cieľom štúdie bolo porovnať ultrazvukové merania jaziev po cisárskom reze (SC) 6 týždňov a 6 mesiacov po SC. Vychádzali sme z hypotézy, že abnormálne ultrazvukové nálezy na uterotomickej rane 6 týždňov po SC sa nezmenia ani po 6 mesiacoch od pôrodu. Materiál a metodika: Prospektívnej longitudinálnej štúdie sa zúčastnilo 43 prvorodičiek, ktoré rodili cisárskym rezom. Transvaginálnym ultrazvukom sme sledovali hrúbku myometria proximálne a distálne od jazvy po SC, ako aj hrúbku jazvy po SC. Na matematické vyjadrenie závažnosti defektu jazvy po SC sme stanovili koeficient rizika dehiscencie (DRC). Výsledky: Priemerná hrúbka jazvy po SC bola 6 týždňov po SC 6,33 ± 2,77 mm a 6 mesiacov po SC 6,42 mm ± 2,33 mm. Medzná hodnota (5. percentil) pre hrúbku jazvy po SC bol 3,0 mm, a pre DRC 0,25. DRC menej ako 0,25 sme na základe teórie normality hodnotili ako závažný defekt jazvy po SC, pričom bol diagnostikovaný po 6 týždňoch po SC u 4/43 (9,3 %) pacientiek, a po 6 mesiacoch od SC u 3/43 (8,9 %) pacientiek (p<0,94). Lineárna regresná analýza dokázala signifikantnú koreláciu medzi DRC stanoveným 6 týždňov, resp. 6 mesiacov po SC (p=0,97). Záver: Z výsledkov štúdie vyplýva, že hrúbka jazvy po SC a DRC sú relevantnými markermi úspešného hojenia uterotomickej rany na konci šestonedelia, i keď proces hojenia ešte neskončil. Hodnotenie kvality hojenia jazvy po SC je možné už po 6 týždňoch po SC. Pacientky s abnormálnym hojením jazvy po SC by mali byť dispenzarizované za účelom sledovania potenciálnych komplikácií. and Erik Dosedla, Pavel Calda
Autor v abstraktu disertační práce uvádí: "Cíl: Řada
drogových problémů je jak v aréně veřejné politiky, tak i
mezi experty považována za kontroverzní otázky. Rozdílné
způsoby zarámování užívání drog nesou důležité důsledky pro
agendu drogové politiky. V této disertační práci popisuji
konkurenční rámce drogového problému rozvíjené skupinami
expertů ve třech tematických oblastech: česká drogová
politika v roce 1998, analýza PAD z roku 2001 a kontrola nad
užíváním cannabis. Alternativní vedení o drogách v ní
posuzuji z hlediska jejich potenciálních důsledků pro
veřejnou politiku. Dále označuji příležitosti pro upevnění
rámce kontrolovaného užívání cannabis..."