Hepatorenální syndrom je život ohrožující komplikace jaterních chorob. Jedná se o funkční postižení ledvin, které se vyskytuje jak u akutních (typ I), tak i chronických (typ II) onemocnění jater a je spojeno s vysokou mortalitou. Léčba má omezené možnosti, ale podávání vazopresorů (terlipresin), albuminu a portosystémový shunt dokážou prognózu zlepšit. Transplantace jater je léčbou nejefektivnější. Autoři prezentují aktuální data o této problematice včetně doporučení pro léčebnou praxi., Hepatorenal syndrome (HRS) is a life-treating complication of liver diseases. This functional kidney impairment is classified into acute (type I) and chronic (type II) types and is connected with high mortality. Treatment options are limited, but administration of vasoconstrictors (terlipressin), albumin and portosystemic shunt may improve their prognosis. Liver transplantation is the most effective method for these patients. Authors want to present recent data relating to HRS, including therapeutic recommendations., and Vladimír Hrabovský, Alice Mendlová, Terezie Vavříčková
Heterotopická mezenteriálna osifikácia (HMO) je zriedkavé ochorenie podmieňujúce patologickú tvorbu kostného tkaniva v dutine brušnej po opakovaných operačných traumách. Autori prezentujú neobvyklý prípad vzniku mezenteriálnej osifikácie u 30ročného muža po operácii pre ileózny stav na podklade tenkočrevnej inkarcerácie. Po prepustení do domáceho liečenia musel byť znovu hospitalizovaný a reoperovaný. V priebehu 6 týždňov bol ešte 3krát reoperovaný pre tenkočrevný ileózny stav a výraznú produkciu z entero-kutánnej fistuly. Napriek intenzívnej parenterálnej hyperalimentácii sa stav pacienta nezlepšil, metabolický rozvrat sa stal pacientovi osudovým. Patofyziológia mechanizmu formovania kostného tkaniva v mäkkých tkanivách nie je známa. Kľúčové slová: heterotopická mezenteriálna osifikácia − intraabdominálna osifikujúca myozitída− črevná obštrukcia – reoperácie − metabolický rozvrat, Heterotopic mesenteric ossification (HMO) is a rare disease inducing pathological bone tissue formation in the abdominal cavity after multiple operational traumas. The authors present an unusual case of mesenteric ossification formation in a 30 year-old man after surgery due to status ileosus on the basis of intestinal incarceration. After being released into home treatment the patient had to be hospitalized again and reoperated. During the next six weeks, the patient was reoperated three more times due to intestinal status ileosus and significant leaking of the entero-cutaneous fistula. Despite intensive parenteral hyperalimentation the patient‘s condition did not improve and metabolic breakdown became fatal for the patient. Pathophysiology of the mechanism of bone tissue formation in soft tissues is unknown. Key words: heterotopic mesenteric ossification – intra-abdominal myositis ossificans – intestinal obstruction – reoperation – metabolic breakdown, and M. Bakoš, J. Korček, P. Rusev, M. Kuťka, A. Sládeček, Z. Tóthová
BACKGROUND: In the cholesteatoma surgery ossicles can be replaced to reconstruct middle ear function. It is important that these ossicles are free of squamous epithelium, to prevent residual disease. This study focuses on the histological findings of the malleus and incus harvested during cholesteatoma surgery. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Eighty middle ears ossicles were examined in vivo and histologically to consider the relationship of cholesteatoma to ossicles, grade of bone destruction and invasion of cholesteatoma to deeper layers of bone. RESULTS: Serious ossicular destruction was observed more frequently in incus compared to malleus (p=0.0065). Difference of ossicles destruction between children and adults was not significant (p=0.3032). Deep invasion of cholesteatoma into the vascular spaces or inner core of the bone was not observed. CONCLUSIONS: Autograft ossicles from cholesteatomatous ears should not necessarily be rejected for reconstruction of the ossicular chain. Regarding the histological finding, the authors suggest mechanical cleaning of the ossicle surface to eliminate residual disease. and L. Školoudík, E. Šimáková, D. Kalfeřt, V. Chrobok