The article examines the works of nature writer Jaromír Tomeček, his public image, and his reception by literary theory and criticism as a distinctive late socialist response to environmental concerns. The article argues that the “ecological techno-optimism” of Jaromír Tomeček was representative of the late socialist reconsideration of human-nature relations that rejected the earlier modern understanding of humans as masters of nature and tried to find a new harmony between the two, but that also rejected the “pessimistic” perspective of Western ecology. Revising the tradition of socialist realism, late socialist literature allowed for sorrow over loss (“a right to sadness”) while still giving primacy to joy over progress, negating the “existential despair” of the 1960s. It thus preserved the progressive temporal orientation tied to the socialist ideal of increasing material wellbeing while trying to reconcile technocratic rationality with romantic subjectivity. “Ecological techno-optimism” eventually materialized in the form of the nuclear energy programme as the solution to the ecological crisis.
The galactic plane has been sampled at 5´ spacing between l = 38° and J = 1-0 line of 13CO with the 2.5 m telescope of the Bordeaux Observatory. An automatic analysis of the data gives 181 clouds with masses ranging from a few solar msses to a few 10^5 M. Two spirals at liast can be fitted to our data.
Archaeological evidence shows that Paleolithic hunters occasionally used the difficult-to-access Pod Hradem Cave for short-term visits. The small collection of artefacts spanning a c. 15,000-year period were made from a range of different raw materials collected from known sources in the surrounding regions up to 120 km away. In this paper, we interpret the sum of the archaeological evidence associated with artefacts from Pod Hradem Cave against an updated chronology, and report a previously unpublished stone artefact. Combined, this information suggests variable cave use throughout the site history. During the Early-Upper Paleolithic this likely involved visits by small, mobile bands using Pod Hradem Cave as a short stop over while passing through the Pustý Žleb valley.
The Triangle cemetery in Prague-Střešovice was the only preserved part of the great burial site from the 9th–10th century AD; this site was partially destroyed beginning in the 18th century by the extraction of clay for the Strahov brick factory. A total of 49 graves, all dated to the 10th century, were uncovered in the preserved part of the cemetery in 2012. Children’s grave no. 16 was the richest of the children’s graves and the second richest of all graves in the cemetery. A total of 19 silver jewels were found in the grave: kaptorga – amulet container, beads, hollow spherical pendants – gombiks. A technical study was performed to describe the construction of the different types of jewels and identify the material used to manufacture them. The artefacts were examined with a stereomicroscope, subjected to X-ray radiography and observed and analysed with scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (SEM/EDS). A replica provided practical information about the time of realisation of each type of jewel. Analogies from the technical and thematic points of view were further searched. The set of jewellery comes from the production of the Prague workshop which enriched the tradition of Great Moravian jewellery with new elements inspired by cultural influences from the west, east and south. and Pohřebiště Triangl bylo jedinou zachovanou částí velkého středohradištního pohřebiště ničeného od 18. století těžbou hlíny pro strahovskou cihelnu. V poloze Triangl bylo v roce 2012 prozkoumáno 49 číslovaných hrobů s výbavou datující je do 10. století. Dětský hrob 16 byl nejbohatší z dětských pohřbů a druhý nejbohatší celkově, bylo v něm nalezeno 19 kusů stříbrných šperků – kaptorga, korálky a gombíky. Technologický rozbor šperků má za cíl poznat způsob výroby jednotlivých typů a určit suroviny použité při jejich výrobě. Předměty byly zkoumány pomocí optické stereomikroskopie, rentgenografie a elektronové rastrovací mikroskopie ve spojení s energiově disperzní spektroskopií (SEM/EDS). Byly vyhledány analogie, co se týče technologie výroby i použitých výzdobných motivů. Replika poskytuje představu o čase potřebném k výrobě každého jednotlivého typu šperku. Soubor šperků pochází z produkce pražské dílny, která tradici velkomoravského šperkařství obohatila o nové prvky inspirované kulturními vlivy ze západu, východu i jihu.
Starting from flare models of Karličky (Solar Phys. 130, 1990, 347), we present the timedependent numerical simulations of hydrogen plasma excitation and ionization on subsecond time scales. These scales are consistent with the spiky behaviour of the kinetic temperature produced by non-thermal electron beam pulses of very short duration. Self-consistent numerical solution of
time-dependent, NLTE problem for a three-level plus continuum hydrogen atom allows us to predict theoretically the behaviour of
the Hα line intensity variations on subsecond time intervals. We present the Hα temporal profiles, evaluated at the line center and in the wing, which can be qualitatively compared with some recent flare observations obtained with very high (0.1 sec) temporal resolution. and Full version of this contribution was published in Solar Phys. 135 (1991), 65.
Numerical simulation of the 3-D topology of magnetic field lines above a Bipolar Magnetic Region (BMR) is demonstrated. In
contrast to the usually accepted description of photospheric magnetic fields by the continuous function, the new approach is tested. The BMR is represented as a specifically distributed set of discrete sources of magnetic flux. Three branches of the specific structures of potential field lines was found in different parts of the BMR. The field line structures correspond to chromospheric fibrils, prominence configurations and to coronal arches. We suppose that the field lines create the principal skeleton of the prominence phenomenon. A prominence plasma is considered inside the magnetic flux tubes. The prominence legs represent the part of the field lines rooted in the convective zone in regions with magnetic flux concentration.