The article approaches the transformation of mobile elite’s
political imagination, linking the emergence of a federative ideology to the impossibility of accommodating minorities. While referring to the case of the Hungarian revolutionary emigration in the middle of the 19th century as an example, the paper examines the categories of “inclusion in” or “exclusion from” a “core-group” as elements determined by the shared imperial legacies and a “minority” status of the public actors. Addressing Harris Mylonas’s scheme of accommodation of minorities within nation-states and combining
it with the concept of “Imperial biographies”, the paper claims that the projects for a Danubian confederation were the results of an inability to address non-homogeneity by a none-core group on a quest for building a nation-state. Driven into exile, Hungarian intellectuals preferred to opt for the incorporation of the other
none-core groups of the Habsburg Empire and their neighbors into a possible confederation that could allow not only to satisfy their aspirations for a national emancipation, but to turn “minorities”
into “majorities”. and Článek zahrnuje poznámkový aparát pod čarou
We describe multicolor photometric solutions of the long-period Algol RX Geminorum, accretion disk kinematics deduced from
phase-dependent radial velocity observations of disk Hα emission and fits to Hα profiles using a non-LTE disk model.
The softer a potential is, the closer the corresponding Keplerian rotation is to a rigid rotation law. Because of the small radial coupling in such a situation the radial mass flow due to viscosity in an α-accretion disk is very inefficient. Here a model is presented in which the mass of an accretion disk in a soft potential well changes this potential in a sense that an efficient mass flow in radial direction becomes possible, thus making the formation of a centra! mass condensation possib!e. This mechanism is of interest in the context of galactic central regions since it is capable of explaining the existence of centra! masses such as observed in the cores of norma! galaxies; it might aiso be of relevance for the explanation of the activity in AGNs.
The information on the accuracy of harmonic coefficients C1m, S1m as about a non-monotonic function of order m has been obtained from analysis of standard deviations of athe lumped coefficients compited from standart deviations of harmonic coefficients of various recent Earth gravity models as well as from resonant solutions for the individual orders. It is shown that the acuracy is lower for 8< m < 11 than for 12 < m < 15.
A draft of new laser geodynamic twin-satellite is presented. The aim of the experiment, theoretical basis and suggestions to orbit selection - with ~8 to 11 revs. „day^-1 - are described; some comments to a possible design of the satellites and to their separation are also given.
This paper addresses the poorly understood patterning in the presence vs. absence of the accusative resumptive pronoun in the Czech relative clauses (RC) introduced by the absolutive relativizer co. Using both qualitative and frequency-based quantitative analysis, I investigate the distribution of the resumptive pronoun in authentic usage as attested in the Czech National Corpus. The study leads to the conclusion that the criteria that determine the distribution of the accusative resumptive pronoun go well beyond the traditionally invoked need for expressing agreement categories (gender, number) and grammatical relations (accusative object) or that the presence vs. absence of the pronoun should depend exclusively on the animacy of the relativized noun. Instead, the distribution appears to depend on the semantic compatibility between the relativized noun and the proposition expressed by the RC, reflecting a functional distinction between a determinative and non-determinative (explicative) interpretation of the RC; the former is unambiguously signaled by the bare relativizer co, the latter is available with the analytic co + resumptive pronounACC pattern as one of the interpretive options. and Článek se zabýv| problémem akuzativního z|jmena ve vztažných větách uvozených nesklonným co v češtině a hled| odpověď na dosud nezodpovězenou otázku, čím je v těchto větách přítomnost či nepřítomnost anaforického akuzativu podmíněna. Na základě kvalitativní i frekvenční analýzy korpusového materiálu docházíme k závěru, že korpus nijak nepotvrzuje tradičně postulovaná kritéria pro používání akuzativního zájmena, jimiž má být nutnost vyj|dřit gramatickou shodu s řídícím substantivem (v rodu a čísle) a gramatickou funkci ve vztažné větě (předmět) či role, kterou m| hr|t životnost řídícího substantiva (preferenční souvýskyt akuzativního z|jmena a neživotných substantiv). Rozbor autentického materi|lu naopak nasvědčuje tomu, že distribuce akuzativního z|jmena ve vztažných vět|ch s co je podmíněna sémantickou kompatibilitou mezi řídícím substantivem a propozičním obsahem vztažné věty, což se promítá do funkčního rozlišení mezi determinační a nedeterminační (explikativní) platností dané věty. Nepřítomnost anaforického akuzativu jednoznačně signalizuje funkci determinační, zatímco použití anaforického zájmena umožňuje obojí interpretaci.
The article deals with a research of acoustic emission induced by electromagnetic field. Experiments were focused on measurement of acoustic emission (sound waves) as a mechanical response to the excitation current. Surface displacement was detected by laser interferometer and arising surface waves were then observed. Maximal measured amplitude of mechanical displacement driven by excitation current with amplitude 120 mA is about 8 nm. and Článek se zabývá výzkumem akustické emise generované pomocí elektromagnetického pole. V experimentech se měří velikost mechanické odezvy akustické emise (mechanických vln) na budicí proud z generátoru. Výchylka povrchu byla snímána laserovým interferometrem, byla registrována přítomná povrchová vlna. Maximální amplituda výchylky je 8 nm při amplitudě budicího proudu 120 mA.