The article deals with the forms of the adaption of vernacular buildings situated in the upper part of the Ore Mountains to cold
climate. Unfavourable climatic conditions in the mountainous areas were a significantly restricting factor, especially in terms of agriculture and permanent settlement. The Ore Mountains folk house is a result of the century-long adaptation to cold climate, and as such it includes a set of purposeful measures. These could be seen in the layout and construction of the house (a compact house with integrated shed, specific forms of roof) and materials used
(boarding or shingle-panelling to protect gables and half-timbered
walls, shingle or thatch roofs). Different architectural elements, which were conditioned by the local climate and were typical for the
traditional architecture in the Ore Mountains, developed there (wind
porch, bay toilet, another entrance on the second floor).
The present text maps the actual situation of the participants of the controlled resettlement from the former Soviet Union to the Czech Republic in the years 1992–1993. Better to say, it maps the situation of a group of these settlers who at present live in the village Milovice, in the revitalized former military domain in the south-eastern part of the region Střední Čechy (Central Bohemia). The aim of the research was to analyze how the settlers perceive their reception from part of the majorite society, to study their adaptive strategies and to find out if the resettlement to the Czech Republic and the choice of the mentioned locality fulfilled their wishes and to what degree. The final part of the article summarizes what the settlers see as positive and what as negative aspects of the resettlement. The text is based on repeated directed interviews and observations realized in Milovice in the years 2008–2009.
The paper analyses the arguments put forward by Plantinga to justify his refutation of evolutionary reliabilism, i.e. the claim that the probability that the cognitive faculties, developed in the process of unguided evolution, are reliable is low. I argue that all the thought experiments offered by Plantinga to justify this thesis suffer from a common defect – they disregard the condition of evolution or fail to take it into account properly. In addition, I argue that pointing out the difficulties that naturalistic approaches have in explaining mental causation does not lead to Plantinga’s conclusion that in a naturalistic world there would be no mental causation whatsoever.
Adaptivně administrované testy s dichotomně skórovanými položkami jsou již v odborné literatuře poměrně dobře popsány a v praxi jsou stále častěji využívány. Předložená studie popisuje a hlouběji analyzuje možnosti adaptivní administrace testů s polytomními položkami, které jsou nejčastěji využívány v široké oblasti diagnostiky osobnosti. Na základě rozboru adaptivní administrace testu NEO PI-R jsou prozkoumány výhody a nevýhody tohoto přístupu. Adaptivní administrace ve srovnání s plnou délkou testu úspěšně rekonstruuje úroveň všech měřených rysů, a to za použití výrazně nižšího počtu položek. Výrazným problémem je však nadužívání několika málo položek, které jsou charakteristické vysokou mírou rozlišovací účinnosti. Pro studii byl využit reprezentativní soubor osob, který byl sestaven za účelem standardizace dotazníku NEO PI-R v českých podmínkách (N = 2084). and Adaptive administration of NEO PI-R: limits and benefits
Adaptively administered tests with dichotomously scored items are already well described in the relevant literature and used in practice. The presented study analyses the possibilities of adaptive administration of test with polytomous items, which are commonly used in personality testing. Based on analysis of simulated adaptive administration of NEO PI-R, the limits and benefits of this approach are discussed. It was found that adaptive administration successfully and more effectively reconstructs the level of measured traits ADAPTIVNÍ ADMINISTRACE NEO PI-R: VÝHODY A OMEZENÍ1 MARTIN JELÍNEK, PETR KVĚTON, DALIBOR VOBOŘIL Psychologický ústav AV ČR, Brno in comparison with full scale administration. On the other hand, significant problem consists in overexposure of several items with highest item discrimination power. Representative sample built for the purposes of Czech standardization of NEO PI-R was used (N = 2084).