This study is focused on the snowmelt runoff simulations for the upper Hron basin using dte degree-day approach of the SRM model. Our effort was directed at the determination and selection of input data and model parameters using GIS tools. The aim of this paper was to simulate the snowmelt runoff using only regularly measured data, without their special pre-processing. Comparison between measured and computed runoff indicates that the SRM model could be used for the snowmelt runoff simulation for the upper Hron basin. Results for the smaller upper Telgart subbasin were not so acceptable, because of lack of representative input data, which is essential for the determination of the snow depletion curve. and Práca je venovaná simulácii odtoku zo snehu pre povodie horného Hrona s využitím modelu odtoku zo snehu - SRM. Hlavným cieľom práce bolo posúdiť a otestovať možnosti výberu a určenia vstupných údajov a kalibrácie parametrov do modelu SRM s využitím dát pravidelne meraných v sieti meteorologických staníc. Z výsledkov vyplýva, že SRM veľmi dobre simuluje prietok pre povodie horného Hrona ako celku. Simulácia pre povodie horného Hrona rozdeleného na dve výškové zóny, a najmä pre čiastkové povodie Hrona po Telgárt, nedosiahla akceptovateľné výsledky. Tento fakt spôsobili najmä nedostatečné vstupné údaje. Kritickým sa ukázali najmä vstupné informácie o priestorovom rozložení snehovej pokrývky.
The main purpose of this essay is critical. I focus on Robin Jeshion’s (2002; 2004; 2010) theory of singular thought, and I offer three objections to her Significance Condition for the creation of mental files. First of all, this condition makes incorrect predictions concerning singular thoughts about insignificant objects. Second, it conflicts with a theoretical aim mental file theories usually have, that of accounting for our ability to track discourse referents. And third, it appeals to a vague notion where a clear-cut notion is needed. In the final section, I suggest that there are more plausible alternatives to the Significance Condition that the mental file theorist could appeal to, and which do not face the problems mentioned., Hlavní cíl této eseje je kritický. Zaměřuji se na teorii singulární myšlenky Robina Jeshiona (2002; 2004; 2010) a nabízím tři námitky proti její podmínce významnosti pro tvorbu mentálních souborů. Především tato podmínka činí nesprávné předpovědi týkající se jednotlivých myšlenek o nevýznamných objektech. Za druhé, to je v rozporu s teoretickým cílem mentální souborové teorie obvykle mají, že účetnictví pro naši schopnost sledovat diskurz referents. A za třetí, apeluje na vágní představu, kde je zapotřebí jasného názoru. V závěrečné části navrhuji, aby existovaly více přijatelných alternativ k podmínce významnosti, na které by se mohl obrátit teoretik mentálních souborů a které by se těmto problémům nezabývaly., and Andrei Moldovan
Groundwater flow in surroundings of water structures is frequently noted for singularities in velocity field. These are induced by high gradients of velocity and pressure in closeness of slots and edges in structures. The study does analysis of some hydrodynamic properties of the singularities and warns against its possible incorrect model simulation. and Prúdenie podzemnej vody v okolí hydrotechnických stavieb ako sú potrubia, tunely, nádrže a plavebné komory sa často vyznačuje zvláštnosťami (singularitami) v rýchlostných poliach. Tie sú vyvolávané vysokými gradientami rýchlosti a tlaku v okolí netesností objektov, alebo ich núteným obtekaním. Štúdia analyzuje hydrodynamické vlastnosti týchto singularít a upozorňuje na dôsledky ich prípadne nesprávnej interpretácie.
In arid and semiarid regions where water is the main limiting factor, water redistribution is regarded as an important hydrological process of great ecological value. By providing additional water to certain loci, moist pockets of great productivity are formed, characterized by high plant biomass and biological activity. These moist pockets are often a result of runon. Yet, although runoff may take place on semi-flat undulating surfaces, runoff measurements are thus far confined to slopes, where a sufficient gradient facilitates downslope water harvesting. On undulating surfaces of mounds and depressions, such as in interdunes, no quantification of the amount of water reaching depressions is feasible due to the fact that no reliable method for measuring the runoff amounts in semi-flat terrains is available. The current paper describes specific runoff plots, designed to measure runoff in depressions (sinks). These plots, termed sink plots (SPs), were operative in the Hallamish dunefield (Negev Desert, Israel). The paper presents measurements of runoff yield that were carried out between January 2013 and January 2014 on SPs and compared them to runoff obtained from crusted slope plots and fine-grained (playa) surfaces. The potential hydrological and ecological implications of water redistribution within semi-flat terrains for this and other arid ecosystems are discussed.
Water erosion has been recognized as a major soil degradation process worldwide. This is of special relevance in the semi-arid areas of South Bulgaria with long periods of drought along with severe rainfall events. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the applicability of Bromus innermis L. and Lotus corniculatus L. for soil protection purposes under different site conditions. The site parameters considered were slope, fertilization and a range of soil physical parameters. The plant parameters were canopy cover, biomass, and root morphological characteristics. The experiment includes plots without and with eleven rates of NPK fertilization on gentle (6o ) and steep slopes (12o ). It was observed that the effect of fertilization on shoot and root growth was stronger on the gentle than on the steep slopes. The biomass accumulation was more sensitive to N than the PK fertilizer applications. The increase of the root density with increasing fertilization rates was more pronounced for the mass than for length or surface area. A significant effect on root diameter was found only for the variants with the highest N application. Treatments with the highest root mass density on both slopes showed the greatest potential for reducing erosion.
V tomto příspěvku se budeme zabývat úlohami fyzikální olympiády zaměřenými na sluneční záření dopadající na povrch Země, které lze považovat za součást kosmického záření. Úloh s touto tematikou nalezneme ve fyzikální olympiádě na různých úrovních celou řadu, my zde představíme dvě teoretické úlohy. První z nich byla zadána na 46. mezinárodní fyzikální olympiádě (MFO) v Indii v roce 2015. I druhá úloha je ze 46. ročníku, ale tentokrát slovenské fyzikální olympiády. Tento ročník proběhl již ve školním roce 2004/05. and Filip Studnička, Ľubomír Konrád, Jan Kříž, Bohumil Vybíral.
This paper concerns the topic of slur reclamation. I start with presenting two seemingly opposing accounts of slur reclamation, Jeshion’s (2020) Polysemy view and Bianchi’s (2014) Echoic view. Then, using the data provided by linguists, I discuss the histories of the reclamation of the slur ‘queer’ and of the n-word, which brings me to presenting a view of reclamation that combines the Polysemy view and Echoic view. The Combined view of slur reclamation proposed in this paper postulates meaning change while fleshing out the pragmatic mechanisms necessary for it to occur.
Research of the last years pointed out that most soils are neither completely hydrophilic nor hydrophobic, but exhibit a subcritical level of water repellency (i.e. contact angle, CA > 0° and < 90°). Soil water repellency (SWR) is mainly caused by organic compounds of different origin and structure, showing the relevance of biofilms and organic coatings present at many particle surfaces. Despite the importance of SWR for hydraulic processes like preferential flow phenomena, generation of heterogeneous moisture patterns, or surface run-off generation, detailed investigations on the spatial variability of SWR at various scales have rarely been carried out. We introduce a new and easy-to-apply operation for measuring the spatial distribution of SWR using a modified sessile drop method for direct optical assessment of CA at a small scale. The specific objectives of this paper are to apply a sampling and preparation technique that preserves the original spatial arrangement of soil particles and to characterize soil wettability in terms of CA at a high spatial resolution. Results revealed that the sampling and preparation technique allows determination of CA at the millimeter scale using droplets of 1 µL volume. Direct measurement on grain surfaces of the sand fraction is possible for grain sizes > 300 µm using drop volumes down to 0.1 µL. Geostatistical evaluation showed that the measurement grid scale is below the range of spatial dependency for droplets of 1 µL volume, but not for measurements on single grains (pure nugget effect). Results show further that the small-scale differences in wettability, especially for CA < 90°, cannot be detected by the conventional WDPT test. From these findings it can be concluded that the proposed technique allows the identification of small-scale variations in wettability that may promote the formation of heterogeneous flow fields and moisture patterns in soil under unsaturated conditions.
This paper deals with the formation of snowmelt-driven floods in two experimental microbasins located in Slovakia’s highlands (300-400 m a.s.l) near the town of Povazska Bystrica, Slovakia in March 2006. The first basin (Rybarik) encompasses an area of 0.119 km2 and is used primarily for agriculture; while the Lesný basin with its catchment area of 0.0864 km2 is characterized as a forested land. The maximal specific outflow from the Rybárik basin was observed on March 28, 2006, with 281.3 l s-1 km-2, peaking at 3 p.m. with 422 l s-1 km-2. In the Lesný basin, the maximum outflow was observed on March 29, 2006, with its peak of 523 l s-1 km-2 at noon. In the second part the long-term trend of snow water equivalent (SWE) modeled by the HBV-light rainfall-runoff model in the Rybarik and Lesny microbasins were evaluated. After the model verification, the daily values of SWE for the period 1965/66-2005/06 were calculated for Rybarik and Lesný microbasins. From the results it follows, that, after a temporal decline in the maxima of snow depth and of SWE in the 1990s, SWE started to increase in 2002 again. The historically highest values of SWE were simulated in both experimental microbasins in the winter season of 2005/06. and V príspevku je analyzovaná tvorba povodňového odtoku počas povodne z topenia sa snehu v marci 2006 na príklade dvoch experimentálnych mikropovodí lokalizovaných vo vrchovinovej časti Slovenska pri Považskej Bystrici (300–400 m n.m.), konkrétne z poľnohospodársky využívaného mikropovodia Rybárik (0,119 km2 ), a zo zalesneného mikropovodia Lesný (0,0864 km2 ). Maximálny meraný špecifický odtok z povodia Rybárik bol 281 l s-1 km-2 28. marca 2006 (vrchol 422 l s-1 km-2 o 15.00 hod.). Maximálny meraný špecifický odtok z povodia Lesný 263,7 l s-1 km-2 bol zaznamenaný 29. marca 2006 (vrchol 523 l s-1 km-2 o 12.00 hod.). V druhej časti príspevku je analyzovaný dlhodobý vývoj vodnej hodnoty snehu (SWE) v povodí Rybárik a Lesný, modelovanej zrážko-odtokovým modelom HBV-light. Po kalibrácii a verifikácii modelu boli modelom vypočítané denné vodné hodnoty snehu za 42-ročné obdobie 1965/66–2005/06. Z výsledkov vyplýva, že po dočasnom poklese maxím vodnej hodnoty snehu SWE v deväťdesiatych rokoch minulého storočia od roku 2002 došlo k opätovnému zvýšeniu vodnej hodnoty snehu. V zimnej sezóne 2005/06 bola vypočítaná najvyššia hodnota SWE od začiatku pozorovaní v oboch mikropovodiach.