In 1955, the work started in the Institute for Theoretical Radio Engineering of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, the predecessor of today’s Institute of Photonics and Electronics of the Czech Academy of Sciences. In the year 2015, proclaimed as the International Year of Light by the UNESCO, let us recall selection of the milestones of the past 60 years of scientific research in our institution, particularly those related to photonics and light. and V roce 1955 zahájil svou činnost Ústav teoretické radiotechniky Československé akademie věd, předchůdce dnešního Ústavu fotoniky a elektroniky Akademie věd České republiky. V roce 2015, vyhlášeným UNESCO za Mezinárodní rok světla, si připomeňme výběr z některých milníků už 60 leté historie vědeckého bádání v našem ústavu, zejména těch se vztahem k fotonice a světlu.
The 700th birth anniversary of King of Bohemia and Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV has been designated as one of UNESCO´s important world anniversaries for 2016-2017. The Czech Academy of Sciences recreates the period of Charles IV at the exhibiton entitled Seven Towers. Charles IV through the eyes of academics (1316-2016) at the Science and Art Gallery. The visitors have an oppportunity to see the unique gold ducats with a picture of Charles IV. For this first time the most valuable archaeological discoveries of glass goblets are exhibited. Everyday items used by residents of the medieval city are also on display. The exhibition also shows a rare treasure of coins, which was hidden in the Emmaus monastery about 1370, as well as copies of the Constitutive Act of the Charles University, Charles´s Code Maiestas Carolina or late-medieval transcript of Charles´ Golden Bull. Personality of Charles IV is documented by commemorative coins, medals and seals bearing his image. Part of the exhibition is also a faithful copy of the statue of Charles IV from the Old Town Bridge Tower, the last sculptural portrait of the monarch before his death. and Marina Hužvárová.