The possibility to search electronically very large corpora of texts has opened up ways in which we can truly evaluate the rules through which grammarians have tried and continue to try to simulate natural languages. However, the possibility to handle incredibly large amounts of texts might lead to problems with the assessment of certain phenomena that are hardly ever represented in those corpora and yet, have always been regarded as grammatically correct elements of a given language. In German, typical phenomena of this kind are forms like betrögest or erwögest, i.e. second person singular of the so-called strong verbs in the subjunctive mood. Should we see them merely as grammarians’ inventions? Before doing so, we should reconsider the nature of these phenomena. They may appear to be isolated word forms but, in fact, are compact realizations of syntactic constructions, and it is the frequency of these constructions that should be evaluated, not the frequency of their specific realizations. and Možnost prohledávat velmi rozsáhlé korpusy textů pomocí elektronických nástrojů ukazuje cesty, jak evaluovat pravidla, jimiž se lingvisté snažili a stále snaží simu-lovat přirozený jazyk. Avšak možnost zpracovávat obrovské množství textů může přiná-šet problémy, jak hodnotit jisté jevy, jež se i v takto velkých korpusech nikdy nevyskytly, přestože byly vždy považovány za gramaticky korektní elementy daného jazyka. V němčině jsou typickými prvky tohoto druhu tvary jako betrögest nebo erwögest, tj. 2. os. sg. konjunktivu préterita tzv. silných sloves. Máme se na ně dívat jako na pouhý výmysl gramatiků? Než tak učiníme, měli bychom znovu zhodnotit povahu těchto jevů. Může se zdát, že jde o izolované slovní formy, avšak ve skutečnosti jde o kondenzované realizace syntaktických konstrukcí, a proto bychom měli hodnotit frekvenci těchto konstrukcí, ni-koli frekvenci jejich specifických realizací.
Submitted paper deals with preparation of the X-DIA aeroelastic demonstrator component wind tunnel tests. The paper is focused on design, analysis and manufacturing of new composite foreplanes, FE analyses of the X-DIA Component Model (static
aeroelasticity, flutter, dynamic responses) and optimization study of the demonstrator wind tunnel support device. Analyses were performed by means of the MSC.NASTRAN program system. and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The different replics technologies were developed and used for manufacturing X-ray grazing incidence mirrors. Five of he mirrors were tested in the X-ray long test facilitiy at MPI Garching in 1984. The results are presented and briefly discussed.
A matrix A is said to have \mbox{\boldmathX}-simple image eigenspace if any eigenvector x belonging to the interval \boldmathX={x:x−−≤x≤x¯¯¯} containing a constant vector is the unique solution of the system A⊗y=x in \mbox{\boldmathX}. The main result of this paper is an extension of \mbox{\boldmathX}-simplicity to interval max-min matrix \boldmathA={A:A−−≤A≤A¯¯¯¯} distinguishing two possibilities, that at least one matrix or all matrices from a given interval have \mbox{\boldmathX}-simple image eigenspace. \mbox{\boldmathX}-simplicity of interval matrices in max-min algebra are studied and equivalent conditions for interval matrices which have \mbox{\boldmathX}-simple image eigenspace are presented. The characterized property is related to and motivated by the general development of tropical linear algebra and interval analysis, as well as the notions of simple image set and weak robustness (or weak stability) that have been studied in max-min and max-plus algebras.