Článek se zabývá básnickým debutem J. S. Machara Confiteor (1887), zařazuje ho do vztahů literárního pole osmdesátých 19. století a analyzuje typ mluvčího subjektu a ironie, v soudobé české poezii jedinečné. Macharův vztah k romantismu, na jedné straně manifestovaný, na straně druhé důsledně ironizovaný a absentující, souvisí i se strachem z metafyzických otázek a položením otázky smyslu poezie i existence pouze ve společenské rovině. Interpretace je návratem k estetické hodnotě literárního textu, zároveň však problematizuje pojetí J. S. Machara jako zakladatele české moderny a klade otázku kontinuity mezi romantismem a modernou. and The article is concerned with Confiteor (1887), the first collection of verse byJosef Svatopluk Machar (1864—1942). It places him in the concerns of 1890sliterature and analyzes the nature of the persona and irony, both of which areunique in the Czech verse of his day. Machar’s approach to the Romantic isambivalent. On the one hand he exhibits the Romantic tradition; on the other, theRomantic is absent or consistently ironized. This approach is linked with his fear ofmetaphysical questions and his evident questioning of the status of poetry merelyon a sociological level. The author’s interpretation constitutes a return to assessingthe aesthetic value of the literary text; at the same time it considers the problemof Machar as founder of Czech Modernism. In so doing, she looks at continuitiesbetween Romanticism and Modernism.
Molecular analysis of an extensive specimen collection of morphologically distinct tapeworms of the genus Caryophyllaeus Gmelin, 1790 (Cestoda: Caryophyllidea), parasites of cyprinid fishes in the Palaearctic Region, brought evidence of host-related plasticity in critical morphological characters widely used for species circumscription and classification of these tapeworms. The results obtained here do not support the traditionally used morphological concept of species-defining characters of the order Caryophyllidea Carus, 1863, especially due to high morphological plasticity of the scolex and the anterior end of the body. Several morphotypes within both Caryophyllaeus laticeps (Pallas, 1781) and Caryophyllaeus brachycollis Janiszewska, 1953 generally corresponding to different hosts and geographical regions, were recognised likely suggesting host- and geography-related intraspecific morphological variability. Genetic data confirmed euryxenous host specificity of both species, most profoundly C. laticeps, but did not support the existence of cryptic species. In fact, some of the fish hosts may harbour both of the congeneric species including several of their respective morphotypes. The pattern of morphological and genetic divergence observed in both cestode species studied indicates a scenario of possible host range extensions and subsequent parasite diversification. If molecular sequence variability and host-related morphological polymorphism are confirmed in other groups of monozoic cestodes, it may complicate species identification and straightforward classification of these parasites.
Climate changes expected in future would influence the inflow into a multipurpose reservoir. Will be a reservoir able to supply a real demand for water during those climate conditions? This ability was calculated by rainfall-runoff balance model WBMOD that works with a monthly time step. The input data series of precipitation and air temperature and the observed reservoir outflows were used to express the expected changes of the total runoff and the required reservoir capacity. Input data were modified every month according to the last climate scenarios CCCM2000 and GISS1998 estimated for the Vihorlat reservoir catchment. Failures in the required water supply in volume and time for these changed climate conditions were evaluated. Climate scenarios of temperature and precipitation changes for the Laborec catchment above gauging station Laborec-Humenné, for time period 1971-1998 were used. and Zmena klímy očakávaná v budúcnosti by mohla ovplyvniť aj prítok do vodnej nádrže. Bude za takýchto klimatických podmienok nádrž schopná zabezpečiť reálne požiadavky na vodu, aké boli namerané za jej doterajšej prevádzky? Na výpočet týchto zmien bol použitý zrážkovo-odtokový bilančný model WBMOD pracujúci v mesačnom kroku. Zmeny celkového odtoku z povodia a požadovaného objemu nádrže na zabezpečenie reálneho odberu boli vyčíslené za pomoci vstupných údajov o zrážkach a teplotách v povodí Laborca nad profilom Humenné a za pomoci meraných odberov z vodnej nádrže Vihorlat (Zemplínska Šírava) za obdobie 1971-1998. Vstupné údaje boli modifikované podľa najnovších klimatických scenárov CCCM2000 a GISS1998 prepočítaných pre povodie Laborec-Humenné. Na záver boli vyčíslené nedodávky požadovaného množstva vody v objeme a čase za zmenených klimatických podmienok.
A meet semilattice with a partial join operation satisfying certain axioms is a JP-semilattice. A PJP-semilattice is a pseudocomplemented JP-semilattice. In this paper we describe the smallest PJP-congruence containing a kernel ideal as a class. Also we describe the largest PJP-congruence containing a filter as a class. Then we give several characterizations of congruence kernels and cokernels for distributive PJP-semilattices.
We say that a variety ${\mathcal V}$ of algebras has the Compact Intersection Property (CIP), if the family of compact congruences of every $A\in {\mathcal V}$ is closed under intersection. We investigate the congruence lattices of algebras in locally finite, congruence-distributive CIP varieties and obtain a complete characterization for several types of such varieties. It turns out that our description only depends on subdirectly irreducible algebras in ${\mathcal V}$ and embeddings between them. We believe that the strategy used here can be further developed and used to describe the congruence lattices for any (locally finite) congruence-distributive CIP variety.
Effect basic algebras (which correspond to lattice ordered effect algebras) are studied. Their ideals are characterized (in the language of basic algebras) and one-to-one correspondence between ideals and congruences is shown. Conditions under which the quotients are OMLs or MV-algebras are found.
We exploit the properties of Legendre polynomials defined by the contour integral $\bold P_n(z)=(2\pi {\rm i})^{-1} \oint (1-2tz+t^2)^{-1/2}t^{-n-1} {\rm d} t,$ where the contour encloses the origin and is traversed in the counterclockwise direction, to obtain congruences of certain sums of central binomial coefficients. More explicitly, by comparing various expressions of the values of Legendre polynomials, it can be proved that for any positive integer $r$, a prime $p \geqslant 5$ and $n=rp^2-1$, we have $\sum _{k=0}^{\lfloor n/2\rfloor }{2k \choose k}\equiv 0, 1\text { or }-1 \pmod {p^2}$, depending on the value of $r \pmod 6$.