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282. Legislatívne zakotvenie hospicovej a paliatívnej starostlivosti v ČR a SR a niekoľko poznámok k úprave v Nemecku a Rakúsku
- Creator:
- Oškerová, Veronika
- Format:
- electronic, electronic resource, and remote
- Type:
- model:article, article, Text, and TEXT
- Subject:
- hospicová a paliativní péče--zákonodárství a právo, zákonodárství jako téma, and lidé
- Language:
- Czech, Slovak, and English
- Description:
- Rozvoj paliatívnej starostlivosti v bývalom Československu je možné v modernej podobe sledovať až po roku 1989. Prvý hospic na území Českej republiky bol založený v roku 1995, na Slovensku až v roku 2002. Toto oneskorenie vývoja, spôsobené historickými udalosťami, sa odráža aj v legislatíve upravujúcej danú problematiku. Medzinárodnoprávna úprava a ústavnoprávna úprava sú v obidvoch krajinách v zásade rovnaké. Ako Česká, tak aj Slovenská republika sa hlásia k ochrane ľudských práv a slobôd i k ochrane zdravia. K ochrane zdravia patrí okrem mnohých iných aspektov aj poskytovanie paliatívnej starostlivosti, pričom táto starostlivosť je mnohokrát vnímaná ako okrajová. Dopyt po nej však vzhľadom k demografii obidvoch štátov zrejme bude stúpať a preto je namieste zaoberať sa právnym stavom tejto reality. Paliatívna starostlivosť zasahuje do zdravotnej a sociálnej sféry spoločnosti, pričom ale spolupráca medzi týmito sektormi nie je ani zďaleka ideálna. Súčasná medzinárodnoprávna úprava je neefektívna, čo je spôsobené jej špecifickým charakterom, vnútroštátna úprava je roztrieštená, neprehľadná a neúplná, čo poskytuje priestor pre vznik problémov v každodennej praxi. Orientácia v predmetnej právnej úprave nie je jednoduchá ani pre odborníka. Vzhľadom na fakt, že väčšina zdravotníckych pracovníkov pôsobiacich v oblasti poskytovania paliatívnej starostlivosti, sú laici, je pre nich táto úloha takmer nemožná. Cieľom tohto článku je poskytnúť prehľad predmetnej právnej úpravy s niekoľkými poznámkami ohľadom právnej úpravy sledovanej problematiky v Nemecku a v Rakúsku., The development of palliative care in former Czechoslovakia can be noticed only after the year 1989. The first hospice in the territory of the Czech Republic was founded in 1995, in the Slovak Republic in 2002. This delay of development, caused by historical events, is also reflected in the legislation regulating the given area. Regulation on international and constitutional level in both countries is essentially the same. Both Czech and Slovak Republic declare their support of the protection of human rights and freedoms, as well as protection of health. However provision of palliative care, although a part of health protection, is in reality often perceived as marginal and therefore neglected. Demand for palliative care, especially due to the demographic perspectives of the two countries, will most probably rise, and therefore addressing the legal aspects of this fact is most definitely in place. Palliative care in general closely connects both health and social care sectors of a society, but the actual cooperation between these sectors in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic is far from ideal. The current international regulation is ineffective, which is caused mainly by its specific nature, while the national regulation is fragmented, confusing and incomplete. This fact allows for the emergence of problems in everyday practice. The orientation in the related regulation is not easy even for a legal professional. Considering the fact that the majority of health professionals working in the area of providing palliative care are laymen, their orientation therein is virtually impossible. The aim of this article is to provide a basic overview of the relevant legislation in the Czech Republic with a couple of remarks regarding the legal regulation in Germany and Austria., Veronika Oškerová, and Literatura
- Rights:
- and policy:public
283. Lemuralges propithecus sp. n. (Acariformes: Psoroptidae), an ectoparasite of the diademed sifaka Propithecus diadema (Primates: Indriidae)
- Creator:
- Bochkov, Andre V, Klompen, Hans, Junge, Randall E, and Williams, Cathy V
- Format:
- electronic, počítač, and online zdroj
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- parazitičtí živočichové, parasitic animals, Madagaskar, Madagascar, acari, parasites, lemurs, systematics, 2, and 59
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- A new species of the genus Lemuralges Fain, 1963 (Acariformes: Psoroptidae: Makialginae) is described from the Malagasy lemur Propithecus diadema (Bennett) (Primates: Indriidae) based on all postembryonic instars. This new species differs from the only known species in this genus, Lemuralges intermedius Fain, 1963, by the following features: both sexes of L. propithecus sp. n. show a pair of medioventral projections of the subcapitulum (vs without projections in L. intermedius) and the propodonotal shield is slightly ornamented (vs unornamented); in males the hysteronotal shield is completely covered by longitudinal striae (vs median part without striae), setae c2 are 120-140 µm long (vs 200-210 µm long), and femur III has a short transverse furrow dorsally (vs a longitudinal furrow); in females, setae h2 are, at least, 2 times shorter than h3 (vs slightly longer, or subequal to, h3), tibia IV has a ventro-apical projection (vs without projection). Larvae and protonymphs of the new species show some unique developmental delays. Female and male tritonymphs differ by their external morphology., Andre V. Bochkov, Hans Klompen, Randall E. Junge, Cathy V. Williams., and Obsahuje bibliografii
- Rights:
- and policy:public
284. Level of markers of neurodegeneration in patients with ocular ischemic syndrome
- Creator:
- Kamilov, Halidjan, Kasimova, Munirahon, and Makhkamova, Dilbar
- Format:
- electronic, electronic resource, remote, and elektronický zdroj
- Type:
- model:article, article, Text, srovnávací studie, and TEXT
- Subject:
- oční nemoci--patologie, biologické markery--analýza--krev, proteiny S100--analýza--krev, fosfoenolpyruváthydratáza--analýza--krev, slzy--chemie, ischemie--diagnóza--patofyziologie, atrofie optického nervu--diagnóza--patofyziologie, staří, ženské pohlaví, lidé, mužské pohlaví, lidé středního věku, and oční ischemický syndrom
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- The purpose of this study was to investigate the content neurospecific markers protein S-100 and neuroenolaza in blood serum and tear fluid of patients with ocular ischemic syndrome. Material and methods. We observed 43 patients aged 57 to 79 years, mean age 67.3 ± 2.7 years. Control group consisted of 11 volunteers without ophthalmic symptoms. The main group consisted of 32 patients with OIS. The neurospecific proteins S100 and NSE were investigated in blood serum and tear fluid. Results. The study found that in patients of the control group the content of protein were within the normal range: S -100 in the tear fluid – 0,0662 ± 0,00335 mkg/l, in the blood serum 0,0508 ± 0,00241 mkg/l. In patients of the main group the indicators of protein in the tear fluid were elevated in all patients - 3,12 ± 0,246 mkg/l ( p<0.005). The normal evels in blood serum of marker S-100 was in 30 patients - 0,0589 ± 0,00303 mkg/l, while, in 2 patients protein S-100 were raised and averaged 0,2175±0,00725 mkg/l. It was found that in patients of the control group content of protein NSE in the tear fluid and blood serum were within normal values - 15,86 ± 0,148 Ng/ml, 15,60 ± 0,202 Ng/ml respectively. In the main group the amount of protein NSE tended to increase in the tear fluid in 23 patients and averaged 33,012 ± 3,2626 Ng/ml (p<0.005), a significant decrease the quantity of protein was observed in 9 patients, which amounted to 5,166 ± 0,8301 Ng/ml. At normal levels in the blood serum protein NSE detected in 30 patients and averaged 14,48 ± 0,263 Ng/ml, whereas, in 2 patients there was a significant increase of content of protein NSE and was 27,47 ± 3,068 Ng/ml. Conclusions. Thus, changes in the concentration of S100 and neuroenolaza in the tear fluid in patients with ocular ischemic European Medical, Health and Pharmaceutical Journal ISSN 1804-5804 syndrome allow to identify as marker of nerve cells damage of the eye, contributing to the definition in conjunction with other signs of stage and etiology of the disease., Halidjan Kamilov, Munirahon Kasimova, Dilbar Makhkamova, and Literatura
- Rights:
- and policy:public
285. Life (dis)satisfaction and the decision to migrate: evidence from Central and Eastern Europe
- Creator:
- Otrachshenko, Vladimir, Popova, Olga, Kejak, Michal, Univerzita Karlova. Centrum pro ekonomický výzkum a doktorské studium, and Národohospodářský ústav (Akademie věd ČR)
- Publisher:
- Format:
- electronic and 38 s. : il., tab.
- Type:
- model:monograph and TEXT
- Subject:
- Demografie. Populace, migrace obyvatelstva, kvalita života, Evropa střední a východní, 314.15, 316.728-021.465, (4-191.2)+(4-11), (048.8), 18, and 314
- Language:
- English and Czech
- Description:
- Vladimir Otrachshenko, Olga Popova., Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy., České resumé, and born digital
- Rights:
- and policy:public
286. Life cycle and settlement of an Australian isolate of Ichthyophthirius multifiliis Fouquet, 1876 from rainbow trout
- Creator:
- Forwood, James M, Harris, James O, Landos, Matt, and Deveney, Marty R
- Format:
- electronic, počítač, and online zdroj
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- teplota, nemoci, temperature, diseases, Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, disease management, salinity, 2, and 59
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- Ichthyophthirius multifiliis Fouquet, 1876, a ciliate parasite, is a cosmopolitan and problematic parasite of cultured freshwater fish. Each geographical isolate of I. multifiliis has variations in life cycle timing under different abiotic water conditions, such as temperature and salinity. We assessed the effects of salinity and temperature on the development and the preferred settlement site of a temperate Australian isolate of I. multifiliis. The time until theront release was significantly different between each temperature; development time was longest at 5 °C with a mean time of 189 h and decreased to a mean time of 11.7 h at 30 °C. At 5 °C our isolate produced a mean of 267 theronts per tomont, which increased to a mean of 493 theronts at 25 °C and reduced to a mean of 288 theronts at 30 °C. Theront length showed an inverse relationship to temperature; mean length was 62 μm at 5 °C and 41 μm at 30 °C. Our isolate reproduced faster at all temperatures and a greater sensitivity to salinity than all reported profiles for temperate isolates. Parasite abundance was highest on the dorsal region of the fish. An accurate understanding of temperature-life cycle information and optimal region to sample for surveillance will aid in the development of specific management plans for the Australian isolate of I. multifiliis, facilitating the strategic timing of treatments., James M. Forwood, James O. Harris, Matt Landos, Marty R. Deveney., and Obsahuje bibliografii
- Rights:
- and policy:public
287. Life cycle of Hepatozoon affluomaloti sp. n. (Apicomplexa: Haemogregarinidae) in crag lizards (Sauria: Cordylidae) and in culicine mosquitoes from South Africa
- Creator:
- As, Johann Van, Davies, Angela J, and Smit, Nico J
- Format:
- electronic, počítač, and online zdroj
- Type:
- model:article and TEXT
- Subject:
- parazitologie, parasitology, gamonts, merogonic stage, oocysts, sporocysts, sporozoites, transmission, 2, and 59
- Language:
- English
- Description:
- A new haemogregarine species Hepatozoon affluomaloti sp. n. is described from erythrocytes in the peripheral blood of crag lizards Pseudocordylus melanotus (Smith) and Pseudocordylus subviridis (Smith) (Sauria: Cordylidae) from mountainous regions in the Eastern Free State, South Africa. This species can be distinguished from all other congeners based on its large size, staining properties and life cycle development in its vector, Culex (Afroculex) lineata (Theobald) (Diptera: Culicidae). Mature gamonts stain mostly uniformly pinkish-purple with Giemsa, sometimes containing darker azurophilic granules anterior and posterior to the nucleus. The reflexed posterior extremity of the gamont stage sometimes stains slightly deeper purple and the nucleus is dense and placed in the posterior third of the parasite body. Merogonic stages of this haemogregarine occur in the liver tissues of P. melanotus with dizoic meronts. Macromeronts contains 2-7 macromerozoites and micromeronts contains 9-24 micromerozoites. Sporogonic developmental stages found in the proposed final host and vector, C. lineata, include large oocysts, measuring 54 × 48 µm on average. Sporulating oocysts with 8 nuclei are present in mosquitoes 6-7 days post-feeding on infected lizards. Sporocysts with mature sporozoites measure 31.0 × 21.8 µm on average and each contains 2-8 large sporozoites. It is suggested that transmission of infective sporozoites is achieved through predation of lizards on mosquitoes., Johann Van As, Angela J. Davies, Nico J. Smit., and Obsahuje bibliografii
- Rights:
- and policy:public
288. Limited liability, asset price bubbles and the credit cycle: the role of monetary policy
- Creator:
- Matějů, Jakub
- Publisher:
- Format:
- electronic, svazek, and 34 stran
- Type:
- model:monograph and TEXT
- Subject:
- Finance, finanční trhy, riziko (ekonomie), měnová politika, modelování a simulace, financial market, risk (economic theory), monetary policy, modeling and simulation, 336.76, 330.131.7, 336.74:338.23, 519.86/.87, (048.8), 4, and 336.7
- Language:
- English and Czech
- Description:
- Jakub Matějů. and Český a anglický abstrakt
- Rights:
- and policy:public
289. Loans for better living: the role of informal collateral
- Creator:
- Kuvíková, Gabriela
- Publisher:
- Format:
- electronic, bez média, svazek, and 42 stran
- Type:
- model:monograph and TEXT
- Subject:
- Finance, spotřebitelské úvěry, platební neschopnost, consumer credit, insolvency, 336.77.067, 347.736, (048.8), 4, and 336.7
- Language:
- English and Czech
- Description:
- Gabriela Kuvíková., Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy, and České a anglické resumé
- Rights:
- and policy:public
290. Lymfomy urogenitálního traktu
- Creator:
- Kovářová, Daniela, Vokurka, Samuel, Dolejšová, Olga, Hora, Milan, Kuntscherová, Jana, Kreuzberg, Boris, and Chudáček, Zdeněk
- Format:
- electronic, electronic resource, and remote
- Type:
- model:article, article, Text, and TEXT
- Language:
- Czech and English
- Description:
- Cíl: Cílem našeho sdělení je přiblížit problematiku lymfomů urologických orgánů prostřednictvím analýzy vlastního souboru pacientů. Metoda: Na Urologické klinice FN Plzeň se za období 2010 až 2015 diagnóza lymfomu vyskytla u deseti pacientů. Provedly jsme retrospektivní analýzu diagnostického procesu, průběhu onemocnění a výsledků léčby. Histologie k potvrzení diagnózy maligního lymfomu byla získaná při chirurgickém výkonu nebo cílenou biopsií. Poté následovala časná imunochemoterapie v režimu R-CHOP (rituximab, cyklofosfamid, vincristin, adriamycin/doxorubicin, prednison), R-COP (bez doxorubicinu). Výsledky: Dominovaly lymfomy varlete u celkem sedmi pacientů, dále se jednalo o lymfom pravé nadledviny, lymfom peripelvické tkáně levé ledviny a lymfom malé pánve v těsném kontaktu s močovým měchýřem. U šesti pacientů s lymfomem varlat a u pacientky s lymfomem peripelvické tkáně levé ledviny bylo dosaženo kompletní remise. U jednoho pacienta s lymfomem varlete a u pacienta s lymfomem pánve v době sepsání práce léčba ještě probíhala a nález regredoval. V případě lymfomu nadledviny bylo dosaženo parciální remise onemocnění. Závěr: Primární nebo sekundární lymfomy urogenitálního traktu se v rámci urologických malignit vyskytují vzácně. Přesto by se na toto onemocnění mělo v diferenciálně diagnostické rozvaze pomýš- let. Role urologa je v zajištění histologické verifikace onemocnění a případně i v chirurgické léčbě, po které následuje terapie vedená hematoonkologem. Časná diagnostika a neodkladná onkologická léčba má zásadní význam v navození kompletní remise a dlouhodobém přežívání nemocných s touto diagnózou., Aim: The aim of this report is to describe the issue of lymphomas of urological organs through the analysis of our own patients. Methods: At the Departement of Urology in Pilsen the diagnosis of malignant lymphoma occured in ten patients in the period 2010 till 2015. We performed a retrospective analysis of the diagnostic process, disease course and outcome. Histology for confirmation of the diagnosis was obtained by surgical operation or targeted biopsy. The patients were thereafter treated by immunochemotherapy R-CHOP (rituximab, cyklophoshamid, vincristine, adriamycin/doxorubicin, prednisone) or R-COP (without doxorubicin). Resluts: Most frequent were testicular lymphomas in seven patients, one case of right adrenal lymphoma, one lymphoma of peripelvic tissue of left kidney and one patient with lymphoma of the small pelvis in close contact to the urinary bladder. Six patients with testicular lymphoma and the patient with lymphoma of peripelvic tissue achieved complete remission. In one patient with testicular lymphoma and the patient with lymphoma of the small pelvis the therapy was ongoing and regression of findings were documented at the time of publication. The patient with adrenal lymphoma achieved partial remission. Conlusion: Primary or secondary urogenital lymphomas are rare urological malignancies. Nevertheless this illness should be contemplated in the differential diagnosis. The role of urologist is to provide surgical treatment and histological verification of the disease, followed by haematooncologal therapy. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment is fundamental for inducing complete remission and for long-term survival of patients with this disease., Daniela Kovářová, Samuel Vokurka, Olga Dolejšová, Milan Hora, Jana Kuntscherová, Boris Kreuzberg, Zdeněk Chudáček, and Literatura
- Rights:
- and policy:public