The concept of decent minimum of health care is broadly discussed in foreign countries. In the Czech Republic, nevertheless, the concept of decent minimum of health care is practically unknown. Although there is general agreement that health, in its definition of complete physical, mental and social well-being, is fundamental to a dignified human life, the extent of health care that meets the criterion of a decent minimum of health care necessary to ensure a dignified human life is the subject of professional debate. This article critically evaluates the arguments for the implementation of the concept of a decent minimum of health care into current legislation of the Czech Republic. and Slušné minimum zdravotní péče je v zahraničních státech široce diskutované téma. V prostředí České republiky je však pojem slušného minima zdravotní péče prakticky neznámý. Ačkoliv panuje obecná shoda v tom, že zdraví je ve své definici úplné tělesné, duševní a sociální pohody fundamentální pro důstojný lidský život, rozsah zdravotní péče, který by splňoval kritérium slušného minima zdravotní péče nutného pro zajištění důstojného lidského života, je předmětem odborné debaty. Předkládaný článek kriticky hodnotí argumenty pro implementaci pojmu slušného minima zdravotní péče do platné legislativy České republiky.
The Lama forest is the largest natural forest in southern Benin, and one of the last remnant forests within the Dahomey Gap. It harbours several species of major importance in terms of conservation. Small mammals are known to represent more than 80% of the African mammalian species diversity but they have received little attention in Benin. In this article we present the results of the first terrestrial small mammal species inventory (murid rodents and shrews) in the Lama forest. In September and October 2007, we captured 280 small mammals belonging to 12 species, identified by morphological and genetic analysis. We also provide detailed cytogenetic data for six of the 12 captured species. For five of them, we compare our data with previously published karyotypes, and for the sixth one (Hylomyscus pamfi), the karyotype is published here for the first time. Two of the captured species are closed-forest specialists (Praomys misonnei, H. pamfi), and H. pamfi is endemic to the Dahomey Gap region. Our results are congruent with those obtained on other animal groups, and highlight the importance of the Lama forest for the conservation of the country's forest biodiversity.
In the context of food self-sufficiency, the River Senegal Valley has been undergoing profound environmental changes for several decades. Rice production has increased due to the development of vast irrigated perimeters, which has been accompanied by recurrent proliferations of rodent populations that are crop pests and reservoirs of zoonoses. The aim of our study was to determine the factors underlying these phases of increased rodent abundance over a ten-year (2008 to 2019) sampling period during the hot dry season (February-May). A total of 1,867 rodents of four species were captured, among which Arvicanthis niloticus and Mastomys huberti dominated. Our results showed that, during this season, rodent abundance (i) increases significantly with rainfall from the previous year, (ii) is higher in cultivated than in uncultivated plots, (iii) increases with plant cover, (iv) increases, for M. huberti, with the presence of open water. We showed that in an area that was first sparsely cultivated and then impacted by hydro-agricultural rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage infrastructure, the abundance of A. niloticus changed following this program, reaching the level of a nearby area that has been intensively cultivated for decades. Moreover, we showed that the proportion of adults among the captured individuals was lower in rice plots than in vegetable gardening fields and uncultivated plots. The breeding pattern of adult individuals was also affected by land use. Results suggest that uncultivated areas and vegetable gardening fields constitute refuge and breeding ground hotspots and would thus form a starting point for the invasion of rice fields. Following these results, we advocate for regular monitoring of rodent breeding and abundance patterns, with a special focus on these refuge areas, particularly during the hot dry season. We recommend implementing effective and sustainable science-based control strategies at national and community levels to keep rodent populations within tolerable limits.
In order to mitigate vineyard degradation, we study different soil management to obtain the most suitable practices. To study the effects of water erosion on vineyards, a rainfall experiment (58 mm h-1 for 30 min) was applied on Anthrosols in humid conditions to assess the impact of treatment (Tilled, Straw and Grass) and season (Spring and Summer). Higher bulk density (BD) and soil water content (SWC) were on the Straw treatment in the Spring period. Also, the Tilled and Grass treatment noticed higher mean weight diameter (MWD) and water-stable aggregates (WSA). In the Summer, BD, SWC and MWD were significantly higher on the Grass treatment. Higher values of time to ponding (TP) and time to runoff (TR) in Spring were recorded on the Grass treatment, Runoff was higher on the Straw treatment. Higher sediment concentration (SC) and soil loss (SL) were noticed during the Tilled treatment. In the Summer period, TP was higher on the Straw treatment, while TR and Runoff were higher on the Straw, SC and SL on the Tilled treatment. This study confirms the positive effects of grass cover and straw mulching as a sustainable agricultural practice in sloped vineyards of north-western Croatia.
Apoptosis plays crucial role in the pathogenesis of toxoplasmosis, as it limits further development of the disease. The current study aimed to investigate the effects of different concentrations of soluble total antigen (STAg) of Toxoplasma gondii (Nicolle et Manceaux, 1908) on the apoptotic and anti-apoptotic pathways. PMA-activated THP-1 cell line was sensed by T. gondii STAg and the expression patterns of caspase-3, -7, -8, -9, Bax, Bcl-2, and Mcl-1 genes were evaluated. The results showed statistically significant concentration-dependent overexpression of both Bcl-2 (P-value < 0.0001) and Mcl-1 (P-value = 0.0147). The cas-7 showed overexpression in all concentrations (P-value < 0.0001). The cas-3 was suppressed in concentrations 100, 80, and 40 µg, but statistically significant downregulated in concentrations 10 and 20 µg. The Bax was suppressed in concentrations 100 to 20 µg, while it slightly downregulated 1.42 fold (P-value = 0.0029) in concentration 10 µg. The expression of cas-8 and -9 was suppressed in all concentrations. Our results indicated that T. gondii STAg downregulated and suppressed apoptotic and upregulated anti-apoptotic pathways. The upregulation of cas-7 in this study may indicate the role of T. gondii STAg in activation of inflammatory responses.
Twenty species (sixteen adult and four larval) of parasitic nematodes belonging to the Ascaridoidea, Camallanoidea, Cosmocercoidea, Dioctophymatoidea, Habronematoidea, Oxyuroidea, Seuratoidea, and Thelazioidea were collected from freshwater fishes of the Congo River basin in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Central African Republic in 2008 and 2012, respectively. Based on light and scanning electron microscopical examination, many species are redescribed in detail. This material also contained four previously unknown species, Labeonema longispiculatum sp. n. from Synodontis acanthomias Boulenger, Gendria longispiculata sp. n. from Schilbe grenfelli (Boulenger), G. sanghaensis sp. n. from Schilbe marmoratus Boulenger, and Cucullanus congolensis sp. n. from Auchenoglanis occidentalis (Valenciennes). The new species L. longispiculatum is mainly characterised by conspicuously long (210-228 µm) spicules, approximately twice as long as those in other congeners, the length (45-48 µm) of the gubernaculum and the host family (Mochokidae), whereas G. longispiculata by very long (1.2 mm) spicules, the shape of the oesophagus and cephalic vesicle, distribution of postanal papillae and the host family (Schilbeidae). Main characteristic features of G. sanghaensis are the presence of a hexagonal oral aperture surrounded by lip-like structures, the posterior portion of the oesophagus moderately expanded, spicules and the gubernaculum 414-438 µm and 54-57 µm long, respectively, deirids located at the level of the posterior end of the oesophagus and the absence of cervical alae. Cucullanus congolensis differs from congeneric species parasitising African freshwater and brackish-water fishes mainly in the absence of a ventral precloacal sucker and lateral preanal papillae, the presence of a large median precloacal papilla-like formation, spicules 480-489 µm long and the location of the excretory pore in the regio, František Moravec, Miloslav Jirků., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Based on material collected from Rhinella cf. margaritifera (Laurenti) and Rhi. marina (Linnaeus) (Anura: Bufonidae) during a parasite survey of the herpetofauna of French Guiana, updated descriptions of Rhabdias androgyna Kloss, 1971 and R. fuelleborni Travassos, 1926 are presented. In addition to metrical data, which may overlap in closely related species, emphasis is placed on qualitative characters. Rhabdias androgyna is distinguished by the unique presence of an outer and inner cephalic cuticular inflation, a shoulder-like broadening of the body at the anterior end, a wide and shallow buccal capsule (average buccal ratio 0.36) with serrated lumen in apical view, a prominent anterior dilatation of the oesophagus, and the presence of an additional posterior dilatation anterior to the oesophageal bulb. Characters that may help to differentiate R. fuelleborni from closely related species parasitising the Rhi. marina species group are the presence of six relatively uniform lips, and the division of the buccal capsule into an anterior and posterior segment, with differently structured walls. Both the presence of R. androgyna and R. fuelleborni in French Guiana constitute new geographic records. A single specimen of Rhabdias sp. is described from Pristimantis chiastonotus (Lynch et Hoegmood) (Anura: Craugastoridae). This species differs from all its Neotropical congeners by the distinct globular swelling of its head, similar to that seen in only one Palaearctic and one Afrotropical Rhabdias species. A list of species of Rhabdias parasitising amphibians in the Netropical Realm is also provided., Yuriy Kuzmin, Louis H. du Preez, Kerstin Junker., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Fourteen species (twelve adult and two larval) of nematodes belonging to the Ascaridoidea, Camallanoidea, Cosmocercoidea, Habronematoidea, Oxyuroidea, Seuratoidea and Trichinelloidea were collected from fishes in the Sudan (River Nile and Atbara Dam Lake), whereas only four species (one adult and three larval) of the Ascaridoidea, Camallanoidea, Dioctophymatoidea and Trichinelloideafrom fishes in Ethiopia (Lake Tana). The Sudanese material also contained two previously unknown species, Cucullanus mormyri sp. n. from Mormyrus caschive Linnaeus (type host), Mormyrus sp. and Marcusenius cyprinoides (Linnaeus) (all Mormyridae), and Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) pseudospiralis sp. n. from Synodontis schall (Bloch et Schneider) (type host), S. frontosus Vaillant and S. nigrita Valenciennes (all Mochokidae), which are described based on light and scanning electron microscopical studies. Cucullanus baylisi Campana-Rouget, 1961, a little-known parasite of Synodontis spp., is redescribed in detail. A key to Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) spp. from African inland fishes is provided. Falcaustra guiersi Vassiliadès, 1973 is considered a junior synonym of F. hexapapillata (Khalil, 1962). The findings represent several new host and geographical records. Cucullanus baylisi Lakshmi, 2000 (= a homonym to C. baylisi Campana-Rouget, 1961) is re-named as C. dubius nom. n. and is considered a species inquirenda., František Moravec, Tomáš Scholz., and Obsahuje bibliografii
V předcházející studii (Cígler & Rudá, 2021) se nám nepodařilo prokázat dostatečnou vnitřní konzistenci a faktorovou validitu dotazníku SPARO. Pro posouzení vhodnosti jeho využití v praxi jsou nicméně důležité ještě další psychometrické parametry. V tomto navazujícím výzkumu se proto pokusíme ověřit jeho souběžnou validitu oproti dotazníkové baterii MMPI 2. Její výhodou je mezinárodní popularita, díky níž se může opřít o řadu zahraničních studií. S využitím rozsáhlého vzorku policistů a uchazečů o práci u policie se nám nicméně nepodařilo souběžnou validitu uspokojivě demonstrovat. Nedostatečná je jak konvergentní, tak i divergentní validita hlavních komponent, obecných faktorů i skóre věrohodnosti (L) dotazníku SPARO vůči vybraným škálám MMPI 2, a to s výjimkou škály emocionální variabilnosti (EM). Vedlejším výstupem naší studie je ověření vnitřní konzistence a faktorové struktury jednotlivých škál dotazníku MMPI 2, protože jiné české empirické studie na toto téma neexistují. Musíme konstatovat, že jak reliabilita, tak i faktorová validita MMPI 2 rovněž není uspokojivá. Závěrem argumentujeme, že použití dotazníku SPARO v běžné praxi nelze v žádném případě doporučit. Opatrné použití dotazníku MMPI 2 je podle nás možné s ohledem na uspokojivé zahraniční výsledky, je však nezbytný další český výzkum, a to zejména po stránce prediktivní validity. and In the previous study (Cígler & Rudá, 2021), we were not able to confirm satisfactory internal consistency and factor validity of the SPARO questionnaire. However, further psychometric properties are also necessary to consider the questionnaire's validity and usefulness in practice. In this follow up study, we examined its criterion validity to MMPI-2, which is used globally and thus has broader empirical support. Despite that, we did not find any support for neither convergent nor divergent validity of the main components, general factor, and the credibility score (L) of SPARO questionnaire to selected MMPI-2 scales. The only exception was the emotional variability scale (EM). As a minor result, we also examined the internal consistency and factor validity of MMPI-2 scales as no other Czech study concerning the questionnaire exists. Neither reliability nor factor validity was satisfactory. Finally, we argue that using the SPARO questionnaire in regular practice cannot be recommended. Cautious use of the MMPI-2 is possible, regarding international validation studies, however, further Czech research is needed, especially in the predictive validity.
If any issue attracts the attention of the legal public in the area of judicial review of decisions of health insurance companies, it is primarily an inconsistent attitude of administrative courts to decisions on reimbursement of otherwise non-reimbursed health services pursuant to Sec. 16 of Act No. 48/1997 Coll. on Public Health Insurance. On the basis of suggestions arising primarily from the decisions of the Municipal Court in Prague and the Supreme Administrative Court, or possibly the Constitutional Court, this paper notes three areas of problems, namely the term decision of the administrative authority pursuant to Sec. 65 of the Code of Administrative Justice, participation in the proceedings for an action against a decision of an administrative authority, and finally a procedural succession. The purpose is not to give a definitive solution to these problems, but to contribute to the discussion with further arguments, and also to place the problem in the wider context of legislation and case law. and Poutá-li nějaká otázka pozornost právnické veřejnosti v oblasti soudního přezkumu rozhodnutí zdravotních pojišťoven, jde především o nejednotný postoj soudů ve správním soudnictví k rozhodnutím o úhradě jinak nehrazené zdravotní služby podle § 16 zákona č. 48/1997 Sb., o veřejném zdravotním pojištění. Tento příspěvek si na základě podnětů plynoucích především z rozhodnutí Městského soudu v Praze a Nejvyššího správního soudu, popřípadě též soudu Ústavního, všímá tří okruhů problémů, a sice pojmu rozhodnutí správního orgánu ve smyslu § 65 odst. 1 s. ř. s., účastenství v řízení o žalobě proti rozhodnutí správního orgánu, a konečně procesního nástupnictví. Účelem není podat definitivní řešení těchto problémů, ale přispět do diskuse dalšími argumenty, a také zasadit problém do širšího kontextu právní úpravy a rozhodovací praxe.