Pulmonary pathology is common in HIV-infected individuals, but the possible role of the parasitic protist Toxoplasma gondii (Nicolle et Manceaux, 1908) is not completely known. The present account reports result of a retrospective cohort study. Medical cards of 907 HIV-positive people, which included 120 deceased patients, were analysed. During a three-year follow-up, the pulmonary pathology was diagnosed in 306 patients (33.7 ± 1.6%): pneumocystis pneumonia in 124 (13.7 ± 1.1%), primary pulmonary tuberculosis in 113 (12.5 ± 1.1%), bacterial pneumonia in 58 (6.4 ± 0.8%) toxoplasmosis pneumonia in two (0.2 ± 0.2%), and others. All patients were divided into two cohorts: 531 individuals seropositive for T. gondii and 376 seronegative ones. It has been found out that general lung pathology is more common in patients with seropositivity to T. gondii than in seronegative ones (43.3 ± 2.2% vs. 20.1 ± 2.0%, p < 0.001). The diagnosis of pneumocystis pneumonia was made ten times more often in the cohort of seropositive patients than in the cohort of seronegative ones (21.9 ± 1.8% vs. 2.1 ± 0.7%, respectively, p < 0.001) and in deceased patients of these cohorts it was 5.5 times more (45.1 ± 5.9% vs. 8.2 ± 3.9, respectively, p < 0.001). In patients with fatal outcome and seropositivity to T. gondii, the incidences of pneumocystis pneumonia increased by 23.2% (p < 0.001) and bacterial pneumonia by 12.4% (p < 0.05), whereas in seronegative individuals only pulmonary tuberculosis increased by 13.1% (p < 0.05) сompared with corresponding whole cohorts. Pearson's contingency coefficient showed the mean strength association between infection with T. gondii and incidence of pneumocystis pneumonia both in whole cohort (C = 0.272) and in patients with fatal outcomes (C = 0.368). In сonclusion, significantly increasing rate of pneumocystis pneumonia in patients with HIV/AIDS and T. gondii infection can be caused by certain synergism between T. gondii and Pneumocystis jirovecii and in some cases overdiagnosis pneumocystis pneumonia due to undiagnosed toxoplasmosis pneumonia.
Tato studie je pilotáží nové metody pro měření náchylnosti k prožívání viny a hanby, Inventáře tendence k vině a hanbě (ITVAH). ITVAH je metoda založená na použití scénářů, která rozlišuje afektivní a behaviorální složky těchto dispozic a zároveň zohledňuje soukromé, resp. veřejné prožívání viny a hanby. Pro každý z 16 scénářů byly vytvořeny dvě položky – afektivní a behaviorální reakce, čímž vzniklo celkem 32 položek. Byl předpokládán čtyřfaktorový model měření – Negativní hodnocení chování (NHCh), Náprava, Negativní hodnocení self (NHS) a Únik. Dále byla předpokládána negativní souvislost NHS a Úniku se sebehodnocením a tendencí k sebeodpuštění a pozitivní souvislost NHCh a Nápravy s tendencí k sebeodpuštění. Pilotní studie proběhla na vzorku 249 česky mluvících dospělých (67 % žen, věk 18–75, Md = 22). Na základě ordinální konfirmační faktorové analýzy se zohledněním reziduálních kovariancí mezi položkami vztahujících se ke stejnému scénáři jsme zjistili akceptovatelnou shodu předpokládaného modelu s daty. Pro předpokládané souvislosti se sebehodnocením a tendencí k sebeodpuštění jsme však získali pouze částečnou oporu, v rozporu s teoretickým očekáváním jsme zjistili středně silný negativní vztah mezi tendencí k sebeodpuštění a afektivní složkou viny. Pro širší používání této metody v československém prostředí je důležité dále ověřit konstruktovou validitu metody společně s ověřením souběžné validity s The Test Of Self-Conscious Affect-3 (TOSCA-3). and This paper constitutes a pilot study of a novel measure for assessing proneness to guilt and proneness to shame, Inventář tendence k vině a hanbě (ITVAH, Inventory of Proneness to Guilt and Shame). ITVAH is a scenario-based method distinguishing affective and behavioural components of guilt and shame and also considering the private or public experience of guilt and shame, respectively. Two items (affective and behavioural reaction) were created for each of the 16 scenarios, resulting in total of 32 items. A four-factor measurement model was assumed – Negative behaviour evaluation (NBE), Reparation, Negative self-evaluation (NSE), Withdrawal. Next, we assumed negative correlations of NSE and Withdrawal with self-esteem and self-forgiveness and positive correlations of NBE and Reparation with self-forgiveness. The pilot study was carried out on 249 Czech-speaking adults (67 % women, aged 18–75, Md = 22). An ordinal confirmatory factor analysis with residual covariances between items connected to the same scenarios was conducted. The hypothesized four-factor model was found acceptable. However, we found limited evidence for the hypothesized relationships with self-esteem and self-forgiveness – in contrast to theoretical expectations we found a medium-strong negative relationship between self-forgiveness and affective component of guilt. For further use of the measure in the Czech and Slovak environment it is necessary to assess additional evidence of construct validity and concurrent validity with The Test of Self-Conscious Affect-3 (TOSCA-3).
The use of livestock guarding dogs (LGDs) has been widely advocated as a responsible tool for reducing livestock predation and conserving wildlife. However, their hidden ecological costs have rarely been investigated. We analysed scats (n = 183) from six LGDs and visited Global Positioning System (GPS) location clusters (n = 352) from nine GPS-collared LGDs to reconstruct their diet and assess impacts on wildlife and livestock in Namaqualand, South Africa. Wild mammals, including 10 native species, and small-livestock were the main secondary foods (i.e. besides dog food pellets). A total of 90% of scats and one third of GPS clusters investigated had associated animal remains. When accompanied by a human attendant, fewer LGD scats contained animal matter (39.9%; of which 32.3% wild mammals and 4.6% livestock), in contrast to scats of LGDs on their own (93.2%; 14.4% wild mammals, 75.4% livestock). Similarly, few clusters of accompanied LGDs included animal remains (5.7%; of which 43.8% wild mammals and 31.3% livestock), whereas unaccompanied dogs clustered frequently at carcasses (92.4%; 16% wild mammals, 74% livestock). While sample sizes were relatively small and some dogs might have scavenged, we emphasize the importance of rigorous training and intensive monitoring of LGDs to correct unwanted predation behaviour and to maximize their ecological and protective benefits.
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are a family of zinc-dependent metalloendopeptidases that degrades extracellular matrix (ECM) components. MMPs are associated with venous wall remodelling, proliferation, migration, phenotypic and functional transformation of vascular smooth muscle cells and ECM organization under the physiological and pathophysiological conditions. We investigated possible association of genetic promoter polymorphisms of MMP2 (rs243866), MMP8 (rs11225395), MMP9 (rs3918242) and TIMP2 (rs8179090) to varicose veins development in the Slovak population. Genomic DNA from 276 Slovak individuals (138 cases, 138 controls) was genotyped for selected SNPs (rs243866, rs11225395, rs3918242 and rs8179090) using the PCR-RFLP analysis. The data were analysed by chi-squared (χ2 ) test, logistic regression, and Mann-Whitney test. The risk of varicose veins development was evaluated in dominant, codominant and recessive genetic models. The statistical evaluation of selected polymorphisms in patients in all three genetic models has not shown a significant risk of varicose veins development. Our study has not shown the association between selected polymorphisms and increased risk of varicose veins development in Slovak population. More evidence with broaden sample size is needed.
Avian haemosporidians are common vector-borne blood parasites that have been reported in birds all over the world. Investigations of avian haemosporidian parasites are conducted mainly on passerine birds. However, studies that focus on non-passerine avian hosts are important for our understanding of the true diversity, host specificity and genetic variability among these widespread parasites. In the present study, blood samples from a total of 22 raptor birds belonging to two orders, two families and six species from the Central Anatolia Region of Turkey were investigated for three genera of avian haemosporidians (Plasmodium Marchiafava et Celli, 1885, Haemoproteus Kruse, 1890 and Leucocytozoon Sambon, 1908) using a combination of microscopic examination of blood films and nested PCR targeting the parasite mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (cyt-b). In total, six individual raptor birds identified positive for species of Plasmodium or Leucocytozoon and one individual was found co-infected with all three haemosporidian genera. We identified five parasite cyt-b haplotypes, three of which were reported for the first time. Among these, one Plasmodium haplotype is linked to a corresponding morphospecies (P-TURDUS1, Plasmodium circumflexum Kikuth, 1931). All haplotypes were clearly distinguishable in phylogenetic analyses. As one of the first studies to investigate blood parasites from non-passerine birds in the Central Anatolia Region of Turkey, this study provides important new information on the phylogenetic relationships and genetic diversity of avian haemosporidian parasites from raptor birds. We discuss these findings in the context of avian haemosporidian host-parasite relationships and we draw attention to the need for microscopy to detect parasite sexual development stages in surveys of avian haemosporidians., Arif Ciloglu, Alparslan Yildirim, Onder Duzlu, Zuhal Onder, Zafer Dogan, Abdullah Inci., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Iodine is essential in the biosynthesis of thyroid hormones that affect metabolic processes in the organism from the prenatal state to the elderly. The immediate indicator of iodine intake is the concentration of iodine in urine, but the indicator of iodine intake in the longer term of several months is thyroglobulin (Tg). Tg negatively correlated with increasing intake of iodine in population that do not suffer from thyroid disease, while a more than adequate to excessive iodine intake leads to an increase in Tg. The dependence of Tg on iodine can be described by a U-shaped curve. Thyroglobulin in serum is elevated in thyroid disease mainly in hyperthyroidism (diagnosis E05 of WHO ICD-10 codes) and in goiter (diagnosis E04 of WHO ICD-10 codes). Tg values decrease below 20 µg/l after effective treatment of patients with thyroid disease. Thyroglobulin may thus be an indicator of thyroid stabilization and the success of the thyroid gland treatment., Radovan Bílek, Marcela Dvořáková, Tereza Grimmichová, Jan Jiskra., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is associated with multiple risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, including insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus type 2, obesity, hypertension, and dyslipidaemia. Many studies have assessed the role of adipokines in the etiopathogenesis of PCOS, however, no single biomarker has been recognized to be in causal relation to the syndrome. Apelin has been identified as a new adipokine linked to obesity and insulin resistance. Some studies demonstrated that the apelin / apelin receptor could play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of polycystic ovary syndrome, however the other yielded controversial results. Underlying mechanisms of possible involvement of apelin/apelin receptor complex are discussed.
The invasion success of gibel carp (Carassius gibelio) depends on demographic and competitive traits. The major biological trait responsible for the invasiveness of C. gibelio is the mode of reproduction. Apart from sexual reproduction, which is typical in fish, C. gibelio is a unique cyprinid species able to reproduce through asexual gynogenesis, which is also known as sperm-dependent parthenogenesis, observed in all-female populations. Though the sexual and asexual forms of C. gibelio co-exist widely in natural habitats, the gynogenetic form has the capacity to modulate the range of effective ecological niches, which may facilitate the process of invasion. In this paper, we reviewed current knowledge of the sexual and gynogenetic forms of gibel carp along with their physiological advantages, immunological traits, and ability to withstand different environmental conditions. As parasitic infection may directly alter the immunology of hosts, and also indirectly alter their investment in reproduction, we provide some insights into the role of parasites as one of the potential drivers facilitating the coexistence of asexual and sexual forms. We highlight evidence that gibel carp have been identified as a serious threat to native species; hence, its impact on the ecosystem is also discussed.
The aim of this study was to determine the role of the tumor
necrosis factor like weak inducer of apoptosis (TWEAK) as
a serum biomarker of neuropsychiatric involvement in systemic
lupus erythematosus (NPSLE). Levels of TWEAK levels were
measured in sera of 92 patients with systemic lupus
erythematosus (SLE), including 28 patients with neuropsychiatric
lupus, and in 59 healthy controls using ELISA. All SLE patients
underwent rheumatological, neurological and psychiatric
assessments. We found no significant differences in TWEAK
levels, between SLE patients and the healthy controls
(p=0.2411). Similarly, no difference was observed between the
subgroup of NPSLE and healthy controls (p=0.7658). The mean
SLE disease activity (SLEDAI) was 13.25. No correlations
between TWEAK levels with disease activity (SLEDAI, r=0.2113,
p= 0.2805) or the most common NPSLE manifestations such as
headache (r=0.2079), seizures (r=0.1101), cerebrovascular
disease (r=- 0.2347), cognitive dysfunction (r=0.1597) and
anxiety (r=0.1397) were observed. Our data do not support the
use of serum TWEAK as a discriminating biomarker for NPSLE.
The role of the TWEAK in NPSLE remains to be investigated.
Although it is not an easy task to classify cells into different types, or in turn cell types into tissue types, a clear, understandable, didactically and clinically relevant tissue classification is indispensable for undergraduate medical education, expert discussions in biomedical research as well as for clinical practice. From the earliest discovery of the light microscope on, tissue classification has been a dynamic process. Historically, it was not a rare occurrence that different textbooks offered different tissue classifications. Nowadays, classifications have almost become uniform – the most common is the histological classification into four basic tissue types (epithelial, connective, muscle, nervous), which is recognized by the majority of modern histology and pathology textbooks. The reason is that, with some exceptions, this classification seems to be the most relevant not only for educational purposes but also from an embryological perspective and clinical-histopathological practice. Recently, attempts have been made to abandon this established classification and replace it with a new one. Any new classification, which would improve the presently used is welcomed. However, if the proposed innovation does not satisfy the needs of modern education and clinical practice, it should be handled with great caution or reconsidered.