Dactylogyrus Diesing, 1850 is the most species-rich genus in Platyhelminthes, with over 900 documented species, that are mostly strictly specific to freshwater cyprinoids. The morphological Dactylogyrus groups afrobarbae-type, carpathicus-type, pseudoanchoratus-type, and varicorhini-type are known to occur in Africa. This study describes a new species of Dactylogyrus of the varicorhini-type from the gills of the endemic smallmouth yellowfish Labeobarbus aeneus (Burchell) from the Vaal River, Free State Province, South Africa. Dactylogyrus matlopong sp. n. is unique among its varicorhini-type congeners mainly by the accessory piece of the male copulatory complex that presents a hook-shaped subunit with defined round base not reaching the male copulatory organ, combined with the presence of a conspicuous medial projection on the anterior margin of the ventral bar. Sequences of the partial 28S and 18S rRNA genes, together with entire ITS1 region, were generated for the first time for a species of Dactylogyrus from South Africa. Concatenated phylogenetic analyses of selected Dactylogyrus spp. showed that these parasites group according to their morphological types.
In November of 2013, a specimen of Japanese sleeper ray, Narke japonica (Temminck et Schlegel), caught off Nanfang-ao, Taiwan was found to be parasitised by the cestode Anteropora japonica (Yamaguti, 1934). Specimens comprised whole worms and free proglottids, both of varying degrees of maturity. This material allowed for the opportunity to examine in detail the developmental progression of this hyperapolytic lecanicephalidean species with regard to overall size, scolex dimensions, and microthrix pattern. Complete immature worms ranged in size from 2.4 mm to 14 mm. The smallest scoleces were half as wide as larger scoleces and exhibited a much smaller ratio of apical organ width to bothridial width. Proglottids more than quadrupled in length during maturation from terminal attached immature to detached proglottids. In addition, a change in microthrix pattern was observed on the anterior region of the proglottids from immature to gravid proglottids; the anterior region of attached immature proglottids is covered with gladiate to coniform spinitriches with capilliform filitriches only rarely visible, whereas this region in detached proglottids is covered with gladiate to coniform spinitriches and conspicuous capilliform filitriches. This is the first report of A. japonica from outside Japan expanding its distribution south to Taiwan. In addition, a preliminary phylogenetic analysis of the genus is presented that suggests congeners from the same host species are not each other's closest relatives, nor is there an apparent phylogenetic signal for apical organ type or reproductive strategy (apolysis). However, reproductive strategy does seem to be correlated with host group such that euapolytic species parasitise dasyatid stingrays while hyperapolytic species parasitise either torpediniform rays or orectolobiform sharks., Rachel R. Guyer and Kirsten Jensen., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Water deficit (WD) at the start of the flowering stage can negatively affect the productivity of plants. The aim was to investigate the morphophysiological strategies of two crambe lineages (FMS CR 1326 and 1307) submitted to WD during the flowering stage and their connection with the progeny's germination. Plants were submitted to WD at the start of flowering for 12 d and then were irrigated again (water resumption, WR). As a control, plants were cultivated with uninterrupted daily irrigation. Under WD, reductions were observed in the stomatal conductance, the number of xylem vessels, and the mass of grains. Positive K- and L-bands occurred, indicating lower stability and efficiency in the use of energy under WD. In the WR period, plants presented photochemical recovery. WD induced less vigorous seeds. FMS CR 1307 had the highest capacity to maintain its photochemical performance, due to alterations in water conductivity, resulting in greater seed production and vigor.
Cieľom výskumu bolo popísanie motívov, ktoré adolescentov vedú k, respektíve brzdia v čítaní, ako aj zistenie možných rozdielov v motivácii a preferenciách žánrov z hľadiska veku. Výskumný súbor tvorilo 375 respondentov, z čoho čitateľov bolo 130 (34,66 %). Motivácia k čítaniu bola meraná prostredníctvom dotazníka Motivations for Reading Questionnaire (Wigfield & Guthrie, 1997). Motívy, ktoré vedú respondentov k čítaniu, respektíve ich od čítania odrádzajú, boli zisťované otvorenými otázkami. Výsledky ukázali, že medzi staršími a mladšími adolescentmi sa v rámci motivácie k čítaniu nenachádzajú rozdiely. K najčastejším motívom, ktoré vedú mladších respondentov k čítaniu kníh, patria: získavanie nových informácii z kníh, skutočnosť, že čítanie považujú za zábavnú a zaujímavú aktivitu a súčasne za možnosť na chvíľu uniknúť z reality. U starších dominovalo získavanie nových informácii, možnosť oddychu a únik z reality. V skupine nečítajúcej mládeže mladší respondenti uviedli, že nečítajú hlavne preto, lebo ich táto aktivita nebaví, knihy považujú za nudné a nechce sa im. Starších adolescentov od čítania odrádza presvedčenie, že čítanie je nudná aktivita a ďalším významným dôvodom je nedostatok času. Medzi mladšími čitateľmi sú populárne dobrodružné romány, fantasy a dievčenské romány. U starších čitateľov dominujú žánre podobné, a to žáner dobrodružný, fantasy a detektívny. and The aim of this study was to describe motives that lead adolescents to read, or which make them refuse to read. Furthermore, it aimed to find out potential differences in motivation and reading preferences due to age group. Totally 375 respondents participated in this study from which 130 (34,66%) were readers. Reading motivation was measured by the Motivations for Reading Questionnaire (Wigfield & Guthrie, 1997). Motives that lead adolescents to read or which make them refuse to read were detected with open questions. Results show that there are no differences between younger and older adolescents in reading motivation. The most common reading motives in younger readers were: reaching new information from books, opinion, that reading is a funny and interesting activity and reading represents an opportunity to escape from the reality for a while. In the group of older adolescents were most common motives reaching new information, the way how to relax and escape from the reality. Nonreading younger adolescents refuse to read because they are not interested in reading, they consider the book boring and they do not have the will to read. Older adolescents do not read because they consider reading as a boring activity and they do not have enough time for it. The most popular genres among younger readers are the adventurous genre, fantasy, and novels for girls. Older readers prefer the adventurous genre, fantasy, and detective novels.
Infrastructure is one of the main causes of landscape fragmentation, which results in isolation and loss of populations. Although the negative effect of roads on insects is well documented, only a minority of studies has focused on roads in the context of barriers to dispersal. Flying species in particular have been neglected. We investigated the effect of a four-lane motorway as a barrier to the movement of an isolated population of the threatened dragonfly Sympetrum depressiusculum in an agricultural landscape in Central Europe. Generalized additive models were used to assess the motorway's effect on (i) the distribution of adult dragonflies in patches of terrestrial habitat surrounding their natal site, and (ii) individual flight behaviour (i.e. willingness or unwillingness to cross the motorway). Movement patterns of marked adults throughout the landscape were also investigated. During one season, significantly fewer adults were found at patches located on the far side of the motorway, indicating it has a barrier effect. Observations on flight behaviour revealed no apparent effect of the motorway. The possible barrier effect for the species studied was therefore presumed to be a consequence of road mortality. Our results indicate that the motorway may influence the dispersal of this threatened species of dragonfly, which is a habitat specialist with particular requirements for its terrestrial environment. Negative effects on other species with similar behaviour and strategy can be presumed. When establishing new habitats, carrying out reintroductions or translocations, it is necessary to consider that roadways may reduce population size and affect population dynamics by limiting dispersal., Hana Šigutová, Filip Harabiš, Michal Hykel, Aleš Dolný., and Obsahuje bibliografii
We studied the demography, movement, behaviour and choice of nectar plants by adults of Aporia crataegi. This study was done in a dense network of different types of habitats (total size of study area 16.26 ha) from open landscape to shrubland, the latter being a result of abandonment of traditional agricultural practices such as extensive mowing and grazing. Total population size was estimated to be approximately 1700 and 2700 for females and males, respectively. Median and maximum distances moved by males were 134 and 3493 m, and by females 138 and 3165 m, respectively. The average lifespan was ca. 7.1 and 7.5 days, with maximum recorded lifespans of 21 and 17 days for males and females, respectively. The greater capture probability recorded for males indicates their high activity, as they spend most of their time in flight patrolling and searching for mates. A parabolic recruitment curve and protandry were also recorded. Both sexes are highly mobile. The spatial distribution of both sexes was roughly similar. The adult behaviour differed in different habitats, with more time spent feeding and resting when nectar plants were plentiful and more time spent flying when they were rare. Although adults utilized nine nectar sources, only two were recorded in over 80% of all the feeding occasions. In order to re-establish open grassland with some shrubland, traditional and mosaic management of the landscape should be revived at least to some extent., Jure Jugovic, Mitja Črne, Martina Lužnik., and Obsahuje bibliografii
a1_Imaging the four fluorescence bands of leaves, the red (F690) and far-red (F740) chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence as well as the blue (F440) and green (F520) fluorescence of leaves and the corresponding fluorescence ratios is a fast and excellent nondestructive technique to detect the photosynthetic activity and capacity of leaves, of gradients over the leaf area as well as the effect of various strain and stress parameters on plants. This review primarily deals with the first and pioneering multi-colour fluorescence imaging results obtained since the mid-1990s in a cooperation with French colleagues in Strasbourg and in my laboratory in Karlsruhe. Together we introduced not only the joint imaging of the red and far-red Chl fluorescence but also of the blue and green fluorescence of leaves. The two instrumental setups composed for this purpose were (1) the Karlsruhe-Strasbourg UV-Laser Fluorescence Imaging System (Laser-FIS) and (2) the Karlsruhe Flash-Light Fluorescence Imaging System (FL-FIS). Essential results obtained with these instruments are summarized as well as the basic principles and characteristics of multi-colour fluorescence imaging. The great advantage of fluorescence imaging is that the fluorescence yield in the four fluorescence bands is sensed of several thousand up to 200,000 pixels per leaf area in one image. The multi-colour FIS technique allows to sense many physiological parameters and stress effects in plants at an early stage before a damage of leaves is visually detectable. Various examples of plant stress detection by the multi-colour FIS technique are given. Via imaging the Chl fluorescence ratio F690/F740 it is even possible to determine the Chl content of leaves. The FIS technique also allows to follow the successive uptake of diuron and loss of photosynthetic function and to screen the ripening of apples during storage., a2_Particularly meaningful and of high statistical relevance are the fluorescence ratio images red/far-red (F690/F740), blue/red (F440/F690), and blue/green (F440/F520) as well as images of the fluorescence decrease ratio RFd, which is an indicator of the net CO2 assimilation rates of leaves., H. K. Lichtenthaler., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) positioning has characteristics of simple operation, high efficiency and high precision technique for landslide surface monitoring. In recent years, finalization of modern GNSS systems Galileo and BeiDou has brought a possibility of multi-GNSS positioning. The paper focuses on evaluation of possible benefits of multi-GNSS constellations in landslide monitoring. While simulating observational conditions of selected Recica landslide in the Czech Republic, one-month data from well-established permanent GNSS reference stations were processed. Besides various constellation combinations, differential and Precise Point Positioning techniques, observation data lengths and observation sampling intervals were evaluated. Based on the results, using a combination of GPS and GLONASS, or GPS, GLONASS and Galileo systems can be recommended, together with a static differential technique and observation periods for data collection exceeding eight hours. In the last step, data from GNSS repetitive campaigns realized at the Recica landslide during two years were processed with optimal setup and obtained displacement results were compared to standard geotechnical measurements.
Providing information on the impacts of climate change on hydrological processes is becoming ever more critical. Modelling and evaluating the expected changes of the water resources over different spatial and time scales can be useful in several fields, e.g. agriculture, forestry and water management. Previously a Budyko-type spatially distributed long-term climate-runoff model was developed for Hungary. This research includes the validation of the model using historical precipitation and streamflow measurements for three nested sub-catchments of the Zala River Basin (Hungary), an essential runoff contributing region to Lake Balaton (the largest shallow lake in Central Europe). The differences between the calculated (from water balance) and the estimated (by the model) mean annual evapotranspiration varied between 0.4% and 3.6% in the validation periods in the sub-catchments examined. Predictions of the main components of the water balance (evapotranspiration and runoff) for the Zala Basin are also presented in this study using precipitation and temperature results of 12 regional climate model simulations (A1B scenario) as input data. According to the projections, the mean annual temperature will be higher from period to period (2011–2040, 2041–2070, 2071–2100), while the change of the annual precipitation sum is not significant. The mean annual evapotranspiration rate is expected to increase slightly during the 21st century, while for runoff a substantial decrease can be anticipated which may exceed 40% by 2071–2100 relative to the reference period (1981–2010). As a result of this predicted reduction, the runoff from the Zala Basin may not be enough to balance the increased evaporation rate of Lake Balaton, transforming it into a closed lake without outflow.
The article presents the construction of an agent-based model of segregation step by step. The article is intended as a tutorial for the reader’s first steps with agent-based modeling. The model is programmed in the NetLogo software and provided in two versions: first as an online executable version, for first-impression purposes, and second as NetLogo code, for serious experiments and further model improvements by the reader. The article describes the user interface and source code of the model in close detail. Most of the article is dedicated to careful, in-depth explanation of the NetLogo code. The model aims to answer Schelling’s classical question: "Is it possible to obtain an ethnically segregated structure of a town with relatively tolerant inhabitants?" The model also aims to answer the question: "Does size of recognized neighbourhood suppress tendency to segregation?" Analysis of the data produced by the model informs us that the tendency to segregation decreased with larger recognized neighbourhood - the larger the neighbourhood the lower the number of inhabitants living in an ethnically homogenous neighbourhood. However, size of recognized neighbourhood did not moderate the relationship between intolerance and tendency to segregation - the slope of the relationship was still the same (or even steeper for larger neighbourhoods)., František Kalvas., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy