On 19th February 2016 exactly 100 years passed since the death of Ernst Mach, the great physicist and philosopher of the 19th and 20th centuries, a native of Brno-Chrlice. On the occasion of this anniversary, Masaryk University and other institutions organised Ernst Mach Brno-Days 2016 with the conference "Ernst Mach: Physics - Philosophy - Technics" and other events. The presented brief report informs about these events. and Jana Musilová.
Na Přírodovědecké fakultě Masarykovy univerzity byl 10. března 2011, měsíc před 60. výročím jeho úmrtí (12. 4. 1951) uspořádán složkami Jednoty českých matematiků a fyziků v součinnosti s vedením fakulty seminář, jako vzpomínka na matematika a fyzika Bohuslava Hostinského., Martin Černohorský., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The Inauguration of Application Laboratories of Microtechnologies and Nanotechnologies (ALISI) took place May 30, 2013 at the Institute of Scientific Instruments in Brno. The aim of ALISI was to build a new research center with modern equipment achieving applicable R&D results and on a level with the world's highest ranking institutions. According to Professor Pavel Zemánek, scientific director of ALISI, the research activities are related to diagnostics and technologies using the methods of magnetic resonance, laser microtechnologies and nanotechnologies — especially interferometry and spectroscopy, measurement and processing signals in medicine, electron microscopy and lithography, electron and laser beam welding, thin film deposition by magnetron sputtering, cryogenics and construction of unique scientific instruments and systems. and Luděk Svoboda.