The evolution of soil cover in the area of Litovel has been determined on the basis of grain-size distribution, mineralogy of clay fraction, chemical and micromorphological analyses. The object of the present study was a chronosequence of soils in Pleistocene sediments. Paleopedological data indicate that the area underwent environmental changes including several cycles of pedogenesis. This area provides evidence of at least two first-order warm periods. The highest degree of polygenesis can be demonstrated by Braunlehm-like Parabraunerde (PK V - Late Holstein Interglacial) and Chernozem which evolved from Haplic Luvisols (PK IV - warm period within the Riss glacial). The upper part of the profile documents different types of pedosediments which indicate erosion processes., Anna Žigová and Martin Šťastný., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Zatiaľ' čo jadrové skúšky spôsobili globálnu rádioaktívnu kontamináciu, Černobyľská havária (1986) mala dopad predovšetkým na európske krajiny a Fukušimská havária (2011) predovšetkým na Japonsko, aj keď uvoľnené rádionuklidy bolo možné sledovať v malých koncentráciách na všetkých kontinentoch ako aj vo svetových oceánoch a moriach. Havária Fukušimskej jadrovej elektrárne spôsobila v porovnaní s Černobyľskou haváriou (1986) približne 10-násobne nižší únik 131I a päťnásobne nižší únik 137Cs do životného prostredia. Radiačné dávky obyvateľstva nepresiahli v Japonsku 25 mSv/rok a v Európe boli rádovo 1 µSv/rok., Historical atmospheric tests of nuclear weapons have had a global impact on the radioactive contamination of the environment. Recent accidents at Chernobyl (1986) and Fukushima (2011) have had an impact on Europe and Japan, respectively, in addition small concentrations of radionuclides released from Fukushima have been registered on all continents as well as in oceans and seas. When compared with the Chernobyl accident, the Fukushima accident resulted in about a 10 fold increase in the release of 131I but a 3 fold decrease in the release of 137Cs to the environment. Following the Fukushima accident radiation doses did not exceed 25 mSv/year in Japan, whilst following the Chernobyl accident they were in the order of 1 µSv/year in Europe., Pavel P. Povinec., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Environmentální rastrovací elektronová mikroskopie představuje jeden z posledních vývojových trendů mikroskopických metod. Umožňuje zkoumání vzorků živé či neživé přírody v podmínkách vysokého tlaku plynů - až 3000 Pa oproti tlaku pod 0.001 Pa v klasickém rastrovacím elektronovém mikroskopu., Vilém Neděla, Rudolf Autrata., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Activities of crucial enzymes involved in the Calvin cycle, glycolysis, and oxidative pentose phosphate cycle (PPC) were investigated in green calli of sugar beet {Beta vulgaris L.) during the transitíon from photoheterotrophic to photoautotrophic growth. The actívities of the Calvin cycle enzymes were increased by lowering the sucrose concentration of the medium, whereas the actívities of dissimilatíon related enzymes were either decreased or not inftuenced. The photoautotrophic culture cultívated on sucrose-free medium and 2 % CO2 grew at a rate six tímes slower than the photoheterotrophic one. Its growth continued on polyurethane pads soaked with agar-free medium and was fully inhibited by 0.5 pM DCMU.
In order to evaluate the effect of leaf age on enzymes of carbon and sulphur metabolism, chlorophyll (Chl) and protein contents and the activities of RuBP- carboxylase (RuBPC), ATP-sulphurylase (ATPS), and 0-acetylserinesulphydrylase (OASS) were determined in leaves of different ages from luceme (Medicago sativa L. cv. Lodi and Sewa) plants grown outdoors. The enzymes of sulphur and carbon metabolism were differently regulated throughout development of luceme leaves, as ATPS reached the highest activity at very early stages of leaf growth, when RuBPC activity was negligible. OASS activity inereased 2-fold during leaf expansion, and deereased with leaf senescence. The two cultivars showed rather similar trends of development in Chl, protein content and enzyme activities. The cultivars differed also in the absolute level of enzyme activities and other biochemical parameters.