Our experiment was carried out in order to explore effects of plant growth regulators (PGR; thidiazuron, paclobutrazol, and ascorbic acid) on physiological traits of wheat genotypes under water surplus and deficit conditions. Study revealed that relative water content, membrane stability index, chlorophyll content, photosynthetic rate (PN), and maximal quantum yield of PSII improved with PGRs application across the genotypes both under irrigation and water stress. The response of HD 2733 genotype was more positive toward PGRs treatment as compared to other genotypes under water stress. Higher PN and chlorophyll contents were observed in HD 2987 followed by C 306 genotype under water-stress conditions. Moreover, Rubisco small subunit (SSU) expression was lower in wheat genotypes under water stress as compared to irrigated conditions. Application of PGRs led to upregulation of SSU under water stress, while no significant change was found in Rubisco level and activity under irrigated condition in dependence on PGRs treatments. Yield-related traits showed also significant reduction under water-stress conditions, while application of PGRs enhanced the yield and its components. Results indicated that the PGRs exhibited a positive interaction and synergetic effect on water stressed wheat plants in terms of photosynthetic machinery and yield., S. K. Dwivedi, A. Arora, V. P. Singh, G. P. Singh., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The basics of the laser driven inertial fusion are explained. The meaning of scaling laws governing both the direct and indirect drive is illustrated in the context of the world largest laser projects NIF (USA) and LMJ (France) aiming at igniting thermonuclear targets. Demands on power station grade laser drivers are given in the light of arrival of YAG nanoceramics as a future laser material for high power, high repetition rate pulsed laser system. Tentative predictions are made for the future of major EU laser projects HiPER and ELI., Karel Rohlena., and Obsahuje bibliografii
An ICR outbred suckling mouse model of cryptosporidiosis was used to explain some of the variability associated with experimental Cryptosporidium parvum infections in neonate mice. Fourty four groups of 12 mice each, ranging in age from 4-12 days, each received 1.0 x 104 CsCl purified oocysts per os in 5 pm PBS. At 6 days post-inoculation (PI), mice were killed by C02 overdose and individually weighed. Intestines were then homogenized and oocysts were quantified by hemacytometer. Results revealed that both age and weight have pronounced effects on numbers of oocysts produced in vivo, with larger and older mice producing higher numbers of parasites. Mice 8-9 days of age at the time of inoculation displayed the least amount of weight dependent variability, produced the highest numbers of oocysts, and were judged to be superior over other ages for pharmaceutical screening. Significant reductions in numbers of oocysts occurred in mice inoculated at 10 days of age, and only a few oocysts were found in mice inoculated at 11-12 days of age. These studies suggest that at least some data on Cryptosporidium generated from suckling mouse studies to date are probably unreliable and should be viewed skeptically.
Infections of Unicauda clavicauda (Kudo, 1920) Davis, 1944 (Myxozoa) are described from Notropis hudsonius (Clinton) in Montana. Plasmodia form beneath scales of the body and produced spores within a loosely-defined matrix. Fixed spores are oval in front view, 11-14 pm long and 9-10.5 pm wide, and contain a posterior appendage that is up to 26 pm long. The polar capsules are 4-6 pm long and 2.5-4 pm wide. The study represents the first report of U. clavicauda since the original species description and a new host and geographical record. The taxonomic history of Unicauda Davis, 1944 is summarised and it is concluded the following 10 species are valid members of the genus: U. aristichthydis Zhao et Ma, 1995, U. brachyura (Ward, 1919), U. caudatus (Gogebashvili, 1965), U clavicauda, U. crassicauda (Kudo, 1934), U. lumae Rahemo, 1976, U. macrura (Gurley, 1893), U. magna Minchew, 1981, U. pelteobagrus Ma, 1998, and U. wuhanensis Xiao et Chen, 1993. All of these species have circular, subcircular, or oval spores in frontal view and all parasitise fish of the superorder Ostariophysi. As a group they are known from temperate freshwater locations in North America, Europe and Asia. A list of 16 species described or transferred to Unicauda at one time or another, but not recognised as members of the genus in the present study, is provided.
Infekce močových cest patří u dospělých k nejčastějším bakteriálním infekcím, v naprosté většině je způsobena Escherichia coli. Přestože jsou k dispozici doporučené postupy k diagnostice a terapii uroinfektů, neexistuje jednotný přístup založený na důkazech. Diagnóza je často postavena klinicky. U predisponovaných jedinců mohou infekce močových cest vést k postižení horních cest močových nebo až k urosepsi. Základem léčby je antibiotická terapie, k dispozici jsou i profylaktické postupy a alternativní strategie. Závažný problém představuje rezistence na antibiotika. Ke zpřesnění diagnostiky IMC je zapotřebí dalších studií. V tomto přehledném článku diskutujeme prevalenci, diagnostiku včetně jejích úskalí, léčbu a prevenci infekcí močových cest a asymptomatické bakteriurie u dospělých., Urinary tract infections are one of the most frequent clinical bacterial infections in adults. Escherichia coli is the organism that causes urinary tract infections in most patients. Consensus guidelines have been published to assist clinicians with diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract infection; however, a single evidence‑based approach to diagnosis of urinary tract infection does not exist. There is no gold-standard definition of urinary tract infection that clinicians agree upon. In a subgroup of individuals with coexisting morbid conditions, complicated urinary tract infections can lead to upper tract infections or urosepsis. Although the initial treatment is antimicrobial therapy, use of different prophylactic regimens and alternative strategies are available to reduce exposure to antibiotics. Future studies improving the diagnostic accuracy of urinary tract infections are needed. This review will cover the prevalence, diagnosis and diagnostic challenges, management, and prevention of urinary tract infection and asymptomatic bacteriuria in adults., and Vachek J., Zakiyanov O., Adámková V., Tesař V.
Infekce kůže a měkkých tkání (IKTM) zahrnují široké spektrum zánětlivých onemocnění postihujících kůži, podkoží, fascie a svaly. V posledním období pozorujeme nárůst množství pacientů ošetřených pro tyto diagnózy na chirurgických ambulancích, ale zvyšují se i počty pacientů hospitalizovaných v nemocnici se závažnými formami IKMT. Smrtnost nejzávažnějších forem je v literatuře uváděna až 90 %. Příčinou je podcenění počáteční symptomatologie a z ní pramenící pozdní zahájení radikální léčby až ve fázi septického šoku. Text tvoří mezioborový přehled základních principů diagnostiky a léčby IKTM, který odráží současné poznatky opřené o medicínu důkazů., Skin and Soft Tissue Infections (SSTIs) encompass a wide spectrum of inflammatory diseases of the skin, subcutis, fascia and muscles. Recent national trends indicate increasing rates of patients treated for these diagnoses at outpatient surgical department, but also of patients hospitalized with severe forms of SSTIs. Up to 90% fatality rates are reported in the literature for the most severe forms, resulting from underestimation of initial symptoms and therefore delayed onset of radical therapy only the phase of septic shock. The paper provides an interdisciplinary review of essential principles of the diagnosis and therapy of SSTIs, reflecting present knowledge supported by evidence-based medicine., and R. Gürlich, V. Adámková, J. Ulrych, H. Brodská, V. Janík, J. Lindner, E. Havel
Syndrom diabetické nohy je závažnou komplikací u pacientů s diabetes mellitus, ulcerace postihují 10–25 % diabetiků, infikováno je kolem 60 % ulcerací. Infekční komplikace jsou spojeny s nutností hospitalizace, s omezením hybnosti a se zhoršením kvality života. Infekční postižení se podle závažnosti rozlišuje na mírné, středně závažné a závažné. Ve většině případů se jedná o infekci polymikrobiální, s účastí grampozitivních koků (především stafylokoků), aerobních gramnegativních tyčinek a anaerobních mikroorganizmů. Terapie infekce musí být vždy komplexní, zahrnuje úpravu celkového stavu pacienta včetně lokální péče, často s chirurgickým ošetřením. Antibiotická terapie je významnou součástí celkové léčby. Iniciální antibiotická terapie je volena empiricky, volba se uskutečňuje především dle tíže onemocnění. Se znalostí kultivačních nálezů se antibiotická terapie upravuje na cílenou., Diabetic foot infections (DFIs) are serious problems in persons with diabetes, about 10 to 25 % of patients with diabetes develop a foot ulcer and 60 % of them are infected. DFIs cause morbidity, limit mobility, worsen patients’ quality of life. Infections are classified as mild, moderate, or severe. Most DFIs are polymicrobial, with Gram-positive cocci (especially staphylococci), Gram-negative bacilli and obligate anaerobes. Successful therapy of DFI requires proper topical care and often includes surgical interventions but appropriate antibiotic treatment plays a key role. Initial antimicrobial therapy of these infections is usually empirical, the antibiotic regimen should be based on the severity of the infection. Definitive therapy should then be tailored according to the results of culture and susceptibility tests from a reliably obtained specimen., and Lenka Ryšková
Cíl: Zjistit průměrnou incidenci infekční endokarditidy (IE) v okrese Tábor za sledované období a srovnat získané údaje s dříve publikovanou celorepublikovou studií. Metodika: Retrospektivní monocentrická observační studie sledující výskyt a charakteristiky infekční endokarditidy v definované spádové oblasti za roky 2009–2013. Zařazeni byli pouze pacienti s prokázanou a léčenou infekční endokarditidou a pacienti, u nichž byla diagnóza stanovena až pitvou. Výsledky: Ve sledovaném období bylo zachyceno celkem 39 případů infekční endokarditidy, což odpovídá průměrné incidenci 7,8 případů na 100 000 obyvatel ročně. Medián věku pacientů v době diagnózy byl 67 let. V souboru nemocných výrazně převažovali muži, kteří byli postiženi 3krát častěji než ženy. Přibližně stejně četně byla postižena mitrální (36 %) a aortální (33 %) chlopeň a elektroda kardiostimulačního systému (31 %). Ve srovnání s referenční prací bylo zachyceno více infekcí u pacientů s kardiostimulátory. Dvě třetiny infekcí byly způsobeny stafylokoky, což je proti pilotní studii výrazný nárůst. Naopak mortalita se podstatně neměnila. Závěr: Charakteristiky infekční endokarditidy se vyvíjejí, hospitalizační mortalita pacientů s IE je vysoká, kolem 30 %. Samo onemocnění IE je z hlediska roční úmrtnosti špatným prognostickým faktorem. Klíčová slova: incidence – infekční endokarditida, Aim: To find out an average incidence of infective endocarditis (IE) in Tabor district in a monitored period of time and compare the obtained data with previously published national study. Methods: Retrospective monocentric observational study monitoring occurence and characteristics of infective endocarditis in a defined region in years 2009–2013. Only patients with proved and treated infective endocarditis and patients whose diagnosis was revealed by autopsy were involved. Results: In the monitored time 39 cases of infective endocarditis occured, which means that the average incidence was 7.8 cases on 100 000 people per year. Median age in the time of diagnosis was 67. The group of patients was strongly dominated by men, who were affected three times more often than women. Almost the same rates of infective endocarditis were localized on mitral (36 %) and aortic (33 %) valve and electrode of a pacemaker (31 %). In comparison with the reference study there were more pacemaker-related infections detected. Two thirds of infections were caused by staphylococci. That means a prominent growth when compared to the pilot study. On the contrary, there was no significant change in mortality. Conclusion: Characteristic features of infective endocarditis are evolving, patients’ in-hospital mortality rate is high, about 30 %. The disease by itself is a poor prognostic factor in a one-year mortality rate. Key words: incidence infective – infective endocarditis, and Rudolf Koubek