Genetically modified (GM) maize may be - come important as the spread of the Western Corn Rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera) feeding on maize continues. However, its implementation in european agriculture has been hindered by fears of undesirable environmental effects, despite the worldwide cultivation of the GM crop. The presented study compares impacts of the GM maize MON 88017 and the non-transgenic maize on non-target invertebrates. Neither the composition nor the species abundance of invertebrate communities were affected in a field with the GM maize. and Zdeňka Svobodová, Oxana Habuštová, František Sehnal.
Moderní perkutánní nefrolitotomie (percutaneous nephrolithotomy – PCNL) je bezpečná technika spojená s nízkou morbiditou. PCNL umožňuje odstranit většinu konkrementů a představuje preferovanou modalitu při léčbě větších a odlitkových močových kamenů. Pro dosažení bezpečného a úspěšného výsledku musí být operatér nezbytně obeznámen s důležitými aspekty variability anatomie, ostatními komorbiditami pacienta a potenciálními komplikacemi, které hrozí při tomto výkonu. Ačkoli pro vytvoření přístupové cesty během PCNL, odstranění konkrementu a uzavření přístupu existuje celá řada nejrůznějších technik, pro dosažení kýženého výsledku je nutné, aby operatér disponoval znalostmi všech v současné době dostupných technik., Modern-day PCNL is a safe procedure with low morbidity. It offers superior stone-free rates, and is the treatment of choice for larger or staghorn stones. In order to be done successfully and safely, surgeons should be aware of important variations in anatomy, patient comorbidities, and potential complications. Finally, although a variety of techniques exist for PCNL access, stone removal and exit from the kidney, surgeons should be well versed in available techniques and adhere fundamental principles of surgery to achieve the desired outcomes for their patients., and Knoedler J., Krambeck A.
Článek ukazuje, jak nám zdánlivě jednoduché přístupy a nástroje založené na fyzikálních a chemických principech a poznatcích umožní přežít v nehostinných podmínkách mimo civilizaci. obecné úvahy jsou ilustrovány konkrétními příklady - rozděláváním ohně, čištěním a dezinfekcí vody atp., This article deals with using physics and chemistry to make possible our survival in the wilderness. Contemporary physics and chemistry is responsible for progress in the field of outdoor pursuits. Outdoor equipment and skills have become high-tech. Thus, use of basic physical and chemical principles in outdoor activities is now often overlooked although they can be of great use at moments when we lose technological superiority because of unexpected situations and events at extreme conditions. Then we are forced to improvise. Usefulness of applying physical and chemical principles is demonstrated on flame-resistant fiberglass wick, simple lighters, thermos used for cooking and sperilizing water, utilization electrolysis of brine for generating chlorine for water disinfection, use of PET bottles as simple pressurized filtration device for water purification, and so on., Ladislav Sieger., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The discussion study takes as its starting point the thinking, which Professor Šmajs and others presented in Filosofický časopis 6, 2013 on evolutionary ontology. The author shows an enduring aspect of evolutionary ontology: ontology as the product of human culture attains to knowledge that has the seeming character of objective truth - it thus expresses the true nature of the ontic order of nature. This is not, however, the usual nonsense of inconsistent philosophy. The author of the text identifies as lying behind the step Kantian and Hegelian strategies which make possible this shift from the order of culture to the order of nature. These strategies are (i) a sign of the grounding of Professor Šmajs´ ideas in early-modern thinking; and (ii) they are the cause of a strongly anthropocentric attitude, which unwittingly influences the system of evolutionary ontology. At the end of the study, the author points to the fact that it would be more appropriate for evolutionary ontology if its proponents were able to give up their early-modern argumentative approach, and thus rid themselves of their strong anthropocentrism. In this way they would be able to avoid the conceptual conflict which makes evolutionary ontology "frozen" from within., Radim Šíp., and Obsahuje poznámky a bibliografii