Díl 1, První díl souboru Erbenových pohádek inspirovaných lidovým folklorem z 20. let 20. století s ilustračním doprovodem A. Scheinera., and Knížky pro děti do deseti let v češtině.
Díl II, Druhý díl souboru Erbenových pohádek inspirovaných lidovým folklorem z 20. let 20. století s ilustračním doprovodem A. Scheinera., and Knížky pro děti do deseti let v češtině.
At the beginning of the 20th century the task of reviewing all available literature across different scientific fields was initiated by professor Raýman, the general secretary of the Czech Academy of Emperor Franz Joseph for Science, Literature and Arts (CASLA). The first review for 1901 (in Czech language) appeared in the CASLA Bulletin during 1902. However, later, until the 1914 review, which was partially published in 1916, the reviews only consisted of physics reports. Usually, about five authors wrote the physical review covering different fields. Beginning in 1903, the review was also published as a separate book. The first 10 years of physical reviews referenced about 15 thousands papers from all available global literature., Jan Valenta., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Proba 2 is the second satellite in the European Space Agency´s series of low-cost Proba satellites that validates new spacecraft technologies while also carrying scientific instruments. The nominal duration of a mission will be two years. The second satellite was launched on November 2, 2009. Proba 2 contains five scientific instruments. Two of them are designated to measure basic space plasma properties: the Dual segmented Langmuir Probe (DSLP) Proba 2 and the Thermal Plasma Measurement Unit (TPMU); both were developed by the Astronomical Institute and Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the ASCR. and Pavel Trávníček, František Hruška.
napsal Karel Dyrynk ; s ukázkami písem Vojtěcha Preissiga. and Kniha ... jest vysázena z písma řezaného podle Caractères de l'Université Claude Garamonda z r. 1540, které českými akcenty podle návrhu Vojt. Preissiga doplnila slévárna Státní tiskárny ... 203 výtisky na ručním papíře, z nich tento jest 85.