A new cucullanid nematode, Dichelyne mexicanus sp. n., is described from the intestine of three species of fishes, Agonostomus monticola (Bancroft) (Mugilidae, Perciformcs) (type host), Ictalurus balsanus (Jordan et Snyder) (Ictaluridac, Siluriformes) and Cichlasoma beani (Jordan) (Cichlidae, Perciformes), from three rivers (la Maquina River, Veracruz; Chontalcoatlán River, Guerrero and Santiago River, Nayaril) in central Mexico. This species is characterised by the absence of a ventral sucker in the male (subgenus Dichelyne) and it differs from its congeners mainly in possessing very unequal and dissimilar spicules (left 0.465-0.768 mm and right 293-548 mm long), an asymmetrical gubernaculum, and two intestinal caeca. Another cucullanid nematode, Cucullanus cabaUeroi Petter, 1977, is reported from Dormitator maculalus (Bloch) (Eleotridae, Perciformes) from the La Palma and La Maquina Rivers and Balzapote stream, Veracruz, being briefly described and illustrated; this represents a new host record. Findings of D. mexicanus and C. cabalteroi represent a new record of cucullanid nematodes from fishes in Mexican fresh waters.
The development of the nematode Syncuaria squamata (Linstow, 1883), a gizzard parasite of cormorants, was experimentally studied in the ostracod Notodromas monacha. After the eggs of this nematode have been swallowed by the ostracod, the toothed first-stage larvae of the parasite are released and penetrate through the intestinal wall into the haemocoel of the crustacean. Before attaining the infective third stage, the larvae moult twice in the body of the intermediate host (9-11 and 13-15 days after infection at water temperatures of 20-22° C). The fishes Alhumaides hipunctatus, Noemacheilus barbatulus, Oncor-hynchus mykiss and Poecilia reticulata were for the first time recorded as suitable experimental paratenic hosts of S. squamata third-stage larvae in which a slight growth of larvae may occur. The first recorded natural paratenic host of this nematode was tench, Tinca tinea, originating from a South-Bohemian pond where cormorants occur. Paratenic hosts are apparently the main source of S. squamata infection for cormorants.
The eggs of most dactylogyrid and diplectanid monogeneans that infect Acanthopagrus australis are tetrahedral. The adults of larger species deposit more eggs per worm on average in 24h in vitro: Lamellodiscus major (31.7 eggs) = Allomurray-trema rohustum (31.6 eggs) > Haliotrema spariensis (9.6 eggs) > Lamellodiscus squamosus (3.2 eggs). The eggs of L. squamosus (55.9 pm) and H. spariensis (56.4 pm) are smaller than those of L. major (66.1 pm) and A. robustum (63 pm). These eggs are normally shed into the water column. On the other hand, the eggs of Lamellodiscus acanthopagri are a modified T-shape (97.6 pm) and are attached to the gills by a sclerotised, thom-like filament. 1’he parasite can auto-infect the host, but has a low fecundity (0.05 eggs), possibly to prevent lethal parasite burdens.
Ectoparasitic Prototransversotrema steeri Angel infected Acanthopagrus australis (Günther) in western (W. Bay) and southern (S. Bay) Moreton Bay with greatest abundance in winter (June - August), and none in summer (December - February). This confirms previous observations on seasonality of P. steeri from a small estuary in New South Wales. Transversotrema licinum Manter, which is a new host and geographical record, infects A. australis in W. Bay but not S. Bay, with large abundances in summer and winter, lowest abundance in spring. Increased size of P. steeri in winter in S. Bay could be explained by increased size offish sampled since fish length and size of each parasite species were correlated positively. Transversotrema licinum increased in size from summer to winter irrespective of fish size. Number of eggs in utero and parasite size were correlated for both species; worms in mid-size range had most eggs, and P. steeri had more eggs (average = 19.2, 0-80) than T. licinum (3.3, 0-21); eggs were similar in length. Number of eggs per parasite, adjusted for parasite size, was greatest in autumn (P. steeri) or summer (T. licinum), i.e. early in infection period. Spawning migration to eastern Moreton Bay did not influence number of eggs per parasite.
Při snižování a řízení hluku v komunálním prostředí je třeba rozlišovat dvě kategorie účinků hluku na člověka. Jsou to jednak přímé zdravotní účinky a jednak obecné obtěžování hlukem spadající do oblasti kvality života. Hluk z hlediska obou kategorií musí být v životním prostředí regulován – otázkou je nejvhodnější regulátor a odpovídající nejvhodnější nástroje. Stávající hluková legislativa administrovaná Ministerstvem zdravotnictví se týká ochrany veřejného zdraví, a nikoliv snižování hluku v životním prostředí jako celku. Řešení obecného obtěžování je věcí veřejného pořádku v kompetenci obcí, Městské policie a Policie České republiky. Nepochopení rozdílů obou přístupů vede často ke zbytečným nedorozuměním ze strany laické veřejnosti i médií, ale v řadě případů i veřejnosti odborné., In environmental noise management and regulation two categories of noise effects on humans should be taken into account: first by there are direct health effect and second by there is general noise annoyance belonging to the area of the quality of life. Noise, from the point of view of in both categories, should be regulated in the environment – the question is, however, the best proper authority and proper legislative tools for this regulation. Existing noise legislation within the agenda of the Ministry of Health concerns public health safety only and not the general reduction of all noise in the whole living environment. Solving the problem of general annoyance by noise is the a matter for the local authorities and the police. Lack of understanding of the difference of the two approaches often leads to unnecessary confusion in the lay public and the media, as well as in a number of cases among professionals., Tomáš Hellmuth, Dana Potužníková, Pavel Junek, Zdeněk Fiala, and Literatura
Apendicitida je nejčastější břišní náhlá příhoda. Diagnóza může být ihned jasná u pacientů s klasickými příznaky a znaky. Atypické příznaky mohou výrazně ztížit stanovení diagnózy a zpozdit léčbu. Klasickým příznakem je bolest. Dále může být nevolnost, zvracení a nechutenství. Vyšetření břicha prokáže lokalizovanou bolestivost a rigiditu břišního svalstva v pravém dolním kvadrantu. Laboratorní vyšetření obvykle prokáže leukocytózu s posunem doleva a zvýšené hodnoty C reaktivního proteinu. Ke stanovení diagnózy výrazně pomohou nativní snímek břicha, ultrasonografické nebo CT vyšetření. V roce 1889 byla apendektomie akceptována jako standardní léčba, protože zachraňovala životy, a od té doby platí dictum: odstranění zánětlivě změněného apendixu je nezbytné!, Appendicitis is the most common abdominal emergency. While the clinical diagnosis may be easy in patients who present with classic signs and symptoms. Atypical presentations may result in diagnostic embarrassment and delay in treatment. Typical sign is abdominal pain. Furthermore, it can be nausea, vomiting and anorexia. Abdominal examination reveals localised tenderness and muscular rigidity in the right lower abdominal quadrant. Laboratory data usually reveal an elevated leukocytosis with a left shift and elevated C-reactive protein. To establish the diagnosis greatly help native abdominal X-ray, ultrasound or CT. In1889, an appendectomy was accepted as the standard treatment, because they save lives and since then dictum: removal of the inflamed appendix changed, it is necessary!, and Karel Lukáš
From January 1992 to December 1993, a total of 2158 fish, namely Oreochromis leucostictus (Trewavas, 1983), Mi-cropterus salmoides (Lacépède, 1802), I'ilapiu zillii (Gervais, 1848) and Barhus amphigrama (Boulenger, 1902) were sampled from thirteen stations on Lake Naivasha, Kenya, using a fleet of gill nets and examined for helminth parasites. The prevalence of infection due to cystacanths of an acanthocephalan, Polyacanthorhynchus kenyensis Schmidt et Canaris, 1967 among parasitized O. leucostictus ranged from 30.4 to 86.9%; among T. zillii from 4.1 to 77.7%; in M. salmoides from 20 to 50%; and in B. amphi grama from 5.8 to 100%. In 735 hosts belonging to the above four species, a total of 4198 immature specimens of P. kenyensis were recovered. All cystacanths were found in extraintestinal sites, either free within the fish body cavity or encysted within the host visceral organs. There was no significant variation in the prevalence of the parasite within months (P > 0.001). Host sex ratio was significant (P < 0.001 ) in favour of male T. zillii, and also highly significant (P < 0.001 ) in favour of male O. leucostictus. Moreover, in this fish, prevalence of infection was observed to increase with the increase in the size of the fish. Among infected M. salmoides, there was no significant departure from a 1 : 1 sex ratio.
During an ecological investigation of populations of the freshwater bryozoan, Cristatella mucedo Cuvier, parasitic sac-like stages of the myxozoan, Tetracapsula bryozoides Canning, Okamura et Curry, 1996 were discovered within the body cavity of some bryozoan colonies. Subsequent to their detection, data were collected on the incidence and prevalence of myxo-zoans in bryozoan populations in the Thames Valley region and on the effects of myxozoans on their hosts. Notable spatial and temporal variation in incidence and prevalence of myxozoans was documented. The production of statoblasts by bryozoans was significantly compromised by myxozoan infection although the production of larvae was not. Infection by myxozoans resulted in generalized swelling, malformation, degeneration, and slower response times in bryozoan colonies. These findings indicate that myxozoans adversely affect host fitness and may therefore influence population levels. Light microscopy revealed that multiple myxozoan sacs can be present within the continuous body cavity of bryozoan colonies and that sacs apparently undergo fission. Infective spores that develop within sacs are at least on some occasions released into the body cavity of bryozoans. Nothing is known of the subsequent stages in the life cycle of this myxozoan, including whether T. bryozoides infects another species. Spores may be released into the water column to infect new hosts or they may be introduced to new hosts when infected bryozoans are ingested.