In Autumn 2010 a new permanent GPS station started observati ons intended to investigate the episodic displacements o f rocks in the Książ Massif, where the Geodynamic Laboratory (LG) is situated. These investigations are being made for common interpretation with water-tubes and horizontal pendulums tiltmeters registering large (one order of magnitude greate r than the tidal effects) non-periodic geodynamic signals. The studies conducted as up to date excluded instrumental and loading effects as potential reasons of those signals. The construction of water-tube tiltmeters and their measuring principles allowed to state that the strong non-tidal signals have a geodynamic nature. To support investig ation of this problem, different analysis of the GPS data are performed in appropriate scales and applying various processing methods. The applied methods refer to selected reference GPS stations in Poland and their neighbors and are aimed at reduction of disturbance effects of geophysical origin such as tectonic activity, post-glacial rebound, anthropogenic effects, etc., Ryszard Zdunek., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Physical mass properties of various types of rocks were ascertained, and their relationships are discu ssed in this article. Basedon water permeability and mercury intrusion porosimetry methods, conductivity coefficient, porosity, and pore size distribution were determined. Furthermore, bulk and particle densities of rocks we re determined. All laboratory tests were carried out according to Czech versi on of the Technical specif ication CEN ISO/TS 17892-11:2004. The above-mentioned specification has the status of the Czech standard (ČSN, CEN). Permeability and porosity are in close relation, and it could be assumed that its relationship is linear, i.e., with increasing porosity, permeability increases as well. This relationship is influenced by other rock properties, such as the amount of open and closed pores with in the rock sample, size, and distribution of pores or mineral admixtures. From this point of view, it is necessary to study these physical properties of rocks as well, because this enables an overall analysis of rocks and its possible use for engineering constructions, Jan Šperl and Jiřina Trčková., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
Permeability refers to the ability of coal to transmit gas when a pressure or concentration gradient exists across it. The permeability of coal is dependent upon factors that include effective stress, gas pressure, water content, disturbance associated with drilling and matrix swelling/shrinkage due to adsorption/desorption. A programme of laboratory tests were conducted on coal samples from the Bulli seam for evaluating the permeability and drainability of coal. Two different types of permeability apparatus were used in this study. The methods of permeability testing of coal under different triaxial conditions are discussed. Permeability testing of the Bulli seam coal with N2 is described. The laboratory test results were found to be in agreement with the calculated permeability values, Naj Aziz, Ting Ren, Jan Nemcik and Lei Zhang., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Úvod: Cílem práce je porovnat výsledky peroperační detekce sentinelové uzliny při operacích pro karcinom kolon a zjistit počet uzlin na resekátu ve srovnání se standardní resekcí. Metody: Do souboru byli zařazeni pacienti k elektivní resekci pro karcinom kolon. Resekát a sentinelová uzlina odeslány k histopatologickému zpracování. Srovnání s kontrolním souborem elektivních resekcí z roku 2011. Výsledky: Kontrolní soubor čítal 56 pacientů operovaných elektivně pro karcinom od céka po rektosigmoideum (dle MKN C18-C19). Průměrný počet uzlin na resekátu byl 12,73 (4−27). Do studované skupiny bylo do počátku listopadu 2014 zařazeno celkem 102 pacientů, celkem 29 pacientů bylo vyřazeno pro nedodržení nebo odchylku od grantového protokolu (neoznačení, neodebrání uzliny, pooperační jiná definitivní diagnóza než karcinom, přítomnost jaterních metastáz). Ze zbylých 73 pacientů (46 mužů a 27 žen) bylo po histopatologickém zpracování celkem 24 (17 mužů a 7 žen) pacientů označeno jako pN+, z nich 2 označeni jako pN1c. U zbývajících 22 pacientů byla sentinelová uzlina pozitivní v 8 případech, což odpovídá senzitivitě 36,36 %. Průměrný počet uzlin na resekátu po barvení Patentblau byl 15,97 (3−30). Závěr: Metoda detekce sentinelové uzliny peroparačně je snadná a snadno proveditelná. Hlavním přínosem se pro nízkou senzitivitu jeví zvýšení počtu nalezených uzlin na resekátu. Klíčová slova: sentinelová uzlina − karcinom kolon − peroperační detekce, Introduction: The aim of this paper is to evaluate the results of intraoperative sentinel node detection in colon cancer patients and to compare the number of nodes retrieved per specimen in comparison with standard resection. Methods: Patients undergoing elective colon cancer resection were included in the study. The specimen and the sentinel lymph node were sent for histopathological examination. A group of patients from 2011 who underwent elective resection served as the study control. Results: The control group comprised 56 patients. The average node count was 12.73 (4–27). The study group included 102 patients; 29 patients had to be excluded because of protocol deviation. Out of the remaining 73 (46 male and 27 female) patients, 24 were N-positive and 2 of them were pN1c. In the remaining 22 patients, the sentinel node was positive in 8 cases, corresponding to a sensitivity of 36.36%. The average lymph node count was 15.97(3–30) after patent blue dye injection. Conclusion: Intraoperative sentinel lymph node detection is an easy and feasible method. Despite the low sensitivity, the main positive effect of the method is the increased lymph node count per resection specimen. Key words: sentinel node − colon cancer − intraoperative detection, and J. Cagaš, I. Čapov, P. Vlček, J. Korbička, L. Veverková, M. Hermanová, M. Tichý
Časné pooperační komplikace hojení anastomózy představují pro pacienta významné riziko zvýšení morbidity, mortality i zhoršení dlouhodobých výsledků. Existuje řada opatření redukujících rizika vzniku těchto komplikací včetně peroperačního hodnocení kvality kolorektální anastomózy. Postupy hodnocení spolehlivosti anastomózy se vyvíjely od mechanického testování přes endoskopickou vizualizaci střevního lumen až po moderní techniky hodnotící mikroperfuzi perianastomotických tkání. Mechanické testování kolorektální anastomózy a částečně i endoskopické techniky prokazatelně do jisté míry redukují riziko pooperačních komplikací hojení kolorektální anastomózy. Moderní postupy hodnotící mikrocirkulaci, založené na fluorescenční angiografii pomocí indocyaninové zeleně, mají potenciál zásadně zlepšit posouzení bezpečnosti kolorektální anastomózy a významně přispět k rozhodnutí o dalším postupu včetně vynechání protektivní ileostomie., Early postoperative anastomotic complications have serious clinical implications for the patient’s morbidity, mortality as well as long-term results. A number of measures can be undertaken to reduce the risk of anastomotic complications, including intraoperative colorectal anastomotic integrity assessment. Methods used to assess anastomotic reliability have gradually developed from basic mechanical techniques, direct visual endoluminal inspection, to microperfusion assessment of perianastomotic tissue. Moderate benefit in terms of reduced postoperative anastomotic complications has been shown with mechanical patency testing and partly with intraoperative endoscopic visualization of colorectal anastomoses. More recently, indocyanine green (ICG) fluorescence imaging methods have emerged as major contributions to anastomotic patency assessment and intraoperative decision making during surgical colorectal procedures including decreased numbers of ileostomies., and L. Martínek, R. Bergamaschi, J. Hoch
Perorální endoskopická myotomie (POEM) je slibnou, účinnou a bezpečnou metodou léčby achalázie jícnu a je jen otázkou času, kdy se stane metodou rutinní či ověřenou. Otázka srovnání s laparoskopickou myotomií a balonovou dilatací je klíčová a probíhají randomizované studie. POEM, vzhledem ke komplexní náročnosti a riziku komplikací a vzhledem k řídkému výskytu achalázie jícnu, by měl být soustředěn do maximálně dvou center v České republice. Aktuálně jsme v IKEM provedli 47 výkonů u 46 pacientů s příznivými výsledky., POEM is a promising, effective and safe method of oesophageal achalasia treatment. It is likely that POEM will become a standard and verified treatment option for achalasia. Randomized studies comparing POEM to laparoscopic myotomy or balloon dilatation are crucial and are ongoing. Since POEM is a complex and difficult procedure with a considerable risk of complications, and in view of the quite rare incidence of achalasia, it should be centralized to a maximum of two centres in the Czech Republic. In IKEM, we have performed 47 POEM procedures in 46 patients with excellent results., and Martínek J., Švecová H., Špičák J., Krajčíová J., Vacková Z., Pazdro A., Haruštiak T., Kieslichová E., Janoušek R., Doležel R., Fremundová L.
Diabetes mellitus is relatively frequently associated with fatty liver disease. Increased oxidative stress probably plays an important role in the development of this hepatopathy. One of possible sources of reactive oxygen species in liver is peroxisomal system. There are several reports about changes of peroxisomal enzymes in experimental diabetes, mainly enzymes of fatty acid oxidation. The aim of our study was to investigate the possible changes of activities of liver peroxisomal enzymes, other than enzymes of beta-oxidation, in experimental diabetes mellitus type 2. Biochemical changes in liver of experimental animals suggest the presence of liver steatosis. The changes of serum parameters in experimental group are similar to changes in serum of patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. We have shown that diabetes mellitus influenced peroxisomal enzymes by the different way. Despite of well-known induction of peroxisomal beta-oxidation, the activities of catalase, aminoacid oxidase and NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase were not significantly changed and the activities of glycolate oxidase and NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase were significantly decreased. The effect of diabetes on liver peroxisomes is probably due to the increased supply of fatty acids to liver in diabetic state and also due to increased oxidative stress. The changes of metabolic activity of peroxisomal compartment may participate on the development of diabetic hepatopathy., L. Turecký, V. Kupčová, E. Uhlíková, V. Mojto., and Obsahuje bibliografii
This paper presents preliminary results of the application of Persistent Scatterers Interferometry (PSI) supported with detailed field landslide mapping. The research was focused on the areas located near the towns Rabka Zdroj and Jordanow located in southern-central Poland where detailed landslide mapping campaigns were preformed in the summer of 2009. According to the field experience the average spatial density of landslide occurrence in both areas is up to 3 landslides/sq km. The application of various Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) interferometry techniques on the above-mentioned areas was very difficult due to the very rough topography, vegetation and forest cover, and the long season with the snow cover. Following previous successful studies on other rural areas, PSI technique was therefore applied. Field work has been carried out within the frame of a national project launched in 2008 aimed to create a detailed database of all landslides in Poland. The areas where landslide problems are extremely important are the Polish Carpathians. As in previous experiments on a sparse urbanized area we noticed that it is still possible to successfully detect a number of persistent scatterers but, the interpretation of the associated deformation is difficult. However, based on cartographic data collected during the field mapping campaign it is possible to significantly improve analysis and interpretation of PSI results., Zbigniew Perski, Tomasz Wojciechowski and Andrzej Borkowski., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Úvod: Terapeutické a toxické účinky digoxinu jsou závislé na jeho sérové koncentraci. Současné poznatky prokázaly snížení mortality při chronickém srdečním selhání při koncentraci digoxinu v rozmezí 0,5–0,9 ng/ml. Cíl: Ukázat výhody terapeutického monitorování hladin léčiv při personalizované farmakoterapii digoxinem. Metoda: Údolní sérové koncentrace digoxinu byly stanoveny imunochemickou metodou MEIA (AxSym Abbott). Pro farmakokinetickou analýzu bylo použito Bayesianské analýzy za pomocí software MW-Pharm 3.30. Výsledky: U 6 pacientů ve věku 71–92 let jsou ukázány velké rozdíly v dávce digoxinu potřebné k dosažení terapeutického rozmezí. Tyto dávky se pohybují v rozmezí 0,03–0,25 mg za den. Závěr: Terapeutické monitorování hladin léčiv je velice užitečnou metodou k predikci koncentrace digoxinu bez nutnosti dosažení ustáleného stavu., Introduction: Therapeutic and toxic effects of digoxin are related to its serum concentrations, recent evidence suggests that a lower therapeutic range 0.5–0.9 ng/ml is associated with reduced mortality. Aim: To show the advantages of therapeutic drug monitoring for dosing of digoxin. Method: Trough serum levels of digoxin were estimated by immunoassay MEIA (AxSym Abbott). The long term serum concentration – time profile of digoxin has been predicted by the Bayesian analysis computer program MW-Pharm 3.30 MediWare. Results: Sex case reports of the patients between 71 to 92 years are presented to show the different doses to receive digoxin levels in the therapeutic range. The doses varies between 0.03–0.25 mg per day. Conclusion: Therapeutic drug monitoring is very usefull for prediction of serum level of digoxin. There is no need to wait for a steady-state condition before performing therapeutic drug monitoring., and Milan Grundmann, Ivana Kacířová
Úvod: Peritonitida patří mezi život ohrožující stavy zatížené vysokou mortalitou a morbiditou. Prognóza závisí na faktorech spojených s pacientem, charakterem onemocnění, použitými diagnostickými a terapeutickými metodami. Cílem práce bylo retrospektivně analyzovat soubor pacientů se sekundární peritonitidou, z tohoto souboru porovnat skupiny pacientů bez sterkorální peritonitidy a se sterkorální peritonitidou, stanovit hodnotu indexu prognostického systému MPI a zjistit, nakolik se shoduje s našimi výsledky. Metoda: Za období dvou let (2012–2013) byla analyzována data 124 pacientů operovaných s nálezem sekundární peritonitidy. Soubor byl rozdělen podle typu peritonitidy na skupinu A s jinou než sterkorální a skupinu B se sterkorální peritonitidou. Tyto skupiny byly dále porovnávány. Predikce mortality byla ověřena pomocí Mannheim Peritonitis Index (MPI). Výsledky: V celém souboru 124 operovaných pacientů bylo celkem 70 mužů a 54 žen. Průměrný věk pacientů byl 63 let, průměrná délka hospitalizace 18 dní, během hospitalizace zemřelo 18 pacientů (15 %). Průměrná hodnota MPI skóre byla 19, což odpovídá predikci mortality 18 %. Ve skupině A 68 pacientů bez sterkorální peritonitidy byl průměrný věk 59 let, průměrná délka hospitalizace 12 dní. Z této skupiny zemřeli během hospitalizace 2 pacienti (3 %). Průměrná hodnota MPI skóre byla 9, což odpovídá predikci mortality 9 %. Ve skupině B 56 pacientů se sterkorální peritonitidou byl průměrný věk 67 let, průměrná délka hospitalizace 25 dní. Z této skupiny během hospitalizace zemřelo 16 pacientů (29 %). Průměrná hodnota MPI skóre byla 29, což odpovídá predikci mortality 31 % pro tuto skupinu pacientů. Závěr: Z porovnání obou skupin vyplývá, že u skupiny bez sterkorální peritonitidy je podstatně nižší mortalita, menší počet komplikací a kratší délka hospitalizace než u skupiny se sterkorální peritonitidou. K predikci mortality u peritonitidy lze použít základních klinických dat, stejně jako sofistikovaných skórovacích systémů. V naší studii se osvědčil jednoduchý skórovací systém Mannheim Peritonitis Index., Introduction: Peritonitis is a life-threatening disease with high mortality and morbidity. The prognosis depends on patient factors, the nature of the disease, and on diagnostic and therapeutic methods. The goal of our study was to perform a retrospective analysis of a group of patients with secondary peritonitis and to compare patients with non-stercoral peritonitis and those with stercoral peritonitis, and finally, to determine the prognostic value of the MPI prognostic index. Methods: We analysed 124 patients who had undergone surgery for secondary peritonitis during the years 2012–2013. We divided the patients into two groups. Group A comprised patients with non-stercoral peritonitis and group B consisted of patients with stercoral peritonitis. We compared the two groups and predicted the peritonitis outcome using the Mannheim Peritonitis Index (MPI). Results: The complete sample of 124 patients consisted of 70 men and 54 women. The average age of the patients was 63 years and the average length of hospitalization was 18 days. In total, 18 patients (15%) died during their hospitalization. The average MPI score was 19, which correlates to an 18% mortality rate prediction. In group A, which consisted of 68 patients with non-stercoral peritonitis, the average age was 59 years and the average length of hospitalization was 12 days. Two patients (3%) from this group died during hospitalization. The average MPI score was 9, which correlates to a 9% mortality rate prediction. In group B, which consisted of 56 patients with stercoral peritonitis, the average age was 67 years and the average length of hospitalization was 25 days. 16 patients (29%) from this group died during hospitalization. The average MPI score was 29, which correlates to a 31% mortality rate prediction. Conclusions: The outcome of our comparison between the two groups is that group A with non-stercoral peritonitis had a significantly lower mortality, lower number of complications and a shorter length of hospitalization. Both basic clinical data and sophisticated scoring systems can be used for mortality prediction in peritonitis. The Mannheim Peritonitis Index, a simple scoring system, proved to be useful in our study., and P. Majtan, J. Neumann, P. Kocián, J. Hoch