Šumava lakes have been recovering over the last 30 years from acidification caused by high atmospheric deposition of sulphur and nitrogen. Regeneration was manifested by decreasing acidity and increasing biodiversity (except for fish). It was temporarily interrupted by Spruce Bark Beetle (Ips typographus) infestation in lake catchments. Spruce defoliation and changes in light and humidity conditions caused enhanced mineralization of soil humus layer resulting in nitrate leaching and also partial acidification (only temporary, within a few decades the lakes will profit from the release of nitrogen from the ecosystem). and Jakub Hruška a kol.
During summer 2011, severe outbreak of the Spruce Bark Beetle (Ips typographus) occurred in the Šumava National Park (NP). We aim to elucidate the laws governing population dynamics of this species and conclude that logging of all infested trees in the NP buffer zones, accompanied by a non-intervention policy in the core zones, is a strategy that will protect both, forests surrounding the NP and the most valuable mountain spruce stands in the Šumava NP. and Pavel Kindlmann, Karel Matějka, Petr Doležal.
Understanding the history of coniferous forests and their natural changes over time is critical for proper and effective forest management. The text describes the origin and disturbance history of the mountain Norway Spruce (Picea abies) forests in the Šumava Mts. (Bohemian Forest) using tree-ring and archival documents analyses. Severe and extensive natural disturbances play and have played a fundamental role in forest structure and dynamics. Part of the territory has been shaped by forest management. and Vojtěch Čada ... [et al.].
The paper presents the results of monitoring study undertaken during the period 2008 - 2010. The study recorded the displacement of tectonic structures in the Strašín Cave (SW Bohemian Massif). The derived results were compared, among others, with data recorded over the same time period across the Bohemian Massif in the EUTecNet (tectonic displacement monitoring net - see www.tecnet.cz), which is managed by IRSM ASCR. The rate of recorded displacement is mostly in order of hundredths mm/year with maximal value recorded in vertical component at site Strašín 2, about 0,16 mm/2,5 years. Whilst recorded displacement can indicate blocks subsidence into the cave empty space, the periods when displacement occurred correspond to periods of increased movement activity recorded for example at the opposite side of the Bohemian Massif, along the Sudetic Marginal Fault. Moreover, both periods are simultaneous with extraordinary earthquakes that affected western and southern part of the Bohemian Massif in 2008 and 2009., Josef Stemberk and Filip Hartvich., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The Šumava Mts. and the neighbouring Bavarian Forest belong to the last areas in Central Europe, where large herbivorous mammals (Red Deer - Cervus elaphus, Roe Deer - Capreolus capreolus and European Moose - Alces alces) can find enough space for their food requirements and can coexist with their predator (Lynx - Lynx lynx). The activities and results of research project aimed at environmental issues related to these species using the up-to-date technologies (GPS telemetry, phototraps) are presented. and Pavel Šustr.