Tokamak - pinč - tokamak. Jak vysvětlit překvapivou odbočku z tokamakové dálnice na pinčovou okresku výzkumu řízené termojaderné fúze v moskevském ústavu LIPAN v letech 1952-1953? Konfrontací dvou události se podařilo do "záhady" vnést alespoň trochu světla. Těmi událostmi bylo setkání fyziků v roce 1947 v Harwellu a návštěva Olega Alexandroviče Lavrentěva ve fúzní skupině oddělení výzkumu plazmatu ústavu LIPAN v roce 1991. O. A. Lavrentěv v laboratoři spatřil Wirbelrohr!, Max Seenbeck named his modification of the circular accelerator betatron as the Wirbelrohr in the year 1943. The Wirbelrohr co-initiated research on controlled thermonuclear fusion in the UKA in the late forties. It is likely that the Wirbelrohr device slightly delayed research on the predecessor to the magnetic thermonuclear reactor, tokamak, in the Soviet Union., Milan Řípa., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Článok má prierezový charakter. Je opísaná motivácia pre skúmanie možnosti vytvorenia nových, umelo vytvorených chemických prvkov a ich izotopov. Sú opísané experimenty vedúce k transuránovým a ďalekým transuránovým jadrám, až po 106-ty prvok - seaborgium. Sú analyzované fyzikálne poznatky, ktoré boli získané z experimentálnych údajov v tejto etape jádrových reakcií úplnej syntézy, do začiatku 80-tych rokov minulého storočia. Je diskutovaný vplyv vrstvovej štruktúry jadier na ich stabilitu, efekt extra-pushu a izospinu. V ďalšej časti sú opísané experimenty vedúce k syntéze jadier so Z = 107 - 112 metódou tzv. studenej fúzie. Ďalej sú opísané jádrové reakcie tzv. horúcej fúzie, v ktorých boli syntetizované jadrá superťažkých prvkov so Z = 114, 116, ale ktoré ešte len čaká definitívne potvrdenie. V záverečnej části práce sú analyzované v súčasnosti vykonávané experimenty, teoretické modely možných spôsobov syntézy superťažkých jadier a problém identifikácie oblasti najstabilnejších superťažkých jadier. Je uvedený význam a odhad ďalšieho možného vývoja fyziky superťažkých jadier., Š. Šáro, P. Cagarda., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
The administration of creatine (5 g/day for one month) to 11 young active sportsmen affected their urinary excretion of creatine, creatinine, and thiodiglycolic acid (TDGA) as well as blood levels of homocysteine, vitamin B12 and folates. The probands were divided into four groups, according to the amount of creatine found in urine, and of folates and vitamin B12 determined in blood. The changes of folates and vitamin B12 were mutually reciprocal. Each group utilized CR as donor of one- and two-carbon (1C and 2C) units by means of homocysteine (HoCySH), folates, and vitamin B12, in different metabolic pathways. In 10 men the creatine administration was accompanied by an increase of HoCySH level in blood, while in the last man, with accidentally discovered hyperhomocysteinemia, the HoCySH level dropped by 50 %. Differences between initial and terminal TDGA levels indicate that creatine affects equilibria of redox processes. Creatinine excretion into urine changed in the dependence on the extent of metabolic disturbances., T. Navrátil ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Inhalational anesthetic-induced preconditioning (APC) has been shown to reduce infarct size and attenuate contractile dysfunction caused by myocardial ischemia. Only a few studies have reported the effects of APC on arrhythmias during myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury, focusing exclusively on reperfusion. Accordingly, the ai m of the present study was to examine the influence of APC on ventricular arrhythmias evoked by regional no-flow ischemia. APC was induced in adult male Wistar rats by 12-min exposures to two different concentrations (0.5 and 1.0 MAC) of isoflurane followed by 30-min wash-out periods. Ventricular arrhythmias were assessed in the isolated perfused hearts during a 45- min regional ischemia and a subsequent 15-min reperfusion. Myocardial infarct size was determined after an additional 45 min of reperfusion. The incidence, severity and duration of ventricular arrhythmias during ischemia were markedly reduced by APC. The higher concentration of isoflurane had a larger effect on the incidence of ventricular fibrillation than the lower concentration. The incidence of ventricular tachycardia and reversible ventricular fibrillation during reperfusion was also significantly reduced by APC; the same was true for myocardial infarct size. In conclusion, we have shown that preconditioning with isoflurane confers profound protection against myocardial is chemia- and reperfusion-induced arrhythmias and lethal myocardial injury., H. Říha ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
One hundred years ago Heike Kamerlingh Onnes arrived to one of the most important breakthroughs of 20th century physics - he discovered superconductivity. His finding as in many other cases in the history of science had been a result of use of a very new experimental technique. He used the cryogenic equipment in his Leiden's laboratory with the liquid helium cryocooler and measured electrical properties of metals near the absolute zero temperature. When cooled down to extremely low temperatures, near 4 Kelvin, very pure mercury suddenly lost its electrical resistance completely. Many major physicists of 20th century, experimentalists as well as theorists, devoted their life efforts to exploration of the mysterious properties of superconductors. Superconductivity has been shown to be one of the rare cases where quantum physics is observed on a macroscopic scale. Many chemical elements and thousands of compounds have been found to be superconducting. Fifty years after the discovery important practical applications such as strong magnets for laboratories and magnetic-resonance-imaging in hospitals came to the market. But more than seventy five years the superconducting materials had been functioning only at extreme cold, below 23 K (-250°C). In 1986 the "hightemperature superconductor's" era started with materials superconducting at -100°C. This paper surveys the history and the latest research into one of today's most fascinating physics and promising technologies., Peter Samuely., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The effect of suramin, an inhibitor of G protein regulated signalling, was studied on the membrane currents induced by noxious heat and by capsaicin in cultured dorsal root ganglia neurones isolated from neonatal rats. Whole-cell responses induced by a heat ramp (24-52 °C) were little affected by suramin. The noxious heat-activated currents were synergistically facilitated in the presence of 0.3 µM capsaicin 13.2-fold and 6.3-fold at 40 °C and 50 °C, respectively. In 65% of neurones, the capsaicin-induced facilitation was inhibited by 10 µM suramin to 35±6 % and 53±6 % of control at 40 °C and 50 °C (S.E.M., n=15). Suramin 30 µM caused a significant increase in the membrane current produced by a nearly maximal dose (1 µM) of capsaicin over the whole recorded temperature range (2.4-fold at 25 °C and 1.2-fold at 48 °C). The results demonstrate that suramin differentially affects the interaction between capsaicin and noxious heat in DRG neurones and thus suggest that distinct transduction pathways may participate in vanilloid receptor activation mechanisms., V. Vlachová, A. Lyfenko, L. Vyklický, † R.K. Orkand., and Obsahuje bibliografii