Vysychání kapek a následné formování "kávových kroužků" představuje velice zajímavou fyziku z běžného života. V článku se však pustíme dále - do oblasti aplikací tohoto jevu - a ukážeme si, jak pomáhá koncentrovat biomolekuly, které jsou pak přístupné studiu Ramanovou spektroskopií. Položíme si otázku, jak se liší konformace biomolekul v "kávových kroužcích" od jiných fází, přidáme však i přehled dosavadních užití až po biomedicínské aplikace., Desiccation of droplets and subsequent formation of "coffee rings" represents very interesting physics in an ordinary life. in this article, we go further into the region of applications of this phenomenon and we show that it helps to concentrate biomolecules, which are then accessible to Raman spectroscopy. We address questions about the difference of conformation of biomolecules in "coffee rings" with respect to other phases, finally we give an overview of the present employment of this method as far as biomedical applications., Vladimír Kopecký Jr., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The goal of the article is to present in short the history and character of the songs included in the so called „Prague collection“, the biggest preserved collection of ethnographic sources from the German language regions of the former Czechoslovak Republic. The collection contains scores of folk songs, texts of legends, theatrical plays, the ritual folklore, notes on various dialects, local names etc., and also a big set of old photographs and other iconographical material. In present - after the basic archival Processing - the collection contains 76 boxes and is preserved, under the label FNO („Fond německých oblastí“, i. e. Fund of German regions) in the Ethnological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The „Prague collection“ came to being infour timeperiods: 1894-1900, 1906-1918 (the biggest part), 1922-1938, and the last part during the World War II. Until the end of the 1980's it was practically inaccessible, primarily out of the political reasons. Only in the next decade it became the object of Scientific research and simultaneously, because of its damaged state, also object of the work of restoration. After its inventory was made, the subsequent processing, especially the cataloguing of songs, was realized within the framework of the Joint project of the Ethnological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and the Deutsches Volksarchiv in Freiburg im Freisgau. The project was financed by the foundation of the Volkswagen company. The result of the project was the preservation of the collection, restoration of the sources, the making of an inventory with the index of localities of origin and the names of collectors, making of copies of the sources and analysis of ali the scores. Precisely to the scores is dedicated the second part of the present article. In its final part the author outlines the fields of study that can use this collection as a unique source base. Even though the Scientific analysis o f the „Prague collection“ has not been completed yet and the majority of the sources waits for publication, it is obvious its extraordinary cultural value and cultural-political importance.