While gender has gained serious credit on the international development research and policy agenda, this is not reflected in Czech development studies. Likewise, the situation of women living in the developing world has been tackled by Czech gender studies only occasionally. This lack of attention from both Czech academia and Czech civil society is owing to the slow reconstruction of both interdisciplines during the transition and to the prevailing liberalism of Czech society. Even though links between gender and poverty are reflected in the mainstream discourse of international organizations, the author criticizes their underlying liberal assumptions from the viewpoint of feminist economics without acknowledging the capacity of post-modern feminists to tackle lived poverty. While grassroots women’s movements in the South reveal diverse theoretical backgrounds, in Czech development cooperation gender is only formally reflected in policy and operational documents. The author demonstrates this strong gender blindness through the example of a presumably gender neutral project on agricultural education in Angola. Czech development cooperation has supported only a few gender projects, which were intended especially for at risk women. In conclusion, the author advocates mainstreaming the gender perspective into Czech development cooperation and, by extending the scope of feminist standpoint theory, argues that the development constituency cannot be genuinely pro-poor without paying special attention to women and the gender constituency cannot pretend to defend women’s rights without paying attention to the poor living in the South., Ondřej Horký., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The article focuses on gender aspects of globalisation and global restructuring and criticises the masculine bias of mainstream theories of globalisation. It is aimed at adding a global dimension to Czech gender studies. It looks at the way in which globalisation is gendered and based on gender ideologies, and how global restructuring affects and change gender systems. Primarily economic globalisation is addressed, and the changes in the organisation of labour globally are examined. Global production is dependent on cheap women's labour in the factories of multi-national corporations in the global south. The process of rendering labour more flexible and informal is associated with its féminisation. Care work and migration are also becoming feminised on a global scale. The article also analyses domestic work performed in the United States and Western Europe by women migrants from developing countries. All these processes are occurring within the context of neo-liberal policies and the changing role of states amidst a global restructuring, which needs to be examined from a gender perspective.
Poruchy spánku patria k najčastejším non‑motorickým prejavom u pacientov s Parkinsonovou chorobou (PCh), v populačných štúdiách je uvádzaný ich výskyt až u 60 % pacientov. Štúdie tiež uvádzajú rozdielnosť prejavov PCh medzi mužmi a ženami. Cieľ: Zistiť, či sú u pacientov s PCh na Slovensku prítomné medzi pohlaviami rozdiely v klinických prejavoch PCh a výskyte porúch spánku. Materiál a metódy: Zisťovanie bolo robené dotazníkovou metódou s účasťou pacientov a neurológov z jednotlivých regiónov Slovenskej republiky. Dotazníky boli vyplňované počas rutinných kontrolných návštev. Boli zisťované socioekonomické premenné ako pohlavie, vek, vek pri začiatku ochorenia, stupeň poškodenia hodnotený škálou Hoehna a Yahrovej, dominujúci fenotyp ochorenia a používaná medikácia. Pri hodnotení porúch spánku bola použitá slovenská verzia dotazníka PDSS. Výsledky: Získali sme dáta od 1 067 pacientov. Pri porovnávacích analýzach neboli zistené podstatné rozdiely vo väčšine hodnotených parametrov. U mužov bol o niečo vyšší podiel pacientov s hodnotou škály Hoehna a Yahrovej 4 a boli zistené signifikantne vyššie dávky levodopy v monoterapii (p < 0,01). Významné rozdiely boli zistené v skóre škály PDSS pre hodnotenie rušivých halucinácií počas noci – skóre u mužov bolo 8,22, u žien 8,48 (p < 0,05). Podobný výsledok sme zaznamenali v skóre hodnotiacom nutnosť močenia počas noci – u mužov bolo skóre 5,90, u žien 6,53 (p < 0,01). Klíčová slova: Parkinsonova choroba – pohlavné rozdiely – spánok Autoři deklarují, že v souvislosti s předmětem studie nemají žádné komerční zájmy. Redakční rada potvrzuje, že rukopis práce splnil ICMJE kritéria pro publikace zasílané do biomedicínských časopisů., Sleep disturbances are one of the most common non-motor symptoms in patient with Parkinson’s disease (PD) with community‑based studies reporting prevalence data of 60%. Differences in symptoms between men and women have been reported. Aim: In the present study, we assessed whether there are gender differences in clinical presentation of PD and prevalence of sleep disturbances in individuals diagnosed in the Slovak Republic. Material and method: Questionnaires were distributed to participating neurologists and patients in outpatient practices across the Slovak Republic. Sociodemographic variables – gender, age, age at onset, disease severity according to Hoehn and Yahr stage, phenotype of the dominating symptom of Parkinson’s disease and type of medication – were collected. The Slovak language version of the PDSS was used in a questionnaire to test sleep disturbances. Results: Data from 1,067 outpatients with PD were collected. Comparative analyses showed males and females not to be significantly different on the majority of the demographic and medical characteristics collected. Males had a slightly higher proportion of individuals with Hoehn and Yahr score 4 and, among those taking levodopa medication as monotherapy, males took significantly higher levodopa dose than females (p < 0.01). A significant difference in the distribution of PDSS subscores between males and females was observed on item 7 (distressing hallucinations at night) – score for males 8.22, for females 8.48, p < 0.05. Similar result was observed on item 8 (getting up to pass urine) – score for males 5.90, for females 6.53, p < 0.01., and F. Cibulčík, A. Hergottová, K. Kračunová, J. Benetín
It has become increasingly apparent in recent years that there are important differences of many cardiovascular disorders including ventricular tachycardias in men and women. Nevertheless, so far just few studies have addressed possible gender differences in electrophysiological characteristics of idiopathic ventricular tachycardia from right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT-VT), other than epidemiological ones. This study explored possible gender differences in electrophysiological characteristics and catheter ablation outcome in RVOT-VT patients. Ninety-three patients (mean age 38.7±15.5 years, 30 males) with idiopathic RVOT-VT were enrolled and analyzed in our study. Male patients had longer QRS width (99.9±19.4 ms vs. 88.4±20.7 ms, p=0.02). Female patients had lower right ventricular mean voltage (3.0±0.7 mV vs. 3.7±0.9 mV, p=0.03), and more low voltage zone over the right ventricular outflow tract free wall (27.0 % vs. 6.7 %, p=0.02). Eighty-one patients passed catheter ablation (23 males). The acute success rate, repeated catheter ablation rate and VT recurrence rate were similar in both genders. The present study provides evidence of the gender differences in electrophysiological findings in patients with idiopathic RVOT-VT. Studies on gender-specific differences in arrhythmia could lead to a better understanding of its mechanism(s) and provide valuable information for the development of optimal treatment strategies., S.-G. Yang, M. Mlček, O. Kittnar., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The aim of the present study was to compare the response to acute application of several drugs in adult male and female rats prenatally exposed to metham phetamine (MA). Spontaneous locomotor activity and exploratory behavior of adult male and female rats prenatally exposed to MA (5 mg/kg) or saline were tested in a Laboras apparatus (Metris B.V., Netherlands) for 1 h. Challenge dose of the examined drug [amphetamine - 5 mg/kg; cocaine - 5mg/kg; MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) - 5 mg/kg; morphine - 5 mg/kg; THC (delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol) - 2 mg/kg] or saline was injected prior to testing. Our data demonstrate that prenatal MA exposure did not affect behavior in male rats with cocaine or morphine treatment, but increased locomotion and exploration in females. Application of amphetamine and MDMA in adulthood increased activity in both sexes, while cocaine and THC only in female rats. Morphine, on the other hand, decreased the activity in the Laboras test in both sexes. As far as sex and estrous cycle is concerned, the present study shows that males were generally less active than females and also females in proestrus-estrus phase of the estrous cycle were more active than females in diestrus. In conclusion, the present study shows that the pr enatal MA exposure does not induce general sensitization but affects the sensitivity to drugs dependently to mechanism of drug action and with respect to gonadal hormones., R. Šlamberová ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
In the article, the authors respond to the main arguments that were voiced during discussions of the results of the project ‘Sexual Harassment in Universities: Incidence and Perception’, which the authors’ team carried out in 2008-2009. They do not aim to defend the research itself, but rather to analyse the dominant discourse on sexual harassment in the Czech environment from a gender perspective. This is because they see a refusal to accept gender as a relevant analytical category. They argue for the fundamental role of gender in the conceptualization of sexual harassment and for further refinement of its significance in gender‑informed definitions of sexual harassment. In the authors’ opinion, these definitions do not sufficiently reflect the current state of gender theories. The main argument of the text concerns the relationship between sexual and gender‑motivated harassment. The gender perspective offers an intrinsically coherent conceptualization of sexual harassment, including its causes and options for handling individual cases. In the article, the authors discuss the extent to which the gender order is a precondition for sexual harassment. This view allows them to think also about the less discussed types of sexual harassment (e.g. homophobic harassment) or to consider the ambivalence of some situations in which sexual harassment occurs (i.e. the dynamics of pleasant and unpleasant feelings, women’s initiative, etc.). At the same time, it reveals that power inequalities do not result only from institutional hierarchies between teachers and students, but also from the logic of the existing gender order., Kateřina Kolářová, Irena Smetáčková, Petr Pavlík., Poznámky na str. 83-85 (23), Biografické poznámky o autorech článku na str. 85, Obsahuje bibliografii, and Resumé o klíčová slova anglicky na str. 75
The article deals with the questions of gender policy formation and women's participation in Lithuanian political and civil life. It is based on the results of the EU 5th Framework project 'Enlargement, Gender and Governance: The Civic and Political Participation of Women in the EU Candidate Countries'. Drawing on qualitative data from interviews with women politicians and activists, the article mainly describes gender mainstreaming as implemented through 'transversal' action plans for gender equality. These action plans assign responsibility to different units for the delivery of different objectives. The author points out that 'transversalism' involves no necessary change in policy-making structures or practice, and argues that gender mainstreaming continues to be designated as a distinct or separate policy space in Lithuania. The author also notes that the absence of a stable commitment to gender mainstreaming and the general policy culture of Lithuania are not conducive the evaluation and impact assessment activities in this area.
For better understanding of pathophysiological processes leading to increased retention of sodium as a consequence of hyperlipidemia, the properties of renal Na,K-ATPase, a key enzyme involved in maintaining sodium homeostasis in the organism, were studied. Enzyme kinetics of renal Na,K-ATPase were used for characterization of ATP- and Na+-binding sites after administration of fish oil (FO) (30 mg · day-1) or atorvastatin (0.5 mg·100 g-1 day-1) to healthy Wistar rats and rats with hereditary hypertriglyceridemia of both genders. Untreated healthy Wistar and also hypertriglyceridemic female rats revealed higher Na,K-ATPase activity as compared to respective untreated male groups. Hypertriglyceridemia itself was accompanied with higher Na,K-ATPase activity in both genders. Fish oil improved the enzyme affinity to ATP and Na+, as indicated by lowered values of K m and K Na in Wistar female rats. In Wistar male rats FO deteriorated the enzyme in the vicinity of the Na+-binding site as revealed from the increased K Na value. In hypertriglyceridemic rats FO induced a significant effect only in females in the vicinity of the sodium binding sites resulting in improved affinity as documented by the lower value of KNa. Atorvastatin aggravated the properties of Na,K-ATPase in both genders of Wistar rats. In hypertriglyceridemic rats protection of Na,K-ATPase was observed, but this effect was bound to females only. Both treatments protected renal Na,K-ATPase in a gender specific mode, resulting probably in improved extrusion of excessive intracellular sodium out of the cell affecting thus the retention of sodium in hHTG females only., N. Vrbjar ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy