Sbírka veršů českého i německého romantického básníka, spisovatele, cestovatele a lékaře židovského původu čerpá především z lidové slovesnosti jihoslovanských národů., Siegfried Kapper se ve svém díle zabýval i historií a písemnictvím jihoslovanských národů. Ze svých balkánských cest vytěžil také náměty, které se dotýkají dějin a identity Slovanů v Černé Hoře. Vznikly tak dva oddíly básnických "ohlasů", o nichž sám Kapper podotýká, že se "zakládají na pověstech a pamětech". V tomto konkrétním opusu se například snaží zachytit na příběhu rodu Crnojevců či na životě utlačovaných obyvatel ponížení, jehož obětí se stali lidé trpící pod tureckou nadvládou. V závěrečné, bojovně laděné poznámce této sbírky Kapper dokonce připomíná, že tyto verše jsou obrazem "ze strmých oněch hor nad mořem jaderským, na nichžto se chystá duch slovanský k velikému boji za svobodu" a tímto prohlášením deklaroval svou pevnou víru, že toto území brzy dosáhne samostatnosti a práva na sebeurčení., podává Siegfried Kapper, and Poezie v češtině pro dospělé, mládež a starší děti.
Recently, there has been rapidly growing interest in the effects of the microbiota on host physiology and behaviour. Due to the nutritional value of bacteria, gut microflora may be particularly important in species that present nuptial gifts during courtship. Here, we explore whether the presence or absence of gut microbiota in males and females of the nuptial gift-giving species Drosophila subobscura (Collin, 1936) alters mating behaviour in terms of female preference, male investment, and female fecundity. We found that females that had been fed antibiotics, compared to females with intact gut bacteria, were more willing to mate with a male that had been fed normally. However female fecundity was higher when both males and females lacked gut bacteria compared to both individuals having a full complement of gut bacteria. This implies that the presence of the microbiota acts to reduce female fecundity in this species, and that male gut bacterial content influences female fecundity. Our results provide further evidence to the growing consensus that the microbiota of an individual may have important effects on both reproductive behaviour and physiology, and suggest that it may also contribute to the nutritional value of the nuptial gift in this system., Benjamin S. Walsh, Chloe Heys, Zenobia Lewis., and Obsahuje bibliografii
The aims of our study were to evaluate plasma levels of gut hormones in children with Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) in comparison with healthy contro ls and to corr elate plasma concentrations of gut hormones with blood biochemistry, markers of metabolic control and with anthropometric parameters. We measured postprandial levels of specific gut peptide hormones in T1DM children. Amylin, glucos e-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1), ghrelin, leptin, pancreatic polypeptide (PP), and polypeptide YY (PYY) were assessed in 19 T1DM children and 21 healthy reference controls. Multiplex assay kit (LINCOplex®) was used for determination of the defined plasma hormone levels. T1DM subjects had significantly reduce d amylin (p<0.001) and ghrelin (p<0.05) levels, whereas GIP (p<0.05) was elevated when compared with healthy controls. Pl asma levels of other measured hormones did not differ statistically between the studied groups. Further analysis of T1DM patien ts demonstrated an association between body mass index and GL P-1 (r=0.4642; p<0.05), leptin (r=0.5151; p<0.05), and amylin (r=0.5193; p<0.05). Ghrelin levels positively correlated with serum HDL cholesterol (r=0.4760; p<0.05). An inverse co rrelation was demonstrated with triglycerides (TG) (r=-0. 5674; p<0.01), insulin dosage (r= -0.5366; p<0.05), and HbA1c% (r= -0.6864; p<0.01). Leptin was inversely correlated with TG (r= -0.6351; p<0.01). Stepwise regression analysis was performed to enlighten the predictive variables. Our study demonstrated an altered secretion pattern of gut peptide hormones in T1DM children. A close correlation was revealed between these peptides as well as with blood biochemistry, markers of me tabolic control and with anthropometric parameters. Further studies are essential to explore this issue in T1DM children., M. Huml ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy