Agonisté receptoru glukagon-like inkretinového peptidu 1 jsou také označovány jako inkretinová mimetika. Jsou to nové léky pro léčbu diabetu 2. typu, které mají významný antihyperglykemický efekt. Při výběru individuální léčby mohou být využity krátce i dlouze působící přípravky. Kromě glykemie ovlivňují i další faktory, z nichž v současnosti dominuje příznivý vliv na hmotnost a hypertenzi. Jsou popsány patofyziologické mechanizmy jejich účinku, farmakologické a klinické rozdíly a jejich využití v klinické praxi. Klíčová slova: agonisté glukagon-like peptidu 1 krátkodobě/dlouhodobě působící – glukagon-like peptid 1 – klinické efekty, Incretin glucagon like peptid-1 receptor agonists are also known as incretin mimetics. These are the new drugs for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, which have a significant antihyperglycemic effect. For the individual treatment can be used short- acting and long-acting drugs. In addition to glucose effect there are influenced another factors, especially weight and hypertension. The patophysiological mechanism of their action, pharmacological and clinical differences and their use in clinical practice are described. Key words: glucagon-like peptid 1 – glucagon-like peptid 1 agonists short-acting/long-acting – clinical effects, and Alena Šmahelová
Studie se zabývá nově objevenými písňovými tisky z první poloviny 17. století, jejichž repertoár se později stal součástí repertoáru v českých zemích., Kateřina Smyčková, Tomáš Slavický., Rubrika: Studie, and Anglický abstrakt na s. 277.
The final conference of project ProAct, a Coordination Action financed within the Regions of Knowledge activity of the European Commission, took place on 20th of September 2007 in Prague. In ProAct, four old and four new EU member states join forces in search of the best innovation of regional innovation policy implementation. The key factors of success in the South Moravian Region in the Czech Republic are political commitment, funding and appropriate regional conditions. The regional weaknesses are the lack of skilled people for business development support. and Jiří Loudín.
Innovation Biomedical Centre (IBC) is a multipurpose and newly constructed facility located near to the Institute of Experimental Medicine (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic) in Prague-Krč. It was erected between August 2007 and March 2008 at a total cost of 2,1 Mil EURO. IBC was inaugurated by Prime Minister Mirek Topolánek on October 7 2008. and Eva Syková.
Insect cold tolerance mechanisms are often divided into freezing tolerance and freeze intolerance. This division has been criticised in recent years; Bale (1996) established five categories of cold tolerance. In Bale's view, freezing tolerance is at the extreme end of the spectrum of cold tolerance, and represents insects which are most able to survive low temperatures. Data in the literature from 53 species of freezing tolerant insects suggest that the freezing tolerance strategies of these species are divisible into four groups according to supercooling point (SCP) and lower lethal temperature (LLT): (1) Partially Freezing Tolerant-species that survive a small proportion of their body water converted into ice, (2) Moderately Freezing Tolerant-species die less than ten degrees below their SCP, (3) Strongly Freezing Tolerant-insects with LLTs 20 degrees or more below their SCP, and (4) Freezing Tolerant Species with Low Supercooling Points which freeze at very low temperatures, and can survive a few degrees below their SCP. The last 3 groups can survive the conversion of body water into ice to an equilibrium at sub-lethal environmental temperatures. Statistical analyses of these groups are presented in this paper. However, the data set is small and biased, and there are many other aspects of freezing tolerance, for example proportion of body water frozen, and site of ice nucleation, so these categories may have to be revised in the future. It is concluded that freezing tolerance is not part of Bale's (1996) continuum, but rather a parallel, alternative strategy of cold tolerance., Brent J. Sinclair, and Lit