The article introduces a contemporary and highly controversial Indian politician, Narendra Modi, who appears to have had a tremendous impact on the political culture of India. It provides a brief account of his life, identifies the greatest achievements of his governance in the Indian state of Gujarat, and thereafter, references the most sensitive issues conncted with his existing political mission, as well as his personality traits. Since the article is written some months ahead of the upcoming elections to the Lok Sabha, the Indian parliament, Modi is presented here as a front runner for the post of prime minister., Zdeněk Štipl., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Autor přibližuje politické sbližování mezi slovenskými katolíky a evangelíky na přelomu dvacátých a třicátých let minulého století, které se odehrávalo hlavně s ohledem na pragmatické prosazování národních požadavků a vyvrcholilo přijetím takzvaného Zvolenského manifestu na podzim 1932, požadujícího slovenskou autonomii v rámci Československa. Podle recenzenta je dobrým vypravěčem složitých a dramatických událostí, který se spolehlivě orientuje v pramenech a literatuře a není nekritický při posuzování slovenské politiky, na druhé straně však jeho práci poněkud chybí širší středoevropský kontext., The author discusses the political rapprochement between Slovak Roman Catholics and Lutherans in the late 1920s and early 1930s, which took place mainly with regard to the pragmatic advocacy of national demands and culminated in the adoption of the ‘Zvolen Manifesto’ in the autumn of 1932, which demanded autonomy for Slovakia in legislative matters in Czechoslovakia. According to the reviewer, the author does a good job of conveying these complicated, dramatic events, is well oriented in the primary sources and secondary literature, and is critical in his assessments of Slovak politics, but his work fails to provide the broader central European context., and [autor recenze] Marek Šmíd.