Also in this issue is an article on another centre of excellence to receive the support of the European Commission with a grant. It is the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the ASCR where civil engineering and architecture are the main fields of application for research results. This tradition is more than 80 years old. Increased attention has been paid to safeguard the established heritage and its integration into the life of contemporary society. The complexity of problems of cultural heritage calls for a modern interdisciplinary approach and this was inaugurated in a systematic way in 1995 by founding a new department at the Institute - the Associated Centre for Historic Structures and Sites. The process has continued and now involves scientists from other research institutes and universities working at two research units - one in Prague and the other at the World Heritage City of Telč. and Miloš Drdácký.
The purpose of this project, coordinated by the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the ASCR, is to support basic research in chemical biology and genetics and offers Open Access to academic researchers. This infrastructure is equipped with state-of-the-art technology that includes an integrated robotic system for highthroughput screening, a system for automated microscopic highcontent analysis and an integrated robotic system for compound storage and management. Its mission is to create a national infrastructure for chemical biology comprised of the national compound collection and the database that enable identification of research tools and probes to be used in basic research and development of potential therapeutics. CZ-OPENSCREEN is a priority project within The National Roadmap of the Large Infrastructures and will serve as a National node in the ESFRI infrastructure EU-OPENSCREEN. and Luděk Svoboda.
Název Centrum pro výzkum věřejného mínění nebo jeho zkratku CVVM zná asi každý. Přinejmenším z televizního zpravodajství týkajícího se stranických preferencí, volebních modelů či předvolebních průzkumů. Málokdo však ví, že jed o pracoviště Sociologického ústavu AV ČR. Ještě překvapivější bude asi zjištění, že v CVVM pracuje pouhých 15 lidí. and Luděk Svoboda.
According to table of mortality of people in Czech Republic, more than 50 % of all deaths pertain to the heart disease and vascular disease and 50 % of these patients present the ischemic heart disease. Therefore build research center is needed that would be deal with these problems. and Bohuslav Ošťádal.