The main assumption of this research was to check and verify the behaviour of a few EPN (European Permanent Network) stations on both sides of the Teisseyre-Tornquist zone (T-T zone), which is located on Polish territory and crosses Poland almost in half. The selected EPN stations’ time series were a subject of frequency and phase analysis. The main purpose of the research was to verify if there is any correspondence between stations located on one and on the other side of the T-T zone. The idea was also to check if any geological phenomena occurs on examined stations through the behaviour of the stations. The chosen period of research was between 2003 and 2008. The stations’ selection is not coincidental, VLNS, LAMA, BOGO, JOZE, BOR1 and WROC were chosen, because they had the longest and constant solutions provided by EPN. Using wavelets as a tool for analysis, the authors detected biases in time series on chosen EPN stations (near T-T zone). Applying multiresolution wavelet analyses on different stations in the component Up the frequency bands were achieved. The authors decided to analyze the low-frequency bias (wavelet approximation band). The reason of using this tool was to analyze the frequencies and also to compare the frequency phase, in order to have more complex analyses of physical phenomena of the T-T zone in Poland., Pawel Kaminski, Mariusz Figurski, Karolina Szafranek and Krzysztof Kroszczyński., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Myofibril-bound creatine kinase EC (CK), a key enzyme of muscle energy metabolism, has been selected for studies of conformational changes that underlie the cellular control of enzyme activity. For fluorescence spectroscopy measurements, the CK molecule was double-labeled with IAF (5-iodoacetamidofluorescein) and ErITC (erythrosin 5'-isothiocyanate). Measurement of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) from fluorescein to erythrosin was used to obtain information about the donor-acceptor pair distance. Frequency-domain lifetime measurements evaluate the donor-acceptor distance in the native CK molecule as 7.8 nm. The Förster radius equals 5.3 nm with the resolution range from 0.2 to 1.0 nm. Erythrosin-fluorescein labeling (EFL) was tested for artificial conformational changes of the CK molecule with high-salt concentration treatment. The transition distance, defined by His-97 and Cys-283 and derived from a 3D model equals 0.766 nm for the open (inactive) form and 0.277 nm for the closed (reactive) form of the CK molecule. In this way, the resolution range of the used spectroscopy method is significant, concerning the difference of 0.489 nm. Nevertheless, the CK enzyme activity, assessed by the hexokinase-coupled assay, was diminished down to 1 % of the activity of the native enzyme. EFL is suitable for description of conformational behavior implied from the regulation of creatine kinase. However, the observed inhibition restricts EFL to studies of conformational changes during natural catalytic activity., M. Gregor, M. Kubala, E. Amler, J. Mejsnar., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Stať analyzuje Freudovu méně známou práci Projekt vědecké psychologie a pokouší se ukázat, že v kontextu jeho psychoanalytických prací se jedná o zcela ojedinělý počin. Freudův Projekt je především snahou založit teorii lidské mysli, jež by měla empirickou oporu v neurofyziologii (psychofyzice), která v té době dominovala vědeckému výzkumu, a mohla vysvětlit elementární klinické poznatky. Stať představuje základní principy takto pojaté neurofyziologie mysli, rozlišuje tři funkčně odlišné typy neuronů, resp. neuronových sítí a soustřeďuje se na Freudovo chápání pojmu vědomí na úrovni neurofyziologického výkladu. Cílem je ukázat, že Freudův přístup k teorii vědomí anticipuje některé pozdější neurovědecké poznatky, připomíná hledání neurofyziologických korelátů vědomí, má některé charakteristiky emergentismu a někteří současní, zvláště neuropsychoanalyticky orientovaní autoři, nacházejí v tezích Projektu řadu styčných bodů se současným neurovědeckým výzkumem., The paper analyzes Freud's little-known manuscript Project for a Scientific Psychology and attempts to show that in the context of his psychoanalytic issues the Project is completely unique piece. Freud's aim here is to establish a theory of human mind, which would be empirically supported by neurophysiology (psychophysics) prevailing in the scientific research at that time and could explain the fundamental clinical knowledge. First the basic principles of his concept of neurophysiology of mind are introduced, three functionally distinct types of neurons and neuronal networks distinguished, and then Freud's understanding of the concept of consciousness at the level of neurophysiological interpretation is articulated. The aim is to show that Freud's approach to the theory of consciousness anticipates some of the later neuroscientific knowledge. It reminds us a quest for neurophysiological correlates of consciousness and has some characteristics of emergentism. Some contemporary, especially neuropsychoanalytically minded authors find in the theses of the Project number of points common to the current neuroscientific research., Michal Polák., and Obsahuje seznam literatury
Soubor šesti přednášek, v nichž se významný literární teoretik a básník Otokar Fischer věnoval filozofickému i básnickému dílu jednoho z nejprovokativnějších i nejvlivnějších německých filozofů. and Otokar Fischer