To study the possibility of immunization against Cryptosporidium baileyi Current, Upton et Haynes, 1986 with the attenuated anticoccidial vaccine, Paracox™ and oocysts of C. parvum Tyzzer, 1912, chickens were inoculated orally with either 3 x 10’ vaccine oocysts or 8 x I O5 C, baileyi or C. parvum oocysts at 1 week of age. The inoculation with Paracox™ vaccine and C. parvum oocysts was repeated at 2 and 3 weeks of age. Uninfected birds served as controls. All animals with the exception of one uninfected group were challenged orally with either 8 x 105 C. baileyi or 3 x 10s Eimeria tenella Railliet et Lucet, 1891 oocysts at 4 weeks of age. Sera were collected at 4 weeks of age, and were examined by ELISA using C. baileyi antigens. Birds inoculated with C. parvum oocysts did not shed C. parvum oocysts in their faeces, but anticryptosporidial antibodies could be detected in the sera. The total oocyst output of C. parvum inoculated chickens was 17% of that of previously uninfected birds after the oral challenge with C. baileyi. Considering that antibodies play no or only a minor role in resistance to C. baileyi, these results suggest that inoculation of chickens with C. parvum oocysts stimulated also cellular immune response. Based on the relative body weight gain, faecal scores, oocyst output, mortality, and caecal lesions in the birds immunized with Paracox™ vaccine and challenged with E. tenella, the vaccination induced only a moderate protection against the reinfection. The results of crossimmunization of chickens with Eimeria spp. and C. baileyi suggest that attenuated anti-eimerian vaccines do not induce any protection against cryptosporidial infection.
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is associated with complex neurocardiac integrity. We aimed to study heart rate time asymmetry as a nonlinear qualitative feature of heart rate variability indicating complexity of cardiac autonomic control at rest and in response to physiological stress (orthostasis) in children suffering from ADHD. Twenty boys with ADHD and 20 healthy age-matched boys at the age of 8 to 12 years were examined. The continuous ECG was recorded in a supine position and during postural change from lying to standing (orthostasis). Time irreversibility indices - Porta’s (P%), Guzik’s (G%) and Ehlers’ (E) - were evaluated. Our analysis showed significantly reduced heart rate asymmetry indices at rest (P%: 49.8 % vs. 52.2 %; G%: 50.2 % vs. 53.2 %; p<0.02), and in response to orthostatic load (P%: 52.4 % vs. 54.5 %, G%: 52.3 % vs. 54.5 %; p<0.05) associated with tachycardia in ADHD children compared to controls. Concluding, our study firstly revealed the altered heart rate asymmetry pattern in children suffering from ADHD at rest as well as in response to posture change from lying to standing (orthostasis). These findings might reflect an abnormal complex cardiac regulatory system as a potential mechanism leading to later cardiac adverse outcomes in ADHD., I. Tonhajzerová, I. Ondrejka, I. Farský, Z. Višňovcová, M. Mešťaník, M. Javorka, A. Jurko Jr., A. Čalkovská., and Obsahuje bibliografii
V tomto příspěvku shrneme současný vývoj v oblasti generace ultrakrátkých pulzů volných elektronů urychlených na vysoké energie, které budou v budoucnu sloužit ke studiu a zobrazování dynamiky elektronických excitací v pevných látkách a nanostrukturách. Za tímto účelem byly vyvinuty dvě optické metody využívající koherentní interakce mezi optickým polem a elektrony ve vakuu., In this contribution we review the recent progress in the field of ultrashort high-energy electron pulse generation for applications in time-resolved imaging of electronic dynamics in bulk solids and nanostructures. For this purpose, two novel experimental techniques have been developed based on the coherent interaction between optical fields and electrons in vacuum., Martin Kozák., and Obsahuje bibliografické odkazy
We performed a systematic study to check whether neurons in the area TE (the anterior part of inferotemporal cortex) in rhesus monkey, regarded as the last stage of the ventral visual pathway, could be modulated by auditory stimuli. Two fixating rhesus monkeys were presented with visual, auditory or combined audiovisual stimuli while neuronal responses were recorded. We have found that the visually sensitive neurons are also modulated by audiovisual stimuli. This modulation is manifested as the change of response rate. Our results have shown also that the visual neurons were responsive to the sole auditory stimuli. Therefore, the concept of inferotemporal cortex unimodality in information processing should be re-evaluated., P. Kaposvári ... [et al.]., and Obsahuje bibliografii a bibliografické odkazy
Studie Heleny Matějčkové se zabývá obchodními kontakty mezi hudebním skladatelem Antonínem Dvořákem a londýnským nakladatelem Augener & Co., In the course of research focusing on the history of publication of the works of A. Dvořák, printed editions have been discovered for five works that were issued in 1885 and 1886 by the London publishing house Augener & Co. The literature and sources concerning the life and work of A. Dvořák, however, make no mention of this publisher or of its editions of Dvořák’s music. The study maps the history and activity of the publishing house, devoting the greatest attention to describing the new sources and to consideration of the possible circumstances of their publication – Augener’s editions of Dvořák’s compositions appear to have been prepared on the basis of already issued printings by the Prague publisher F. A. Urbánek – and of aspects of publishing practice at the time, especially with regard to copyright issues., Helena Matějčková., Rubrika: Studie, and Anglické resumé na s. 265, anglický abstrakt 247.
The reports of analgesic effects of benzodiazepines are inconsistent. There is evidence of a hyperalgesic effect induced by activation of supraspinal GABAA receptors and an antinociceptive effect induced by activation of receptors located in the spinal cord (dorsal horns). The aim of the study was to discover whether the systemic administration of a benzodiazepine agent alprazolam increases the systemic analgesic efficacy of non-opioid analgesic ibuprofen. Experimental studies combining these agents have not yet been published. We used three experimental methods - writhing test (with acetic acid), tail-flick test and plantar test to assess analgesic action. The drugs were administered orally. Augmentation of the analgesic effect of ibuprofen by alprazolam was proved for the writhing test at a dose of 30 mg/kg of ibuprofen and alprazolam 1 mg/kg. The reaction time of the combination was significantly prolonged in comparison with ibuprofen alone. The results of the tail-flick test and plantar test were negative. The effect of ibuprofen was not enhanced by alprazolam in tests of acute thermal pain. Our results have demonstrated that the analgesic action of ibuprofen is only weakly enhanced by alprazolam., T. Doležal, M. Kršiak., and Obsahuje bibliografii
Let H be a finite abelian group of odd order, D be its generalized dihedral group, i.e., the semidirect product of C2 acting on H by inverting elements, where C2 is the cyclic group of order two. Let Ω (D) be the Burnside ring of D, Δ(D) be the augmentation ideal of Ω (D). Denote by Δn(D) and Qn(D) the nth power of Δ(D) and the nth consecutive quotient group Δn(D)/Δn+1(D), respectively. This paper provides an explicit Z-basis for Δn(D) and determines the isomorphism class of Qn(D) for each positive integer n., Shan Chang., and Obsahuje seznam literatury