Tato recenzní studie sleduje analogii, na níž založil svoji metodu bádání i psaní Douglas R. Hofstadter v knize Gödel, Escher, Bach (Praha: Argo – Dokořán 2012, 830 s.). Proti Hofstadterovu pojetí analogie, kromě jiného ilustrované zavádějícími příklady skladeb J. S. Bacha, je analogie v této studii precizována. Zároveň jsou ve studii napraveny nedostatky hudebních příkladů, jež by patrně neodhalili čtenáři bez přímé vazby na hudební teorii. Tyto aspekty sleduje tato studie až k závěru, že recenzovaná vlivná kniha, neprávem aspirující na metodologii veškerenstva, patří mezi poulárně naučnou literaturu., This book review study observes the analogy, which has formed a basis for Douglas R. Hofstadter’s method of research and writing in the book Gödel, Escher, Bach (Prague: Argo – Dokořán 2012, 830 p.). As opposed to Hofstadter’s concept of analogy, besides other issues illustrated by misleading examples of J. S. Bach’s composition work, the analogy in this study is given a more precise exactitude. At the same time the insufficiencies of musical examples, which would probably not be revealed by readers without direct linkage to the musical theory, are being corrected in this study. These aspects are followed in this study towards the conclusion, that the influential book under this review, wrongfully aspiring to the universal methodology, belongs to the general non-fiction literature., and Alena Hönigová, Jaroslav Mestek.
In Capillaria pterophylli Heinze, 1933, two lateral bacillary bands extend along the whole body in female and male worms. A ventral bacillary band is present in females only. The bacillary bands consist of glandular and non-glandular cells, and in the region between the nerve ring and the end of the sticliosome, ciliated sense receptors in tight connection with gland cells are present.